Ratios Vocab Match Week 2
__1. $5/hour, 3 lessons per studentA. whole numbers and their opposites
__2. 1, -46, 35, 0, 15B. a comparison of numbers by division
__3. 2:3=8:12_1/2=50/100_36%=9/25C. Examples of integers
__4. 5 to 7, 6:5, 20 out of 30, 2/3D. a ratio that compares two different units
__5. 75/100, 75%, 34.9%E. a ratio that compares a number to 100
__6. Integer (definition)F. a statement of equality of two or more ratios
__7. Percent (definition)G. Examples of rates
__8. Proportion (definition)H. Examples of percents/percent proportions
__9. Rate (definition)I. Examples of ratios
__10. Ratio (definition)J. Examples of equal proportions
__11. Algebra (definition)A. a number sentence with an equal sign;shows equality of sides
__12. Balanced EquationB. math that uses variables to represent unknown values
__13. Equation (definition)C. a "number sentence" that shows a change in value
__14. EXAMPLE of variablesD. a letter (or symbol) used to represent an unknown amount
__15. EXAMPLES of equationsE. 4-g; 25a; 7k-(14+p)
__16. EXAMPLES of expressionsF. an equation that maintains equality on both sides
__17. Expression (definition)G. A, c, Y, r
__18. PEMDASH. 3b=27; 48=2(x+7); n-14= -2
__19. Variable (definition)I. 3x4; 3(4); 3p p=4
__20. Ways to show multiplicaitonJ. Indicates correct order of operations to solve math problems
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