Child Psychopathology Test #1
  • 1. In regard to Depression, which of the following is NOT a speculation about why sex differences occur and why they emerge in adolescence?
A) neurological deficits
B) stress and coping processes
C) hormonal changes
D) social role changes
  • 2. Regarding childhood anxiety disorders, all of the following have been suggested EXCEPT
A) European American children have higher rates of Social Phobia
B) African American children have higher rates of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
C) Low Socioeconomic Status equally affects African American and European American children.
D) European American children have higher rates of Separation Anxiety Disorder
  • 3. Lucy is extremely angry. She experiences symptoms of tension, headache, trembling, screaming, stomach ache, and a loss of consciousness. She is most likely experiencing the culture-bound syndrome called
A) Bilis y cólera
B) Locura
C) Mal de ojo
D) Ataque de nervios
  • 4. Perseveration refers to
A) fabricating information to fill in the gaps
B) tedious and overly detailed responses
C) sticking to the same topics/words
D) losing meaningful connections between ideas
  • 5. According to Barkley's model of ADHD, the extent to which a child can inhibit behavior determines all of the following EXCEPT:
A) internalization of speech
B) deconstitution
C) self-regulation
D) working memory tasks
  • 6. _____________ is one of the most common symptoms of depression in adolescents.
A) subjective worthlessness
B) weight gain
C) nightmares
D) hypersomnia
  • 7. Belongingness, commitment, and shared attitudes are all involved in
A) soceioeconomic status
B) self-efficacy
C) race
D) ethnic identity
  • 8. Which of the following is NOT one of the 4 D's that a clinician should keep in mind when working with a child patient?
A) Data
B) Dysfunction
C) Danger
D) Deviance
  • 9. Snapping fingers, staring at lights, and scratching are forms of
A) self-relatedness
B) self-stimulation
C) all of the above
D) self-perception
  • 10. In contrast to case conceptualization, diagnosis provides
A) dimensional considerations
B) summary statements
C) theoretical approaches
D) broad applications
  • 11. According to Mash & Wolfe, when a child's behavior results in significant distress, he or she has a
A) disorder
B) dysfunction
C) dysregulation
D) disability
E) syndrome
  • 12. In order to be diagnosed with _______, a child must experience some symptoms before the age of 7.
D) None of the above
  • 13. Theory of mind deficits impact
A) interpersional interpretations
B) literal interpretations and rigidity
C) introspection
D) all of the above
  • 14. According to the DSM-IV, In order to be diagnosed, onset must occur before age 18 in all of the following EXCEPT:
A) Conduct Disorder
B) Tourette's Disorder
C) Encopresis
D) Mental retardation
  • 15. The experience of loss is a primary vulnerability factor for childhood depression. This perspective is related to
A) cognitive approaches
B) behavioral approaches
C) interpersonal approaches
D) biological approaches
E) psychodynamic approaches
  • 16. Low levels of parental involvement, poor child supervision, harsh and inconsistent discipline practices, and maternal negativity are risk factors for
A) Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder
B) Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder
C) Separation Anxiety Disorder and Social Phobia
D) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Bipolar Disorder
E) ADHD and Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • 17. Children with Autism are likely to face difficulty with
A) inhibition of irrelevant responses
B) all of the above
C) planning
D) impulse control
E) working memory
  • 18. Children with autism have difficulties _____________ their attention rather than ________________ their attention.
A) disengaging, shifting
B) shifting, disengaging
C) shifting, orienting
D) disengaging, orienting
  • 19. - Neurological disorder - begins w/in first few years of life with deceleration of head growth - only diagnosed in females - severely impaired language - psychomotor retardation - loss of social engagement
A) Fragile X
B) Prader-Willi
C) Rett's
D) Williams
E) Down's
  • 20. Which of the following disorders is diagnosed more in girls?
A) Fragile X
B) Conduct Disorder
D) Asperger's
E) Enuresis
  • 21. In regard to the cultural variations of anxiety, all of the following are true EXCEPT:
A) Fear of being hit by a car, along with war and suffocation, are common fears across culture
B) Thai children experience more internalizing that American children.
C) Culture-specific syndromes have been well studied in children
D) Test anxiety is more common in children with lower socioeconomic status
E) Co-morbidity of substance abuse is highest in the African American population
  • 22. Which of the following is true?
A) Children with Fragile X perform well on holistic sequential learning tasks
B) Children with Down's Syndrome have high level abilities in linguistic grammar
C) None of the above
D) Children with Williams Syndrome have high level abilities in language and grammar
  • 23. According to Baron-Cohen, Aspergers
A) should be viewed as a difference rather than a disorder
B) should be viewed as a distinct or different category of a disorder
C) should be combined with the diagnosis of high functioning autism
D) should be combined as a subtype of other diagnoses
  • 24. Which is a common method of suicide attempt in young children?
A) electrocution
B) pesticides
C) suffocation
D) starvation
E) firearm
  • 25. Which of the following is an inattentive symptom of ADHD?
A) Interrupts or intrudes on others
B) Has trouble waiting turn
C) loses materials necessary to complete tasks
D) None of the above
E) Has trouble engaging in leisure activity
  • 26. In a clinical interview, a child's prevailing present emotional tone can be described as their
A) behavior
B) affect
C) perception
D) thought pattern
  • 27. All of the following are possible causes of enuresis EXCEPT:
A) genetic heritability
B) lack of specific hormones during certain times
C) an overly punitive parenting style
D) lack of signaling process in the brain
  • 28. Specifically, children with schizophrenia who have complex hallucinations:
A) perceive that unrelated events are actually significant to one
B) experience several indistinct and unformed shapes or sound
C) have disordered thought content about misinterpretations of reality
D) experience much more organized, identifiable disturbances in perception
  • 29. Which of the following is a criticism of the DSM-IV TR?
A) all of the above
B) limits diagnosis to frequency counts
C) ignores situational/contextual elements
D) neglects complexities
E) focus on superficial symptoms
  • 30. According to the DSM-IV, to be diagnosed with Autism, there must be delays or abnormal functioning in at least one of the following areas, with onset prior to age 3 years, EXCEPT:
A) symbolic or imaginitive play
B) social interaction
C) intelligence
D) language as used in social communication
  • 31. ____________ is the only anxiety disorder specific to childhood.
  • 32. Little Chris doesn't want to go to sleep-overs when he is invited. This may be a sign of ______ avoidance behavior in Separation Anxiety Disorder.
A) profound
B) none of the above
C) mild
D) severe
E) moderate
  • 33. Ernest is an irritable, tense, sleepless little boy who is uncontrollably worried about his math tests, getting caught in an earth quake, being bitten by his neighbor's dog, and embarrassing moments with classmates at school. He often complains of stomach aches, dizziness, heart pounding, and short breath. Out of the following choices, Ernest is more likely to have:
  • 34. In terms of the family issues in anxiety disorders, a parent's excessive _________ can exacerbate a child's helplessness and incompetence.
A) all of the above
B) crying
C) affection
D) control
  • 35. Separation from parents is a normal fear in children who are ____ years old
A) 5
B) 6
C) 8
D) 7
  • 36. A hostile or negative attitude toward people of a distinguishable group based solely on membership that group:
A) Oppression
B) Prejudice
C) Marginalization
D) Power
E) Isms
  • 37. Some research suggests that, due to the _____ prevalence rates of ADHD-PI from childhood to adolescence, ____ remains stable while ______ declines.
A) stable, ADHD-PI, ADHD-C
B) declining, ADHD-PI, ADHD-C
C) declining, ADHD-C, ADHD-PI
D) stable, ADHD-C, ADHD-PI
  • 38. According to the US Surgeon General, suicide in youth peaks at
A) middle childhood
B) young childhood
C) late adolescence
D) early adolescence
E) middle adolescence
  • 39. Hyperphagia, temper tantrums, impulsivity, stubbornness, and OCD-like symptoms are related to
A) Fragile X
B) Rett's
C) Down's
D) Prader-Willi
E) Autism
  • 40. In children who have PTSD, preoccupations with intrusive stimuli are ______ symptoms; whereas, traumatic play would be categorized in the group of ________ symptoms.
A) avoidance/numbing, hyperarousal
B) avoidance/numbing, reexperiencing
C) reexperiencing, avoidance/numbing
D) reexperiencing, hyperarousal
  • 41. Children with ADHD-C have elevated rates of _________________.
A) parasomnias such as sleep walking and sleep terrors
B) dyssomnias such as bedtime resistance and difficulty arising from sleep
C) none of the above
D) sleep relatedinvoluntary movements such as teeth grinding and sleep talking
  • 42. According to lecture, which of the following is related to risk the development of CD?
A) coercive family functioning
B) academic underachievement
C) low self-esteem
D) none of the above
  • 43. All of the following are specific risks for suicide in males with depression, EXCEPT
A) vegetative symptoms
B) disruptive behavior
C) substance use
D) previous attempts
  • 44. The key to distinguishing OCD in children is
A) extreme distress that repetitive behaviors will interfere with functioning in different areas
B) extreme distress about repetitive behaviors that are in response to some dreaded response
C) None of the above
D) extreme distress that obsessions will make repetitive behaviors happen in public or around peers
E) extreme distress at the prospect of the obsessions or compulsions being interrupted
  • 45. The prefrontal-cortical-striatal network is a common pathway in the nervous system, associated with the multiple etiologies of
D) Autism
  • 46. In young children, when it comes to suicide, _________ is more important than _____________.
A) lethality of means, intent
B) severity of symptoms, intent
C) lethality of means, severity of symptoms
D) intent, lethality of means
E) intent, severity of symptoms
  • 47. Gossiping, ostracism, getting even, and third party retaliation are forms of _________ aggression and is more common in _______.
A) relational, boys
B) externalizing, girls
C) externalizing, boys
D) relational, girls
  • 48. Isms, such as racism and sexism, occur when
A) prejudice is combined with ethnicity
B) prejudice is combined with oppression
C) prejudice is combined with marginalization
D) prejudice is combined with power
  • 49. According to the Last et al. (1992) study, list the ages of onset for the following disorders: OCD, Social Anxiety, GAD
A) 11.3, 10.8, 7.5
B) 7.5, 8.4, 8.8
C) 10.8, 11.3, 8.8
D) 8.8, 8.4, 11.3
  • 50. Avoidant responses and limited coping skills when children and families perceive more threat to ambiguous situations refers to
A) the Chorpita model
B) the Barkley model
C) the FEAR effect
D) Kagan's behavioral inhibition
  • 51. A large amount of research suggests that deficits of _______________ in children with ADHD are related to ________ issues.
A) emotional inhibition, amygdala
B) self-regulation, septum
C) behavioral responses, cerebellum
D) none of the above
E) executive functioning, frontal lobe
  • 52. Eric has a tendency to react to frustration or provocation with hostility. According to lecture, we can say that this individual psychological factor may give him a greater chance of
A) poor language skills
B) academic underachievement
C) psychosis
D) suicide
E) lower intelligence
  • 53. Robert Dounty Jr. is just shy of his second birthday. When his mother puts him in his play pen, she notices that he has to put all of the blocks in one box and all of the balls in another. This would leave us to confirm that Robert has
C) Autism
D) None of the above. This is normal for his age.
  • 54. Certain psychological factors may influence suicide in adolescents, such as
A) loneliness, low socioeconomic status, poor health, and incongruent affect
B) impulsive aggression, history of assaultive behavior, neuroticism, low self-esteem, and perfectionism
C) none of the above
D) psychotic features, anorexia, introversion, and peer rejection
  • 55. Cultural context shapes
A) symptom presentation
B) all of the above
C) help seeking behavior
D) treatment response
E) expressive and receptive language
  • 56. Aggression toward people and animals Destruction of property Deceitfulness or theft Serious violation of rules These are common in
  • 57. Latino children with Anxiety have
A) all of the above
B) high separation worries
C) notableperformance fears
D) significant school and health concerns
E) none of the above
  • 58. Older children are more likely to express depression through symptoms of:
A) irritable mood, difficulty concentrating, feelings of worthlessness
B) depressed mood, psychomotor agitation, thoughts of suicide
C) anhedonia, psychomotor retardation, and sleeping or eating distrurbances
D) none of the above
E) irritable mood, sleeping or eating distrurbances, and difficulty concentrating
  • 59. The finding that CD is more common in African American and Hispanic youth is confounded with
A) none of the above
B) living in high risk violent neighborhoods
C) all of the above
D) limited employment possibilities
E) low SES
  • 60. In Tourette's Disorder, there is never a tic-free period for more than __ months.
A) 6
B) 12
C) 2
D) 3
E) 4
  • 61. Regarding the integrated theory of depression, which of the following are true?
A) Insnsitivity and rejection from caregivers influence negative schemas of the self and others
B) early onset may be particularly dangerous and represent continued impairment throughout important stages of development
C) Individual differences in temperament related to biological and genetic factors shape the parent-child interaction
D) All of the above
E) cognitive misrepresentations undermine competencies related to self-efficacy and social relations
  • 62. Adolescent CD:
A) Less violent
B) Equally likely to be girls as boys
C) Less severe
D) Less likely to engage in chronic anti-social activity
E) All of the above
  • 63. Tom Brandy is 12 years old and was recently seen by a psychologist. In the doctor's notes, it says that he has a fear of negative evaluation, believes others don't like him, believes social situations are unpredictable, and that others don't have similar interests to him. What primary diagnosis might we find in Tom's chart?
A) Oppositional Defiant Disorder
B) Major Depressive Disorder
C) Social Anxiety
D) Separation Anxiety Disorder
E) Conduct Disorder
  • 64. Which of the following is INCORRECT?
A) Developmental pathways become more rigid with age
B) Developmental pathways are more flexible and malleable in children
C) Developmental pathways suggest that development occurs in a coherent pattern
D) Developmental pathways explain the relationship between behaviors over time
E) Developmental pathways give clear causes and effects for each disorder
  • 65. According to Kagan's research, behavioral inhibition has to do with ___________, and is implicated in neurochemistry related to the _____________________, ______________, __________________, and ______________.
A) none of the above
B) language processing, temporal lobe, post central gyrus, frontal lobe, reticular formation
C) motor coordination, cerebellum, pons, medulla oblongata, frontal cortex
D) temperament, amygdala, cingulate, frontal cortex, hypothalamus
E) all of the above
  • 66. In this syndrome, girls may be less effected in terms of intellectual disability, gaze aversion, social anxiety, and shyness
A) Fetal Alcohol
B) Rett's
C) Down's
D) Williams
E) Fragile X
  • 67. The imitation of others' gestures is called ________ and is a ______ tic found in Tourette's Disorder.
A) echopraxia, complex motor
B) perseveration, simple motor
C) dyskinesia, simple motor
D) echolalia, phonic
  • 68. Crying, tantrums, freezing, or shrinking away may be prompted by _______ in ______.
A) all of the above
B) social situations, social phobia
C) reexperiencing, posttraumatic stress disorder
D) self stimulation, autism
E) suicidal ideation, depression
  • 69. Younger children with depression
A) none of the above
B) are more likely to express irritability, uncooperativeness, and apathy
C) are more likely to express unfounded somatic complaints
D) can have a hard time translating their distress into words
E) all of the above
  • 70. The prevalence of Mental Retardation is
A) 0.5-1.5%
B) 2.5-4%
C) 2-5%
D) 1-3%
  • 71. Which of the following is INCORRECT?
A) Development is linked to competence
B) Development proceeds from the simple to the more complex
C) Development limits contributions to different disorders
D) Development is related to how symptoms present at different times
E) Development is determined by a wide range of variables
  • 72. Anxiety sensitivity (McNally, 1989) refers to
A) the enduring experience of anxiety of one that is catastrophic
B) all of the above
C) a dispositional construct with a biological substrate
D) a tendency to attend to physical changes associated with anxiety
E) a perceptual process whereby anxiety signals that bad things are happening
  • 73. There are increased rates of depression, hopelessness in African American children who
A) have parents with less education
B) are boys
C) have experienced racial discrimination
D) all of the above
  • 74. Catastrophizing, overgeneralizing, and brutal self-recrimination are tendencies in _____ disorder.
A) Oppositional Defiant
B) Conduct
C) Generalized Anxiety
D) Separation Anxiety
E) None of the above
  • 75. _______is a specific problem in acquiring information that is independent of intellectual ability, other mental/medical condition and cultural factors, and must be measured via standardized tests.
A) None of the above
B) Adjustment disorder
C) Learning Disorder
D) Autism
  • 76. - Identity vs. Role diffusion - Formal cognitive operations (Abstract reasoning) - Imaginary audience - Personal fable - Self-concept greatly influenced by - peer acceptance and competency These developmental tasks are typical of
A) infants
B) late childhood
C) adolescence
D) early childhood
E) middle childhood
  • 77. All of the following are true EXCEPT
A) Suicides in African American children have decreased over time
B) In Latino populations, there is a high frequency of somatic complaints associated with depressed mood
C) Latino children are at a particularly high risk for suicide
D) African American children often present with low self-worth and isolation
  • 78. Enuresis is frequent in families with
A) all of the above
B) larger numbers
C) lower incomes
D) many separations
  • 79. In the Integrated (multifactorial, transactional) model of child and adolescent depression, cognitive representations of the self/others have bidirectional relationships with
A) Family experiences, biological/genetic features, and depression
B) Interpersonal competence, life stress, and depression
C) Depression, life stress, and biological/genetic features
D) interpersonal competence, family experiences, and life stress
  • 80. Common causes of Mental Retardation that originate in early pregnancy include
A) prenatal obesity and depression
B) anoxia and fetal malnutrition
C) prenatal depression and anxiety
D) maternal infection and substance abuse
  • 81. For the last 6 weeks, 10-year old Sid has had trouble going to school because he doesn't want to be away from his grandma. Every other night he dreams that she is going to die while he is in class. Those worries tend to follow him throughout the day, so he stays close from the moment he wakes up in the morning. Sid most likely could be diagnosed with
C) Specific Phobia
D) Depression
E) Child onset schizophrenia
  • 82. Reversals, transpositions, inversions, and omissions are typical problems in
A) Reading Disorder
B) Math Disability
C) Written Expression Disorder
D) Elmination Disorder
  • 83. Initiative vs. guilt High egocentrism Emerging emotional self-regulation Increased need for structure and rules Emergent ability to identify feelings Possible appearance of anxieties and fears The above developmental tasks are typical for children who are ______ years old.
A) 6-9
B) 1-2.5
C) 11.5-16
D) 9-11.5
E) 2.5-6
  • 84. An under-developed upper lip, a flattened nose, and widely spaced eyes are unusual facial features associated with
A) Rett's Syndrome
B) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
C) Down's Syndrome
D) Prader-Willi syndrome
E) Fragile X Syndrome
  • 85. Advantages of the DSM-IV include all of the following EXCEPT:
A) the allowance of summaries for multiple symptoms
B) the facilitation of research due to uncommon labels
C) the facilitation of the seeking and receipt of different services
D) the fostering of common language and communication
E) the use of descriptive labels to help locate research on disorders
  • 86. Little Billy hears voices. He has a lack of mirth and sleeps all day when he's not at school. In his mind, he can't do anything right, can't keep things in order, and thinks about what life would be like without him there. Over the last 3 weeks, all of this has made him very exhausted. He has symptoms of
A) Depression
B) Anxiety
C) Dysthymia
D) Schizophrenia
E) Autism
  • 87. According to the Last et al. (1992) study, list the ages of onset for the following disorders: SAD, GAD, Simple Phobia
A) 7.5, 11.3, 8.8
B) 8.8, 8.4, 7.5
C) 10.8, 11.3, 8.8
D) 7.5, 8.8, 8.4
E) 11.3, 8.4, 10.8
  • 88. When a mother's 2 chromosomes fail to separate and join with a father's 21st chromosome, this is associated with
A) Prader-Willi
B) Down's
C) William's
D) Rett's
E) Fragile X
  • 89. All of the following are normal developmental tasks for children who are less than one year old, EXCEPT
A) development of object permanence
B) reciprocal interaction
C) first steps and first words
D) differentiation of self from others
E) development of self-assertion
  • 90. Elvis Cresley's parents both frequently wet their pants when they were schoolchildren. According to genetic research, Elvis
A) is unlikely to frequently wet his pants
B) is more than 75% likely to do the same
C) none of the above
D) will not fequently wet his pants
  • 91. According to Bridge, Goldstein, and Brent (2006), which of the following are things that distinguish those who attempt suicide from those who complete suicide?
A) All of the above
B) Confiding plans ahead of time
C) Expressing wishes to die
D) Timing the attempt to avoid detection
E) Planning
  • 92. Trust vs. Mistrust, ______. Industry vs. Inferiority, ______. Initiative vs. Guilt, ______. Autonomy vs. Shame/doubt, ______. Identity vs. Role diffusion, ______.
A) birth to 1 year; 1-2.5 years; 2.5-6 years; 6-11 years; adolescence
B) birth to 1 year; 6-11 years; adolescence; 2.5-6 years, 1-2.5 years
C) birth to 1 year; 1-2.5 years; 2.5-6 years; 6-11 years; adolescence
D) birth to 1 year; 6-11 years; 2.5-6 years; 1-2.5 years; adolescence
E) birth to 1 year; 6-11 years; adolescence; 1-2.5 years; 2.5-6 years;
  • 93. A learning disorder is diagnosed if there is a discrepancy between ____________ and ______________ that is greater than 2 standard deviations from the norm.
A) all of the above
B) language, speech processing
C) achievement, academic success
D) self-regulation, behavior
E) achievement, IQ
  • 94. When we use dynamic sizing, we
A) develop a wide array of specific cultural group expertise and knowledge from various cultural perspectives
B) all of the above
C) adop scientific mindedness with a hypothesis testing approach rather than making assumptions
D) none of the above
E) flexibly consider whether the presentation is reflective of this particular individual or most individuals from the cultural group
  • 95. According to the multi-factorial, transactional model of childhood and adolescent depression, A = ______ B = ______ C= ______
A) Family experiences, Cognitive representations of the self and others, Biological and genetic influences
B) Cognitive representations of the self and others, Biological and geneti features, Family experiences,
C) Biological and genetic features, Family experiences, Cognitive representations of the self and others
D) Family experiences, Cognitive representations of the self and others, Biological and genetic features
  • 96. emotional impoverishment refers to
A) labile affect
B) all of the above
C) incongruent affect
D) circumstantial affect
E) blunted affect
  • 97. Matt Bamon hates turning in art projects because he is afraid he uses the wrong colors. At the park with Dad, he is great at basketball, but instead of playing with others at recess, he stares at them from his lonely swing. He constantly asks the cafeteria lady if his milk comes from free-range cows, because he "doesn't want to get mad-cow disease". After lunch, he tells the teaching assistant that he has a headache, and doesn't feel like participating in P.E. Matt displays markers of
  • 98. Psychopathology is reflected by impaired functioning given an individual’s relevant context, which refers to ________, __________, and ___________ variables.
A) situational, cultural, historical
B) social, developmental, family
C) diagnostic, genetic, neurological
D) none of the above
E) gender, ethnic, socioeconomic status
  • 99. _____________Enuresis is when the child has never been dry during the day, but _________ Enuresis is when the child has been dry for 6 months and then experiences symptoms.
A) Chronic, Recurrent
B) Chronic, Intermittent
C) Primary, Secondary
D) Secondary, Primary
  • 100. According to Beck, 2 of the 3 aspects of cognitive function in depression:
A) negative automatic thoughts and negative cognitive schemas
B) negative self-efficacy and negative adaptation
C) negative self-regulation and negative affect
D) negative social interactions and negative sensation feedback
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