  • 1. A synagogue is a place of worship and community gathering for followers of the Jewish faith. It serves as the central hub for Jewish religious activities, including prayer services, Torah study, and cultural events. Synagogues are typically led by a rabbi, who guides the congregation in their spiritual journey and teaches them about Jewish traditions and values. These sacred spaces are adorned with religious symbols and artifacts, such as Torah scrolls, menorahs, and prayer shawls, which help create a sense of connection to the divine. Synagogues also play a vital role in fostering a sense of community among Jewish people, providing a supportive environment for socializing, celebrating holidays, and supporting one another in times of need. Overall, synagogues are not just buildings; they are vibrant centers of Jewish life and identity, where individuals can come together to connect with their faith, heritage, and each other.

    What is the main area of a synagogue called?
A) Sanctuary
B) Altar
C) Chapel
D) Shrine
  • 2. Which direction does the front of a synagogue usually face?
A) Mecca
B) Paris
C) Jerusalem
D) Rome
  • 3. What is the name of the platform where the Torah is read?
A) Bimah
B) Lectern
C) Pulpit
D) Chancel
  • 4. What is the holy day of the week in Judaism?
A) Sunday
B) Saturday
C) Shabbat
D) Friday
  • 5. What is the eternal light in a synagogue called?
A) Lantern
B) Candlestick
C) Ner Tamid
D) Chalice
  • 6. What is the primary language used in a synagogue service?
A) Hebrew
B) English
C) Latin
D) Arabic
  • 7. Which Jewish holiday celebrates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai?
A) Purim
B) Hanukkah
C) Shavuot
D) Passover
  • 8. What is the Sabbath meal called in Jewish tradition?
A) Hanukkah supper
B) Shabbat dinner
C) Passover feast
D) Yom Kippur breakfast
  • 9. What is the name of the Jewish New Year?
A) Purim
B) Hanukkah
C) Rosh Hashanah
D) Yom Kippur
  • 10. What is the name of the extra prayer service held on Shabbat and holidays?
A) Shacharit
B) Maariv
C) Musaf
D) Mincha
  • 11. Which Jewish festival commemorates the Exodus from Egypt?
A) Purim
B) Passover
C) Sukkot
D) Yom Kippur
  • 12. What is the name of the cubical structure that holds the Torah scrolls in a synagogue?
A) Shrine
B) Pulpit
C) Cabinet
D) Ark
  • 13. Which prayer shawl with fringes is worn by Jewish men during prayer?
A) Kittel
B) Tefillin
C) Yarmulke
D) Tallit
  • 14. What is the Jewish day of fasting and atonement?
A) Purim
B) Shavuot
C) Yom Kippur
D) Hanukkah
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