AIC SS 1 IRS Revision Test (2nd Term)
  • 1. 1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Al-Hadithul-Quds?
A) It is a saying of the Prophet Muhammad
B) It is considered to be divinely inspired
C) It is a sacred narration
D) It is part of the Quranic text
  • 2. 2. Al-Hadithul-Quds is often characterized by its:
A) Lengthy explanation
B) Historical context
C) Chain of narrators
D) Direct attribution to Allah
  • 3. 3. The longest Surah in the Quran is:
A) Suratul Mulk
B) Suratul Baqarah
C) Suratul Al Imran
D) Suratul Fathia
  • 4. 4. Amana Rasul refers to the belief in:
A) Divine Books
B) The Prophethood
C) The Day of judgment
D) Angels
  • 5. 5. The concept of Amana Rasul emphasizes the importance of:
A) Reciting the Quran daily
B) Performing Hajj
C) Respecting Elders
D) Following the Sunnah
  • 6. 6. Ash-Shirk refers to the sin of:
A) Praying five times a day
B) Associating partners with Allah
C) Fasting during Ramadan
D) Giving charity
  • 7. 7 The opposite of Ash-Shirk in Islamic belief is:
A) Sawm
B) Tawheed
C) Zakah
D) Solah
  • 8. 8. The term "Khulafau-r Rashidun" refers to:
A) The wives of the Prophet
B) The scholars of Islamic jurisprudence
C) The ten companions promised paradise
D) The rightly guided caliphs
  • 9. 9. How many Khulafau-r Rashidun were there in total?
A) Five
B) Three
C) Four
D) Seven
  • 10. 10. What is the literal translation of "Al-Hadithul-Quds"?
A) Holy book
B) Prophet Traditions
C) Divine Saying
D) Sacred Hadith
  • 11. 11. Al-Hadithul-Quds is believed to contain the words of:
A) Prophet Muhammad
B) Angel Jibril
C) Allah
D) The companions of the Prophet
  • 12. 12. Which Surah of the Quran is known as the "The Cow"?
A) Suratul al An'am
B) Suratul Baqarah
C) Suratul Fatiha
D) Suratul Iklas
  • 13. 13. Amana Rasul includes belief in all the Prophets mentioned in the:
A) Quran
B) Old Testament
C) Torah
D) New Testament
  • 14. 14. Amana Rasul emphasizes the importance of following the:
A) Culture
B) Family tradition
C) Sunnah
D) Popular opinion
  • 15. 15. Ash-Shirk is considered the greatest sin in Islam because it violates the principle of:
A) Taharah
B) Taqwa
C) Tawheed
D) Tawakkul
  • 16. 16. The Khulafau-r Rashidun ruled the Muslim community for a total of:
A) 50 Years
B) 40 Years
C) 30 Years
D) 20 Years
  • 17. 17. Al-Hadithul-Quds is often characterized by its direct attribution to:
A) Muhammad
B) Allah
C) The Companions
D) Angel Israfil
  • 18. 18. Which of the following is a common theme found in Al-Hadithul-Quds?
A) Stories of the Prophets
B) Ethical guidance
C) Historical events
D) Legal rulings
  • 19. 19. Which Surah of the Quran is known as "The Opening"?
A) Suratul Fatiha
B) Suratul Qariah
C) Suratul Nas
D) Suratul Ikhlas
  • 20. 20. The Study of Amana Rasul emphasizes the importance of following the teachings of:
A) The imam
B) The caliphs
C) The Prophets
D) The scholars
  • 21. 21. Al Quds means
A) Sacred
B) Honor
C) Only
D) Pure
  • 22. 22. The Quran contains _____ chapters
A) 144
B) 441
C) 141
D) 114
  • 23. 23. The Qur'an was revealed over the period of ___ years
A) 32
B) 40
C) 22
D) 23
  • 24. 24. The Surah are categorized under ___ groups
A) 114
B) 7
C) 441
D) 2
  • 25. 25. The Quran was arranged according to it mode of revelation
    A) False
A) False
B) True
  • 26. 26. Which category of the revelation focused on legal matters,social issues.
A) Suratul Qosos
B) Makkah Suroh
C) Madinah Suroh
D) Lamiyyah
  • 27. 27. Makkan suroh focus on matters of
A) Faith
B) Punishment
C) Sincerity
D) Fear
  • 28. 28. ____ played a vital role in development of Tafsir.
A) The Mujahid
B) The Sahaba
C) The Ansar
  • 29. 29. Abdullah ibn Uthman freed a slave called
A) Jash
B) Bilal
C) Ibn maqtum
  • 30. 30. Ibn Kathir is known with
A) One of the accompany to Madinah
B) Those that stood firm with the Prophet
C) Tafsir of the Quran
  • 31. 31. Amana Rasul is the ____ verse in Suratul Baqarah
A) 260
B) 200
C) 285
D) 310
  • 32. 32. Showing off one good deeds can be classified under As Shirk
A) Al Akbar
B) Al Mahruf
C) Al Asghar
  • 33. 33. Atheist are those who believe Allāh
A) None of the above
B) His one and only
C) The son of Mary
D) As a begotten son
  • 34. 34
    . الدِّينُ النَّصِيحَةُ.
    Can be found in Hadith
A) 8
B) 5
C) 6
D) 7
  • 35. 35. Hadith 9 was in Authority of
A) Abdulrahman
B) Muslim
C) Abdul Hadi
D) Abu Ruqoyyah
  • 36. 36. Hadith 7 was related by
A) An Nasai
B) At-Tirmidhi
C) Muslim
D) Buhari
  • 37. 37. The main lesson in hadith 9 is
A) Sincerity
B) Clarification
C) Ruling
D) Iman
  • 38. 38. Umar was ____ years younger than the Prophet
A) 3
B) 13
C) 12
D) 11
  • 39. 39. Abdullah bin Uthman had issue with people because
A) His wife
B) Hajj
C) Zakat
D) Piece of land
  • 40. 40. Abubakar is to Sidiq as Umar is to
A) Ah Lukman
B) Khotob
C) Faruq
D) Fatih
  • 41. 41. Uhud is a
A) Dorset
B) A strong enemy of Islam
C) Mountain
  • 42. 42 One of the prominent sahaba that did the first Hijrah was
A) Zunurain
B) Salman Al farisi
C) Zulqornain
D) Abdullah ibn Roba
  • 43. 43. Abdullah bin Uthman freed ____ from slavery
A) Bilal
B) Al Farisi
C) Salman
D) Al lalaqai
  • 44. 44. Abubakar was a kind hearted man
A) Non of the above
B) True
C) False
  • 45. 45. Umar gave his daughter ____ in marriage
A) Hafsoh
B) Maimuna
C) Aisha
D) Khodijah
  • 46. 46. ____ in his regime do go out to care for the people need
A) Ibn Maki
B) Al Faruq
C) Hamza
  • 47. 47. The fourth caliph was the son of
A) Abu Tolib
B) Abdul mutolib
C) Abu Lubaba
  • 48. 48. When ___ take a path, shaiton takes the other
A) Nuhain
B) Faruq
C) Musa al Ashari
D) Al farisi
  • 49. 49. Suratul Baqarah is also known as
A) The Cow
B) The last
C) The End
  • 50. 50. Zakat is the ____ pillar of Islam
A) 5
B) 2
C) 4
D) 3
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