Norse Mythology
  • 1. Norse Mythology encompasses the tales, beliefs, and legends of the pre-Christian Scandinavian people, including the Vikings. It includes a pantheon of gods and goddesses such as Odin, Thor, and Freyja, along with various mythical creatures like giants, dwarves, and elves. The myths often involve epic battles, quests, and the concept of fate. These stories not only entertained the ancient Norse people but also provided them with guidance on how to live their lives and understand the world around them.

    Who is the ruler of Asgard in Norse mythology?
A) Thor
B) Odin
C) Loki
D) Freyja
  • 2. Which creature from Norse mythology is said to herald the onset of Ragnarok?
A) Fenrir
B) Sleipnir
C) Jormungandr
D) Huginn and Muninn
  • 3. Who is the god of thunder and lightning in Norse mythology?
A) Thor
B) Tyr
C) Heimdall
D) Baldur
  • 4. What is the name of the end-time event in Norse mythology that signifies the ultimate destruction of the world?
A) Valhalla
B) Asgard
C) Yggdrasil
D) Ragnarok
  • 5. Who is the mischievous god associated with fire, magic, and trickery in Norse mythology?
A) Odin
B) Balder
C) Loki
D) Freyr
  • 6. What creature is Odin's steed in Norse mythology?
A) Muninn
B) Fenrir
C) Huginn
D) Sleipnir
  • 7. What is the name of the bridge that connects Midgard to Asgard in Norse mythology?
A) Freyja's Tears
B) Gjallarbru
C) Yggdrasil
D) Bifrost
  • 8. Who is the giant with whom Thor engages in a contest of strength in Norse mythology?
A) Hrungnir
B) Ymir
C) Thrym
D) Surtr
  • 9. Who is the goddess of the underworld in Norse mythology?
A) Idun
B) Freya
C) Frigg
D) Hel
  • 10. What is the name of the endless ash tree that connects the nine worlds in Norse mythology?
A) Yggdrasil
B) Baldur's Tree
C) Hvergelmir
D) Mimameid
  • 11. What is the name of the eternal winter that precedes Ragnarok in Norse mythology?
A) Ginnungagap
B) Mistfall
C) Fimbulwinter
D) Niflheim
  • 12. Who is the god associated with agriculture, weather, and the sun in Norse mythology?
A) Freyr
B) Heimdall
C) Njord
D) Baldr
  • 13. What is the name of the realm of the frost giants in Norse mythology?
A) Svartalfheim
B) Alfheim
C) Jotunheim
D) Vanaheim
  • 14. Which goddess is associated with love, beauty, and fertility in Norse mythology?
A) Sif
B) Hel
C) Freyja
D) Idunn
  • 15. What is the name of the great hall in Asgard where the slain warriors go after death?
A) Folkvangr
B) Valhalla
C) Asgard
D) Vanaheim
  • 16. In Norse mythology, what is the name of the wolves that chase the sun and moon?
A) Fenrir and Jormungandr
B) Huginn and Muninn
C) Skoll and Hati
D) Geri and Freki
  • 17. Which legendary Norse hero possesses a magical sword called Gram?
A) Attila
B) Sigurd
C) Beowulf
D) Egil
  • 18. Who is the guardian of Asgard and the Bifrost bridge in Norse mythology?
A) Balder
B) Freyr
C) Vidar
D) Heimdall
  • 19. Which two Norse gods are the sons of Odin and the giantess Grid?
A) Balder and Tyr
B) Thor and Loki
C) Vidar and Vali
D) Fenrir and Jormungandr
  • 20. Which sacred animals pulled the chariot of the Norse goddess Freyja?
A) Cats
B) Eagles
C) Wolves
D) Horses
  • 21. What is the name of the ship that will transport the gods to battle during Ragnarok?
A) Skiðblaðnir
B) Naglfar
C) Hringhorni
D) Ellerführer
  • 22. What is the name of the dragon that guards the treasure in Norse myth?
A) Svafnir
B) Jormungandr
C) Fafnir
D) Nidhogg
  • 23. In Norse mythology, what is the name of the heavenly realm reserved for the gods?
A) Asgard
B) Midgard
C) Jotunheim
D) Niflheim
  • 24. Which one of Odin's animals represents wisdom in Norse mythology?
A) Wolves
B) Horses
C) Goats
D) Ravens
  • 25. Which Norse god is associated with justice and law?
A) Mimir
B) Tyr
C) Forseti
D) Heimdall
  • 26. What is the name of Odin's magical spear in Norse mythology?
A) Gungnir
B) Tyrfing
C) Mjolnir
D) Freyr's Sword
  • 27. Which goddess is the wife of Odin in Norse mythology?
A) Frigg
B) Sigyn
C) Hel
D) Njord
  • 28. What is the name of the realm of the dead in Norse mythology?
A) Niflheim
B) Folkvangr
C) Helheim
D) Valhalla
  • 29. What creature is Sleipnir, Odin's steed, often depicted as?
A) Eight-legged horse
B) Dire wolf
C) Giant eagle
D) Dragon
  • 30. Who is the giant who is the first being in Norse mythology and from whose body the world was created?
A) Surtr
B) Ymir
C) Mimir
D) Jotunn
  • 31. What creature gnaws on the roots of Yggdrasil, the World Tree?
A) Nidhogg
B) Sleipnir
C) Jormungandr
D) Fenrir
  • 32. Who is the god of poetry and music in Norse mythology?
A) Bragi
B) Hermod
C) Forseti
D) Vidar
  • 33. What is the name of the mythical sword that Sigurd used to slay the dragon Fafnir?
A) Excalibur
B) Gram
C) Tizona
D) Durendal
  • 34. Which god is known for his skill in archery and skiing in Norse mythology?
A) Freyr
B) Heimdall
C) Ullr
D) Baldur
  • 35. In Norse mythology, what is the drink that grants knowledge and wisdom?
A) Ale of the Gods
B) Soma
C) Mead of Poetry
D) Elixir of Wisdom
  • 36. Who is known as the giantess that lures the god Freyr with an apple in some Norse myths?
A) Skadi
B) Freya
C) Gerd
D) Angrboda
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