Luther publishes 95 Theses - start of Reformation
  • 1. When did Martin Luther publish his 95 Theses?
A) 1492
B) 1605
C) 1517
D) 1453
  • 2. What language were the 95 Theses originally written in?
A) Latin
B) English
C) French
D) German
  • 3. In which city did Luther post his 95 Theses?
A) Vienna
B) Wittenberg
C) Rome
D) Paris
  • 4. Who was the Pope at the time of Luther's 95 Theses?
A) Innocent III
B) Gregory XI
C) Benedict IX
D) Leo X
  • 5. How many theses did Luther include in his document?
A) 100
B) 150
C) 95
D) 75
  • 6. Which university was Luther affiliated with when he published the 95 Theses?
A) Oxford University
B) University of Prague
C) University of Wittenberg
D) University of Paris
  • 7. Which church door did Luther reportedly post the 95 Theses on?
A) Notre Dame Cathedral
B) All Saints' Church
C) St. Peter's Basilica
D) Westminster Abbey
  • 8. Who was the Holy Roman Emperor at the time of Luther's actions?
A) Ferdinand I
B) Francis I
C) Henry VIII
D) Charles V
  • 9. What form of communication spread Luther's ideas throughout Europe?
A) Printing press
B) Messenger pigeons
C) Carrier pigeons
D) Smoke signals
  • 10. What was the response of the Catholic Church to Luther's refusal to retract his views?
A) Promotion
B) Canonization
C) Atonement
D) Excommunication
  • 11. How did Luther's actions impact the concept of individual interpretation of scripture?
A) Encouraged it
B) Discouraged it
C) Criminalized it
D) Ignored it
  • 12. Who published the 95 Theses marking the start of the Reformation?
A) Martin Luther
B) John Calvin
C) Henry VIII
D) Pope Leo X
  • 13. Who famously defended the selling of indulgences against Luther's arguments?
A) Johann Tetzel
B) Philip Melanchthon
C) Martin Bucer
D) Ulrich Zwingli
  • 14. In what year was Martin Luther officially excommunicated by the Catholic Church?
A) 1517
B) 1530
C) 1545
D) 1521
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