SSS 1 Chemistry - 3rd Assessment
  • 1. 1. In which of the following separation methods does chemical reaction occurs?
A) Precipitation
B) Chromatography
C) Distillation
D) Sublimation
  • 2. 2. The purity of a solid sample can best be determined by its :
A) Solubility
B) Boiling points
C) Conductivity
D) Melting point
  • 3. 3. The constituent of lead pigment can be separated by:
A) Fractional crystallisation
B) Chromatography
C) Fractional distillation
D) Filtration
  • 4. 4. Which of the following properties is not employed in the separation of a mixture?
A) Molar masses
B) Solubility
C) Boiling points
D) Densities
  • 5. 5. Ethanol is a product of fermentation of simple sugars. Which method is used to separate ethanol from the other products?
A) Fractional distillation
B) Boiling off the ethanol
C) Fractional crystallisation
D) Filtration
  • 6. 6. When a solid substance changes directly to a gas on heating without passing through the liquid state, the substance is said to have undergone:
A) Crystallisation
B) Evaporation
C) Melting
D) Sublimation
  • 7. 7. Fractional distillation is used to separate:
A) Substances which differ in their solubilities in a solvent
B) Gaseous, liquid or solid impurities from a mixture
C) An insoluble substance from a soluble substance
D) Liquids with different boiling points
  • 8. 8. A mixture of kerosene and water can be separated by:
A) Distillation
B) Crystallisation
C) Sublimation
D) Separating funnel
  • 9. 9. What is the mass number of an element if its atom contains 10 protons, 10 electrons, and 12 neutrons?
A) 22
B) 20
C) 32
D) 10
  • 10. 10. The electronic configuration of an atom is 2,8,8,2. The atomic number of the element is, therefore ----------:
A) Z15
B) 18
C) 20
D) 10
  • 11. 11. What is the percentage by mass of sodium in sodium hydroxide? (Na = 23, O = 16, H = 1)
A) 57.5%
B) 40.4%
C) 42.5%
D) 73.0%
  • 12. 12. What is the percentage by mass of sulphur in aluminium tetraoxosulphate (VI), Al2(SO4)_3. ( Al = 27, S = 32, O = 16)
A) 28.07%
B) 21.33%
C) 42.66%
D) 14.71%
  • 13. 13. How many electrons are in the ion F, If 19 F has neutron of 8?
A) 27
B) 11
C) 9
D) 8
  • 14. 14. Calculate the formula mass of tri lead tetraoxide Pb3O4 (Pb= 207, O = 16)
A) 586
B) 865
C) 685
D) 621
  • 15. 15. Calculate the formula mass of tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid H2SO4 (S= 32, H = 1, O = 16)
A) 64
B) 98
C) 102
D) 40
  • 16. 16. What is the molecular mass of calcium trioxonitrate (V) Ca (NO3)_2 (Ca = 40, N = 14, O = 16)
A) 160
B) 146
C) 164
D) 104
  • 17. 17. One of the following is the avogadro's constant:
A) 6.02 × 1032
B) 6.02 × 1023
C) 6.02 × 10-23
D) 6.02 × 10-32
  • 18. 18. The relative atomic mass of any element in grams contains -------- mole of atom
A) 4
B) 2
C) 1
D) 3
  • 19. 19. The sum of the relative atomic masses of all the atoms in one molecule of the substance is referred to as ----------
A) Relative atomic mass
B) Relative molecular mass
C) Relative avogadro's abundance
D) Relative abundance
  • 20. 20. The electronic configuration of an atom is: 2, 8, 7. What element is it?
A) Sulphur
B) Chlorine
C) Potassium
D) Argon
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