• 1. _____vary from one society to another. But in any given economy, production typically splits into three sectors
A) Economic system
B) Primary sector
C) Secondary sector
D) Tertiary sector
  • 2. Gains the raw materials and transform them into manufactured goods. This means, for example that someone from this extracts oil from earth then someone from the othe sector refines the petroleum to gasoline.
A) Secondary sector
B) Tertiary sector
C) Economic system
D) Primary sector
  • 3. This sector extracts raw materials from natural environments. Workers like farmers or miners fit well in this sector.
A) Secondary sector
B) Primary sector
C) Economic ssytem
D) Tertiary sector
  • 4. Involved services rather than goods. It offers services by doing things rather than making things. Thus, economic system is more complicated or at elast more sophisticated than the way things used go be for much of human history.
A) Primary sector
B) Economic system
C) Secondary sector
D) Tertiary sector
  • 5. It offers services by going things rather than making things.
A) Tertiary Sector
B) Primary Sector
C) Secondary Sector
  • 6. IMF.______.
A) International Monetary Fund
B) International Manual Fund
C) International Monetary Foundation
D) International Monetary Founder
  • 7. GATT was a forum for the meeting of representatives from________in 1947.
A) 30 member countries
B) 23 member countries
C) 20 member countries
D) 33 member countries
  • 8. EU is made up of______.
A) 28 member countries
B) 38 member countries
C) 37 member countries
D) 27 member countries
  • 9. WTO ______
A) World Tariff Organization
B) World Trade Open
C) World Trade Operation
D) World Trade Organization
  • 10. The general agreement on Tariff and Trade was established in____.
A) 1497
B) 1994
C) 1989
D) 1947
  • 11. This is the 5th key elements of Bretton Woods System.
A) The U.S dollar become the global currency.
B) The QAR become the global currency.
C) The Philippine peso dollar become the global currency.
D) The EUR become the global currency.
  • 12. WTO headquarters is located in______.
A) Geneva, Switzerland
B) Berlin, Germany
C) Paris, France
D) Manila, Philippines
  • 13. OPEC was originally comprised of _________.
A) Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar and Venezuela
B) Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Kuwait, Iran and Venezuela
C) Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Iran and Libya
D) Saudi Arabie, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and Venezuela
  • 14. WTO members states as of 2008
A) 152
B) 142
C) 164
D) 154
  • 15. Defined as organizations that exist as legal entities and have liabilities that are separate from its members.
A) Global Corporations
B) Corporations
C) Union
D) Company
  • 16. It is the independent multilayeral organization that became responsible for trade in services, non tariff related barriers to trade, and other broader areas of trade liberalization.
  • 17. Its is the most encompassing club of the richest countries in the world.
  • 18. It focused on trade goods through multinational trade good agreements conducted in many "rounds" of negotiation.
  • 19. The property is owned by government and allocated to all citizens, not only those with the money who afford it.
A) Socialism
B) Capitalism
C) Global Corporation
D) Corporation
  • 20. Companies that extend beyond the boarders of one country called_____.
A) Multinational
B) Union
C) Company
D) National
  • 21. Third element of Bretton Woods System is______.
A) Establishment of an overseer for these exchange rates.
B) Eliminating restrictions on the currencies of member states in the international trade
C) The expression of currency in terms of gold or gold value to establish a par value.
  • 22. The first big economic change is when people learned how to domesticate plants and animals, they realized that it was much more productive than hunter gather societues.
A) Agricultural Revolution
B) Industrial Revolution
C) Economic Revolution
  • 23. This sector extracts raw materials from natural environments.
A) Secondary Sector
B) Tertiary Sector
C) Primary Sector
  • 24. He first wrote about socialism and viewed it as a stepping stone toward communism, a political, and economic system in which all members of a society are socially equal.
A) Karl Marx
B) Franklin D. Roosevelt
C) Adam Smith
  • 25. It emphasizes profit maximization and competition as the main drivers of efficiency.
A) Capitalism
B) Socialism
C) Corporation
D) Global Corporation
  • 26. The IMF founded after_____.
A) Cold War
B) World War I
C) World War II
  • 27. OECD_____.
A) Organization for Economy Cooperative and Development
B) Organization for Environmental Corporation and Development
C) Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
  • 28. NAFTA_______.
A) North African Free Training Agreement
B) North American Free Trade Agreement
C) North American Free Training Agreement
D) North Africa Free Trade Agreement
  • 29. GATT_______.
A) General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
B) General Agree on Tariff and Trades
C) General Agreement of Tariff and Trades
D) Generalizing Agree on Tariff and Trade
  • 30. WTO______.
A) World Train Organization
B) Whole Trade Organization
C) World Trade Organization
D) Word Trade Organization
  • 31. OPEC_______.
A) Organization of Petroleum Engineer Countries
B) Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
C) Organization of Petroleum Economic Countries
D) Organization of Petroleum Engineer Course
  • 32. First big economic change
A) Agricultural Revolution
B) Economic Revolution
C) Industrial Revolution
  • 33. With the rise of industry came new economic tools, like stream enginee, manufacturing and mass production.
A) Industrial Revolution
B) Economic Revolution
C) Agricultural Revolution
  • 34. In the 1770's called the "invisible hand" of the market. The idea is that if one leaves a capitalist economy alone, consumers will regulate things themeselves by selecting goods and services that provide the best value
A) Adam Smith
B) Franklin D. Roosevelt
C) Karl Marx
  • 35. Includes jobs that provide many benefits to workers, like high incomes, job security, health insurance, retirements packages.
A) Secondary labor market
B) Primary labor market
C) Corporation
  • 36. Jobs provide fewer benefits and include lower skilled jobs and lower level service sector jobs
A) Secondary labor market
B) Primary labor market
C) Corporation
  • 37. Companies can produce their goods and services across many different countries. These companies that extend beyond one country are called multinational or transitional corporation.
A) Global Corporation
B) Capitalism
C) Corporations
  • 38. Defined as organization that exist as legal entities and have liabilities that are separate from its members.
A) Global Corporations
B) Economic System
C) Corporations
  • 39. WTO members states as of 2018
A) 152
B) 164
C) 154
D) 159
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