Genesis Ch.01
  • 1. And God called the light Day, and the darkness:
A) was named after the devil
B) was given no name
C) he called Night
D) was called Evil
  • 2. And God divided the light:
A) because it was too bright
B) so the light shone more brightly
C) from the darkness
D) into seven parts
  • 3. And God said, Let there be light:
A) and there was light
B) and the light tarried
C) and light did not come
D) and darkness prevailed
  • 4. And God saw the light:
A) that it was good
B) which lighted the whole universe
C) which shone brightly
D) which came from the sun
  • 5. Darkness was upon:
A) the dry land
B) the heaven and the earth
C) the face of the deep
D) the place where Adam and Eve lived
  • 6. Give one main reasons why God created the lights?:
A) to hide darkness
B) so that man could see himself
C) to give light upon the earth
D) so that man could work at night
  • 7. Give one main reasons why God made the great lights?:
A) so that man could see himself
B) to rule over the day and over the night
C) to illuminate the stars
D) so that there would never be darkness
  • 8. God created the firmament to:
A) make the stars shine brightly
B) hide the heavenly hosts
C) divide the waters from the waters
D) cause it to rain on earth
  • 9. God saw every thing that he had made, and:
A) behold, it was very good
B) He sat in admiration of His finished work
C) the angel rejoiced with Him
D) it was not quite to his satisfaction
  • 10. How many Great Lights did God make?:
A) one
B) three
C) four
D) two
  • 11. In the beginning God created:
A) the sun and the moon
B) the heavenly hosts
C) the heaven, the sun, the moon, and the stars
D) the heaven and the earth
  • 12. In whose image did God create man?:
A) in the image of the angels
B) in his own image
C) in the image of Lucifer
D) in the image of the angel Gabriel
  • 13. On what day did God create the male and the female?:
A) the seventh day
B) the sixth day
C) the second day
D) the third day
  • 14. On what day was the firmament created?:
A) the fifth day
B) the second day
C) the fourth day
D) the third day
  • 15. The earth was without form and:
A) flawless
B) filled with the beast of the earth
C) full of insects
D) void
  • 16. To whom did God give dominion over every living thing that moveth upon the earth?:
A) to the Serpent
B) to Adam and Eve
C) to Eve only
D) to Adam only
  • 17. What did God call the firmament?:
A) the Heaven of heavens
B) the light of the heavens
C) Heaven
D) the greater heaven
  • 18. What moved moved upon the face of the waters?:
A) the breath of life
B) the heavenly hosts
C) the Hand of God
D) the Spirit of God
  • 19. What was the last of God's creations?:
A) man and woman
B) land and water
C) plants
D) animals
  • 20. Where did God want the firmament to be?:
A) in the midst of the waters
B) over the waters
C) among the stars
D) in the midst of heaven
  • 21. Where were the greater lights and the lesser light placed?:
A) above the third heaven
B) amongst the heavenly hosts
C) in the highest part of heaven
D) in the firmament of the heaven
  • 22. Which of the following did God permit Adam and Eve to Eat:
A) every creeping thing
B) every kind of fish of the sea
C) every herb bearing seed
D) all the trees of the garden
  • 23. Which of the following did God permit the animals to Eat?:
A) every green herb
B) every fruit kind of fruit
C) every creeping thing
D) what every they could find to eat
  • 24. Which was created first?:
A) the land animals
B) the beasts of the field
C) creeping things
D) the sea creatures
  • 25. Which was created first?:
A) the vegetation
B) the firmament
C) the fowl (birds) of the air
D) creeping things
  • 26. Which was created first?:
A) the vegetation
B) the beasts of the field
C) the sea creatures
D) the man and woman
  • 27. Which was created first?:
A) the sea creatures
B) the moon and the stars
C) the land animals
D) the man and woman
  • 28. Which was created first?:
A) the great lights
B) the moon and the stars
C) the waters
D) the firmament
  • 29. Which was created first?:
A) the stars
B) the dry land
C) the sea creatures
D) the firmament
  • 30. Who helped God create everything in the six days?:
A) a host of other gods helped
B) No one, God did it all Himself, alone
C) the angels helped
D) the heavenly hosts helped
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