s- 5 Septimo A. Prendas y Sitios p.4
  • 1. Where are your hats?
A) My hats are on the table.
B) My hats are in the table.
C) My hats are under the table.
  • 2. What are our clothes?
A) our clothes are the pink, white, red,black,beige and purple
B) our clothes are the pink, yellow, blue,black,beige and purple
C) our clothes are the pink, white, blue,black,beige and purple
  • 3. Where is her dress?
A) His dress is in the box.
B) Her dress is in the box.
C) Their dress is in the box.
  • 4. What is Luisa's blouse?
A) Luisa's blouse is blue.
B) Luisa' blouse is blue.
C) Luisas' blouse is blue.
  • 5. Where are their shoes?
A) His shoes are in the closet.
B) Her shoes are in the closet.
C) Their shoes are in the closet.
  • 6. Where are his socks?
A) His socks are under the bed.
B) His socks are in the bed.
C) His socks are on the bed.
  • 7. Are our clothes dry?
A) Yes, they are. they are dry.
B) Yes, they are not. they are dry.
C) Yes, they is. they is dry.
  • 8. Is this Liz 's T- shirt?
A) No, it's not. her T- shirt is green
B) No, it's not. her T- shirt is yellow.
C) No, it's not. his T- shirt is yellow.
  • 9. What are your favorite color?
A) My favorite color is orange.
B) your favorite color is orange.
C) Her favorite color is orange.
  • 10. What color are Pablo's shoes?
A) They are black, white ang grey.
B) They are black, white ang green.
C) They are blue, white ang grey.
  • 11. Are you wearing a green tie?
A) Not, I am not. I am wearing a black and red tie.
B) No, I am not. I am wearing a black and red tie.
C) No, I am not. I am wearing a blue and red tie.
  • 12. Are Juie's and Claudia clothes ok?
A) Yes, their clothes are ok.
B) No, their clothes aren't ok.
C) No, their clothes aren' ok.
  • 13. what is his shirt?
A) His shirt is the pink.
B) His shirt is the red.
C) His shirt is the green.
  • 14. What is her skirt?
A) Their skirt is the pink.
B) Her skirt is the pink.
C) His skirt is the pink.
  • 15. what color are Sara's shoes?
A) They are yellow.
B) They is purple.
C) They are purple.
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