5-7 & 5-8 Part/Whole/Percent
What percent is 5 of 20?
60% of 50 is what number?
15 is 10% of what number?
Matt's basketball team played 30 games. They won 12 of those games. What percent did the team win?

A veterinarian examined 32 animals on Thursday. Of the animals she examined, 25% of them were dogs.

How many dogs did the veterinarian examine on Thursday?

24 dogs
8 dogs
25 dogs
 7 dogs
During a 90 minute school play, the main character was on stage 80% of the time. What amount of time in minutes was the main character on stage?
88.9 minutes 
112.5 minutes
72 minutes
 80 minutes
Brittany scored 90% on her test. She answered 45 questions correctly. How many total questions were on the test?
50 questions
60 questions
30 questions
 40 questions
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