A) In order to get to San Francisco, the Jeffersons traveled east on the highway. B) In order to get to san Francisco, the jeffersons traveled east on the highway. C) In order to get to San Francisco, the Jeffersons traveled East on the Highway. D) In order to get to San Francisco, the Jeffersons traveled East on the highway.
A) Mr. Adler likes to eat salads at his father's house in Washington D.C. B) Mr. Adler likes to eat salads at his Father's house in Washington D.C. C) Mr. Adler likes to eat salads at his father's house in Washington d.c. D) Mr. Adler likes to eat Salads at his father's house in Washington d.C.
A) The Harris Boys went to the East during vacation and visited New York and Vermont. B) The Harris boys went to the east during vacation and visited New York and Vermont. C) The Harris boys went to the East during vacation and visited new york and vermont. D) The Harris boys went to the East during vacation and visited New York and Vermont.
A) While watching The Wizard of Oz, we ate Oreo Cookies. B) While watching The Wizard of Oz, we ate Oreo cookies. C) While watching The Wizard Of Oz, we ate Oreo cookies. D) While watching The Wizard Of Oz, we ate Oreo Cookies.
A) While the my Class at Camino Pablo studied religion, we visited a Jewish temple and a Muslim church. B) While the my class at Camino Pablo studied religion, we visited a Jewish temple and a Muslim church. C) While the my class at Camino Pablo studied religion, we visited a Jewish temple and a Muslim Church. D) While the my class at Camino Pablo studied religion, we visited a Jewish Temple and a Muslim Church.
A) Wilson looked over the fence and said, "I love spying on freckles the dog." B) Wilson looked over the fence and said, "I love spying on Freckles the Dog." C) Wilson looked over the fence and said, "I love spying on Freckles the dog." D) Wilson looked over the fence and said, "i love spying on Freckles the dog."
A) "What do mean you didn't finish your homework?" Dad asked. "You will fail the Spanish test." B) "What do mean you didn't finish your homework?" Dad asked. "you will fail the Spanish test." C) "What do mean you didn't finish your homework?" Dad asked. "You will fail the Spanish Test." D) "What do mean you didn't finish your homework?" Dad asked. "You will fail the spanish test."
A) In California, the weather in January is much warmer than a summer day in Alaska. B) In California, the weather in January is much warmer than a summer day in alaska. C) In California, the weather in january is much warmer than a summer day in Alaska. D) In California, the weather in January is much warmer than a Summer day in Alaska.
A) Jennifer Jones would rather eat mexican food than eat at a Burger King restaurant. B) Jennifer Jones would rather eat Mexican Food than eat at a Burger King restaurant. C) Jennifer Jones would rather eat Mexican food than eat at a Burger King restaurant. D) Jennifer Jones would rather eat Mexican food than eat at a Burger King Restaurant.
A) Minute Maid juice is better tasting than Hawaiian Punch soda. B) Minute Maid Juice is better tasting than Hawaiian punch soda. C) Minute Maid juice is better tasting than Hawaiian Punch Soda. D) Minute Maid Juice is better tasting than Hawaiian Punch Soda. |