Warren G. Harding
  • 1. Where was Warren G. Harding born?
A) Ohio
B) Texas
C) New York
D) California
  • 2. Warren G. Harding served as the ___ President of the United States.
A) 35th
B) 26th
C) 32nd
D) 29th
  • 3. Warren G. Harding's presidency was known for advocating a return to:
A) Expansionism
B) Isolationism
C) Socialism
D) Normalcy
  • 4. Which international conference did Harding convene to discuss naval disarmament?
A) Yalta Conference
B) Washington Naval Conference
C) Tehran Conference
D) Marshall Plan Conference
  • 5. Who was Warren G. Harding's running mate during the 1920 presidential election?
A) Herbert Hoover
B) William Howard Taft
C) Calvin Coolidge
D) Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • 6. What was the name of Harding's campaign slogan in the 1920 election?
A) Return to Normalcy
B) Make America Great Again
C) Hope and Change
D) Change We Can Believe In
  • 7. Which legislation did Harding sign to limit immigration to the U.S.?
A) Patriot Act
B) Emergency Quota Act
C) Alien and Sedition Acts
D) Homestead Act
  • 8. What year did Warren G. Harding die in office?
A) 1923
B) 1929
C) 1925
D) 1920
  • 9. Which scandal involved officials illegally selling government oil reserves during Harding's administration?
A) Monica Lewinsky scandal
B) Teapot Dome scandal
C) Watergate scandal
D) Iran-Contra affair
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