Ordinal Numbers ex 1
__1. eighthA. 1st
__2. fifthB. 5th
__3. firstC. 3rd
__4. fourthD. 7th
__5. ninthE. 9th
__6. secondF. 4th
__7. seventhG. 10th
__8. sixthH. 8th
__9. tenthI. 6th
__10. thirdJ. 2nd
__11. eighteenthA. 11th
__12. eleventhB. 13th
__13. fifteenthC. 17th
__14. fourteenthD. 12th
__15. ninteenthE. 15th
__16. seventeenthF. 18th
__17. sixteenthG. 20th
__18. thirteenthH. 19th
__19. twelfthI. 14th
__20. twentiethJ. 16th
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