Chapter 5 Test 8th World History
  • 1. a long poem about heroic deeds
A) epic
B) oracle
C) fable
D) myth
E) Mount Olympus
  • 2. a short tale that teaches a lesson
A) Mount Olympus
B) oracle
C) fable
D) myth
E) epic
  • 3. a priest or priestess who could tell the future
A) fable
B) oracle
C) Mount Olympus
D) epic
E) myth
  • 4. a traditional story about gods and goddesses
A) epic
B) fable
C) oracle
D) myth
E) Mount Olympus
  • 5. the highest mountain in Greece, home to the gods and goddesses
A) fable
B) myth
C) epic
D) oracle
E) Mount Olympus
  • 6. a time when Greek ideas spread to non-Greek people
A) Hellenistic Era
B) Philip II
C) Alexander the Great
D) Alexandria
E) legacy
  • 7. became king of Macedonia at age 20
A) legacy
B) Philip II
C) Hellenistic Era
D) Alexandria
E) Alexander the Great
  • 8. admirer of Greek ideas who planned to conquer Persia
A) Hellenistic Era
B) Alexandria
C) Philip II
D) legacy
E) Alexander the Great
  • 9. the most important city in the ancient world
A) legacy
B) Alexandria
C) Alexander the Great
D) Hellenistic Era
E) Philip II
  • 10. what a person leaves behind when he or she dies
A) legacy
B) Alexander the Great
C) Philip II
D) Alexandria
E) Hellenistic Era
  • 11. the astronomer who concluded that Earth is round
A) plane geometry
B) Epicureanism
C) Eratosthenes
D) solid geometry
E) Stoicism
  • 12. Happiness comes from doing your duty and following reason, not emotion.
A) Epicureanism
B) solid geometry
C) Stoicism
D) Eratosthenes
E) plane geometry
  • 13. a type of mathematics that relates points, lines, surfaces, and angles to each other
A) plane geometry
B) Epicureanism
C) solid geometry
D) Stoicism
E) Eratosthenes
  • 14. a type of mathematics that deals with spheres and cylinders
A) Epicureanism
B) solid geometry
C) Stoicism
D) Eratosthenes
E) plane geometry
  • 15. Happiness through pleasure is the goal of life.
A) plane geometry
B) solid geometry
C) Stoicism
D) Eratosthenes
E) Epicureanism
  • 16. Through mythology, the Greek people expressed their
A) political beliefs.
B) love of poetry.
C) love of sport.
D) religious beliefs.
  • 17. This Greek poet wrote many poems about heroic deeds, including the Iliad.
A) Croesus
B) Aesop
C) Odysseus
D) Homer
  • 18. The Greeks performed both types of drama— ____ —as part of religious festivals.
A) comedy and tragedy
B) comedy and myth
C) epic and tragedy
D) myth and fable
  • 19. The three best-known writers of Greek tragedies were Aeschylus, Euripides, and
A) Sophocles
B) Aristophanes
C) Aesop
D) Homer
  • 20. The three types of columns the Greeks used in their buildings were Doric, Ionic, and
A) Gregoric
B) Athenian.
C) Parthenon
D) Corinthian.
  • 21. This philosopher taught that the universe was governed by the same laws as music and numbers.
A) Herodotus
B) Plato
C) Aristotle
D) Pythagoras
  • 22. The word philosophy comes from the Greek word for
A) “love of science.”
B) “love of history.”
C) “love of wisdom.”
D) “love of mathematics.”
  • 23. Socrates was an Athenian sculptor whose true love was
A) teaching
B) debate
C) writing
D) philosophy
  • 24. After he compared 158 governments to find the best one, ____ wrote the book Politics.
A) Aristotle
B) Herodotus
C) Plato
D) Thucydides
  • 25. ____ is considered to be the “father of history.”
A) Plato
B) Aristotle
C) Herodotus
D) Thucydides
  • 26. About the time of 359 B.C., the Macedonian king Philip II was deemed a threat to Greek freedom according to ____, a lawyer and public speaker.
A) Aristotle
B) Plato
C) Demosthenes
D) Thucydides
  • 27. Alexander and his army defeated the local Persian governors in the Battle of
A) Syria
B) Granicus
C) Alexandria
D) Gaugamela
  • 28. Alexander kept a copy of ____ under his pillow.
A) the Iliad
B) History of the Peloponnesian War
C) Politics
D) the Odyssey
  • 29. After his death, Alexander’s empire fell apart because his
A) children did not like war.
B) army was sick with plague.
C) wife gave away the throne.
D) generals fought one another.
  • 30. In Hellenistic kingdoms, government business was conducted in the ____ language.
A) Macedonian
B) Egyptian
C) Persian
D) Greek
  • 31. The library at Alexandria was useful to students of literature and
A) geometry
B) language
C) science
D) philosophy
  • 32. The city of ____ was known as the center of Greek theater.
A) Alexandria
B) Rhodes
C) Athens
D) Zeno
  • 33. ____ is known as “the father of medicine.”
A) Hipparchus
B) Hypatia
C) Aristarchus
D) Hippocrates
  • 34. During the Hellenistic Era, ____ made major discoveries in math and astronomy.
A) stoics
B) physicians
C) armies
D) scientists
  • 35. Archimedes, a scientist, mathematician, and inventor designed the ____ to defend Syracuse.
A) bronze shield
B) iron spear
C) bow and arrow
D) catapult
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