• 1. Materials should take into account that the positive effects of instruction are usually advanced.
A) False
B) True
  • 2. It provides teaching points like those in the text book
A) None of these
B) Skill book
C) Multi media
D) Work Test
E) Textbook
  • 3. Ims can define the goals of the syllabus, and the _____ of the teachers and learners within instructional process.
A) Roles
B) Jobs
C) Works
D) Functions
E) None of these
  • 4. Explain the scope and the sequence of the lessons.
A) Textbook
B) Work text
C) Teachers Guide
D) None of These
E) Reference book
  • 5. It develops independent study through self paced instruction.
A) None of These
B) Workbook
C) Multimedia
D) Textbook
E) Module
  • 6. Instructional materials must be connected with _______________?
A) The teaching technique
B) None of These
C) The level of students
D) The course guide
E) Curriculum
  • 7. Also includes interactive courseware on various topics.
A) Work text
B) None of these
C) Module
D) Reference book
E) Multimedia Instructional Materials
  • 8. Ims give teachers more ______ to make the best use of their time and skills to do more real teaching.
A) Guide
B) Chance
C) Opportunity
D) Time
  • 9. One of the roles of IMs according to Cunningsworth is.
A) For reference
B) Reference source for learners on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, etc.
C) As a learning support
D) As a source of language.
  • 10. Materials shouldn't expose the learners to language in authentic used.
A) True
B) False
  • 11. it is usually accompanies the textbook
A) teacher's book
B) work test
C) None of These
D) reference book
E) skill book
  • 12. The common examples of these instructional materials are encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlas and manuals, etc.
A) none of these
B) Self Learning kit
C) Multimedia
D) Reference book
E) work book
  • 13. Materials should take into account that learners different learning styles
A) True
B) False
  • 14. it contains detailed rationale for textbook
A) reference book
B) skill book
C) None of These
D) teachers book
E) work test
  • 15. it provides guidance in planning the lessons from materials to suggested activities
A) workbook
B) teachers manual
C) module
D) none of these
E) textbook
  • 16. materials should rely too much on controlled practiced
A) true
B) false
  • 17. materials should permit a silent period at the beginning of the instruction
A) False
B) True
  • 18. Materials should take into account that the -------- of instruction are usually advanced.
A) great effects
B) positive effects
C) effects
D) great impact
E) positive impact
  • 19. materials should provide the learners with the opportunities to use the target language to achieve the ____________.
A) confidence
B) effective attitudes
C) opportunities
D) communicative competence
E) linguistic competence
  • 20. materials shouldn't help learners to develop confidence
A) true
B) false
  • 21. materials should maximize learning potential by encouraging ________,_________, and __________ involves which stimulates both right and left brain activities
A) physical, psychological and social
B) intellectual, aesthetic and emotional
C) opportunities, provision and adaptation
D) teacher, learners and writers
E) emotional, intellectual and aesthetic
  • 22. materials should achieve negative impact
A) true
B) false
  • 23. what is being taught should be perceived by learners as relevant and ______.
A) useless
B) itself
C) useful
D) important
  • 24. materials shouldn't take into account that learners different affective attitude
A) false
B) true
  • 25. the learners attention should be drawn to _____________ of the input
A) sociolinguistic features
B) linguistic competence
C) communicative competence
D) linguistic features
  • 26. it is the main reference for the entire course and usually chosen by the school
A) skill book
B) text book
C) work test
D) work book
E) module
  • 27. provides exercises and drills on specific skills listening, speaking, reading and writing.
B) reference book
C) text book
D) work book
E) work test
  • 28. combines the features of textbooks and workbooks and it provides teaching points like those in the textbook.
A) work test
B) reference book
C) skill book
D) none of these
E) text book
  • 29. it contains post-test, pre-test, lesson input, exercise, and drills - provisions for self spaced learning.
A) skill book
B) work test
C) module and self-learning kit
D) text book
E) work book
  • 30. it generally serves as the basis for much of the language input learners receive and the language practice the occurs in the ________
A) instructional materials
B) syllabus
C) classroom
D) none of these
E) curriculum
  • 31. one of the roles of instructional materials is to support more experienced teachers who have gain so much confidence in the language
A) correct
B) false
C) incorrect
D) true
  • 32. instructional materials is the source for presentation in research proposal
A) correct
B) true
C) false
D) incorrect
  • 33. integrating text with local culture will lessen the ________ and help students to read better.
A) difficulty
B) development
C) gap
D) activity
E) unfamiliarity
  • 34. a materials development refers to anything which is done by _____, ______ or ____ to provide source of language input, in ways which maximize the likelihood of intake
A) teachers, learners or writers
B) none of these
C) writers, teachers or learners
D) senator, president or vice mayor
E) learners, teachers or writers
  • 35. teachers produce materials play an important role in enbreging the gap between the _______
A) classroom
B) school
C) environment
D) curriculum
  • 36. materials should not rely to much on controlled practiced
A) false
B) True
  • 37. (Nunan 1991) Materials development is basically dealing with ______, adaptation and creation in teaching materials
A) provision
B) creation
C) none of these
D) selection
E) option
  • 38. based your materials in their situations.
A) Know your students well
B) none of these
C) Adapt well proven effective instructional materials
D) Create contextualize materials
E) Think smart and practical
  • 39. Learners must be ready to acquire the _____ being taught.
A) points
B) vocabulary
C) answer
D) idea
E) language
  • 40. source of activities for learners practiced and __________.
A) linguistic competence
B) Communicative competence
C) Communicative interaction
D) linguistic features
E) managable
  • 41. it is operationally defined as especially designed classroom tools which contain instruction to learners and teachers
A) Grammar
B) Communication
C) Language
  • 42. IMS can provide a detailed specification of content, even in the absence of the ________
A) students
B) teachers
C) interaction
D) syllabus
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