Grade 6 Animal Kahoot
  • 1. Who Kidnapped Hecker?
A) Beluga
B) Snowie
C) Pepper
D) Mrs. Vegan
E) Skittle
  • 2. Is Walt Bald?
A) no
B) idk
C) didn't Ask
D) yes
E) Who Cares
  • 3. Who's the Stupidest Student in my class?
A) Skittle
B) Beluga
C) Hecker
D) Dont Ask
E) Pepper
  • 4. Who Is This
A) Hecker
B) Sussy Cat
C) Rick Astley
D) Mrs. Vegan
E) Beluga
  • 5. Who's Walt Favourite students
A) Skittle
B) Snowie
C) Beluga
D) Skittle-Chan
E) Hecker
  • 6. What is Alpabhet After "D"?
A) G
B) I
C) J
D) F
E) E
  • 7. What Comes Before 0?
A) 9
B) Only Allah Knows
C) -9
D) -1
E) 1
  • 8. Who Is This?
A) Joe Techer
B) Belu-Mom
C) Joe Papa
D) Hecker-Mom
E) Joe Mama
  • 9. When did "Walto Baldo" Get a new hair?
A) Never :)
B) Realy Soon
C) Idk
D) Its His Bussines.
E) Soon
  • 10. Where did Papa Beluga Goes?
A) Dont Ask Me
B) Get Some Milk
C) Date With Mrs. Vegan
D) He's Died XD
E) Idk
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