Intro to Our Universe Quiz
  • 1. The study of our universe is called___
A) geology
B) space
C) astronomy
D) astrology
E) geography
  • 2. Our sun is actually a ________
A) planet
B) galaxy
C) nova
D) supernova
E) star
  • 3. Everything that exists, exists in _________
A) an atom
B) water
C) our cells
D) the sun
E) the universe
  • 4. Which of these is the largest?
A) solar system
B) Earth
C) Jupiter
D) Sun
E) galaxy
  • 5. An idea that has lots of evidence to back it up but that can not be proven is a(n) ___
A) law
B) hypothesis
C) educated guess
D) theory
E) prediction
  • 6. True or False.... A scientific theory can be proven
A) True
B) False
  • 7. True or False... A scientific law can be proven
A) True
B) False
  • 8. There are/is _____ Sun(s) in our galaxy
A) millions of
B) 100
C) three
D) two
E) one
  • 9. There are _____ galaxies in our universe
A) 10
B) 2
C) thousands of
D) 7
E) 100
  • 10. Our galaxy is called _____
A) the Milky Way
B) Alpha Centauri
C) the Solar System
D) none of these
E) a super nova
  • 11. To have gravity, an object must have ____
A) volume
B) electricity
C) mass
D) all of these
E) height
  • 12. Your body exerts or has its own gravity.
A) False
B) True
  • 13. Which of these would exert or have the most gravity?
A) you
B) Jupiter
C) a fly
D) an elephant
E) Earth
  • 14. When one object attracts or pulls on another object
A) the universe
B) gravity
C) supernova
D) pressure
E) none of these
  • 15. Gravity makes objects ____ when they are falling
A) all of these
B) slow down
C) speed up
D) move at a constant speed
  • 16. What keeps you on the ground?
A) pressure
B) density
C) acceleration
D) gravity
E) volume
  • 17. Gravity keeps our Earth ____
A) in orbit around the Sun
B) from growing 1000x larger
C) from exploding
D) from shrinking
E) none of these
  • 18. If you drop a penny and a baseball they fall ___
A) so that the penny hits first
B) at different speeds
C) at the same speed
D) none of these
E) so that the baseball hits first
  • 19. Gravity can pull on clouds to affect weather.
A) True
B) False
C) Never
  • 20. What makes our ocean tides rise and fall?
A) tornadoes
B) too much rain
C) the Moon's gravity
D) Earth's gravity
E) wind
  • 21. A container with no air is called or creates a ___
A) nebula
B) vacuum
C) supernova
D) planet
E) sun
  • 22. E.M. stands for___
A) emergency medical
B) emit motion
C) Earth's mass
D) electrical movement
E) electromagnetic
  • 23. Which of these types of waves are NOT on the EM spectrum?
A) all of these
B) x-rays
C) TV broadcast waves
D) radio waves
E) ocean waves
  • 24. What do scientists use to see the universe's galaxies?
A) none of these
B) all of these
C) binoculars
D) microscopes
E) telescopes
  • 25. Radiation is always bad.
A) False
B) True
  • 26. Matter that does not give off radiation that can be detected is _____
A) dark matter
B) a black hole
C) light matter
D) a supernova
E) a nebula
  • 27. Scientists believe that 90% of matter in the galaxies is ______
A) dark matter
B) makes up our sun
C) makes up planets
D) made of oxygen
E) light matter
  • 28. Objects that heat and light the planets are called____
A) stars
B) suns
C) radiation
D) wavelengths
E) none of these
  • 29. Our Sun is small in comparison to other stars in the universe
A) True
B) our Sun is not a star
C) False
  • 30. Stars are made of _____
A) liquid
B) iron
C) solid
D) metals
E) plasma
  • 31. The "light" given off by stars comes from ___
A) fire
B) oxygen
C) metal reflections
D) iron
E) constant nuclear reactions
  • 32. Stars are usually made of which 2 gases?
A) hydrogen and oxygen
B) helium and hydrogen
C) iron and oxygen
D) oxygen and nitrogen
E) helium and nitrogen
  • 33. There are many different kinds of light in our universe.
A) True
B) False
  • 34. Infrared, ultraviolet and x-rays are all forms of _____
A) solids
B) liquids
C) gases
D) supernovas
E) light
  • 35. A ball of gases that has many nuclear reactions is called_______
A) gravity
B) a planet
C) a star
D) a galaxy
E) mass
  • 36. What color is our Sun?
A) orange
B) red
C) invisible
D) white
E) yellow
  • 37. The color of a star depends on its _________
A) distance from s planet
B) gravity
C) size only
D) gases
E) surface temperature
  • 38. Higher temperatures create a__________star
A) white
B) red
C) orange
D) yellow
E) blue
  • 39. Lower temperatures create a ______ star
A) orange
B) white
C) blue
D) red
E) yellow
  • 40. A star's luminosity means its _______
A) temperature
B) gas type
C) brightness
D) size
E) volume
  • 41. A star's radius means its ________
A) color
B) orbit
C) size
D) temperature
E) density
  • 42. Our Sun has a _____ temperature compared to others in the universe
A) none of these
B) cooler
C) hotter
D) medium
E) below zero
  • 43. Like other organisms, stars have a _________
A) carbon cycle
B) nitrogen cycle
C) life cycle
D) all of these
E) water cycle
  • 44. Stars are born from huge clouds of _____
A) gas and dust
B) hydrogen and water
C) oxygen
D) nitrogen
E) water and dust
  • 45. The "beginning" of a star's life is called a _____
A) white dwarf
B) supernova
C) gamma ray
D) nebula
E) radiation wave
  • 46. A nebula that condenses and gets smaller is called a _____
A) giant nebula
B) solar sytem
C) galaxy
D) protostar
E) supernova
  • 47. The prefix "proto" means ____
A) middle of a cycle
B) early or before
C) older or after
D) none of these
  • 48. Right at the end of the protostar phase, a star becomes _____
A) a solid
B) explosive
C) more dense
D) all of these
E) less dense
  • 49. The star's heavy elements move___
A) to the center
B) out into the atmosphere
C) in horizontal lines
D) in straight lines
  • 50. After a star's main sequence, it becomes a _______
A) red giant
B) white dwarf
C) supernova
D) blue star
E) green star
  • 51. As a star cools it starts to ____
A) disappear
B) shrink
C) all of these
D) grow
  • 52. As a star begins to die, it becomes a _________
A) red dwarf
B) red giant
C) yellow giant
D) blue dwarf
E) white dwarf
  • 53. What is a super nova?
A) when a star's reactions stop and it explodes
B) when 2 stars collide
C) when a star's reactions speed up and it explodes
D) when 2 planets collide
E) when a galaxy explodes
  • 54. When a star has little or no fuel left, it is in its ______ stage of life
A) final
B) middle
C) first
D) 10th
  • 55. A star in its final stage becomes a ____
A) none of these
B) red giant
C) blue planet
D) white dwarf
E) yellow dwarf
  • 56. A black hole has so much gravity that ______
A) all of these
B) it explodes into a supernova
C) even light can not get out
D) light can escape easily
  • 57. No object can escape the gravity of a black hole.
A) False
B) True
  • 58. A huge amount of mass in a very small space produces a ___
A) universe
B) supernova
C) galaxy
D) solar system
E) black hole
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