Food Chains Quiz - 3rd
  • 1. The living and nonliving things that interact in an environment is called a(n) _____
A) producer
B) consumer
C) food web
D) ecosystem
E) food chain
  • 2. An organism that makes its own food is a(n) _____
A) decomposer
B) food chain
C) consumer
D) food web
E) producer
  • 3. A(n) _____ shows how energy passes from one organism to another in an ecosystem.
A) herbivore
B) omnivore
C) carnivore
D) food chain
  • 4. An organism that eats other organisms is called a(n) _____
A) food chain
B) food web
C) consumer
D) ecosystem
E) producer
  • 5. An animal that eats other animals is known as a(n) _____
A) food web
B) herbivore
C) food chain
D) carnivore
E) omnivore
  • 6. An organism that breaks down dead plant and animal material is called a(n) _____
A) ecosystem
B) omnivore
C) carnivore
D) decomposer
E) herbivore
  • 7. A(n) _____ shows how food chains are linked together.
A) decomposer
B) food web
C) consumer
D) food chain
E) producer
  • 8. An animal that eats plants is called a(n) _____
A) carnivore
B) omnivore
C) food web
D) food chain
E) herbivore
  • 9. An animal that eats both plants and animals is called a(n) _____
A) food web
B) carnivore
C) omnivore
D) herbivore
E) food chain
  • 10. Producers use energy from the sun and can make their own food.
A) true
B) false
  • 11. Food chains begin with _____ that make their own food.
A) energy
B) decomposers
C) animals
D) producers
E) consumers
  • 12. Nutrients from dead organisms are recycled by _____.
A) producers
B) decomposers
C) consumers
  • 13. Consumers hunt, gather or store food because they
A) do not make their own food.
B) are very, very busy living organisms.
  • 14. This image shows an example of a
A) food web
B) food chain
C) habitat
D) ecosystem
  • 15. This image shows an example of a
A) food chain
B) food web
C) habitat
D) ecosystem
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