genel 1
  • 1. One of the more common methods of both sending information out and collecting it from unsuspecting people is called________?
A) Spam
B) Viruses
C) Malware
D) Spyware
  • 2. What is Digital Age?
A) A phase in the Middle Ages
B) The current era characterized by the use of digital technologies
C) All of the above
D) A term reffering to the Stone Age
  • 3. What was the term "Big Data" refer to in the Digital Age?
A) Massive datasets that require advanced analytics
B) Extremely large physical documents
C) Extremely large physical documents
D) Larged-sized computer hardware
  • 4. LG introduces its first connected refrigerator with a $20,000 pricetag in what year?
A) 2001
B) 2000
C) 2003
D) 2005
  • 5. Which refers to the uses of internet-based social media sites to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, customers, or clients?
A) Social Networking
B) Video Sharing Sites
C) Wikis
D) Blogs
  • 6. She is a computer scientist and mathematicians is known for creating the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine, making her the world's first programmer.
A) Ada Lovelace
B) John von Neumann
C) Grace Hopper
D) Charles Babbage
  • 7. Who is often credited with designing the first programmable computer, known as the "Analytical Engine"?
A) Mauchly
B) Byron
C) Edison
D) Babbage
  • 8. What is the most popular forms of communication ever created by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876?
A) Computer
B) Calculator
C) Analytical Engine
D) Telephone
  • 9. What does the term "internet of Things" (IoT) refer to?
A) A network of interconnected smart devices that communicate and share data
B) The internet used exclusively for gaming
C) The latest version of internet browsers
D) A type of computer programming language
  • 10. This is used most often by cyber criminals because it's easy to execute and can produce the results they're looking for with very little effort is called_________?
A) Clicking
B) Hacking
C) Phishing
D) Fishing
  • 11. What is a common privacy concern associated with the widespread use of IoT devices?
A) Excessive device durability
B) Limited data storage capabilities
C) Unauthorized access to personal data
D) Improved user control over device functionalities
  • 12. This features interactive scenarios that enhance the real world with images and sound that create an altered experience.
A) Blockchain Data
B) 5G
C) Internet of Things
D) Augmented Reality
  • 13. What is one positive impact of technology on healthcare?
A) Increased paperwork and administrative tasks
B) Slower response time in emergencies
C) Limited access to medical information
D) Improved patient care and treatment options
  • 14. How has technology influenced entertainment consumption?
A) Increased cost of entertainment
B) Enabled on-demand and personalized entertainment choices
C) Decreased options for entertainment
D) Limited access to movies and music
  • 15. Which social media platform is known for sharing short video content?
A) Tiktok
B) Facebook
C) Twitter
D) Instagram
  • 16. What is the opposite of the Technological Determinism that believes that humans play a main role in shaping technology rather than technology shaping society?
A) Social Constructivism
B) Technological Determinism
C) None of the above
D) Technological Change
  • 17. In what way has technology impacted the economy?
A) Increased unemployment rates
B) Slowed down economic growth
C) Led to economic recession
D) Enhanced productivity and efficiency
  • 18. The act is committed against critical infrastructure of the Philippines the, penalty is between 12-20 years also known as?
A) Reclusion temporary
B) Reclusion temporal
C) Prison mayor
D) Prison major
  • 19. What is the use of computer modeling and simulation that enables a person to interact with an artificial three-dimensional (3-D) visual or other sensory environment?
A) Wi-Fi Eavesdropping
B) Cloud Computing
C) Virtual Reality
D) Automation
  • 20. How do IoT devices typically communicate with each other?
A) Through wired telephone lines
B) Through postal mail
C) Wirelessly through the internet
D) All of these
  • 21. What is "identity theft" in the context of Cybercrimes?
A) Creating fake social media profiles
B) Pretending to be someone else in online forums
C) A harmless online park
D) Stealing someone's personal information to impersonate them for fraudulent purposes
  • 22. What is type of software that collects personal information about you without you knowing?
A) Virus
B) Worms
C) Malware
D) Spyware
  • 23. Which of the following is a strong password practice?
A) Using the same password across multiple accounts
B) Using a combination of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols
C) Using the same password across multiple accounts
D) Regularly changing passwords every few years
  • 24. What is a major security challenge associated with the Internet of Things?
A) Lack of device connectivity
B) Incompatibility with modern networks
C) Excessive power consumption
D) Vulnerabilities in IoT device security
  • 25. What is the purpose of using "emotions" or "emoji" in online communication?
A) To make the message longer
B) To convey emotion or tone in text-based conversation
C) To confuse the recipient
D) To show off one's technical skills
  • 26. What is the ability of a digital computer or computer controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings?
A) Internet of Things
B) Artificial Intelligence
C) Virtual Reality
D) Augmented Reality
  • 27. Communication Technology in our society?
A) Reduced personal interaction
B) Students can access teaching materials from all over the world
C) Can help people to communicate trough online games
D) Increase in access to information and services that has accompanied the growth of the internet
  • 28. Amazon introduces the Echos speaker, along with the Alexa voice assistant---a new way in the year of_____?
A) 2020
B) 2023
C) 2008
D) 2014
  • 29. How do IoT devices typically communicate with each other?
A) Wirelessly through the internet
B) Through postal mail
C) Wirelessly through the internet
D) Through wired telephone lines
  • 30. Humans are slaves to technology as they are forced to adapt to the Technological environment that surrounds them which of Theories in Technology that belong?
A) None of the above
B) Technological Determinism
C) Technological Change
D) Social Constructivism
  • 31. What is malicious program that is disguised as, of embedded within, legitimate software. It is an executable file that will install itself and run automatically once it's downloaded?
A) Spyware
B) Spam
C) Trojan Horses
D) Ransomware
  • 32. Who developed the difference engine which tabulated polynomial equations using the method of finite differences?
A) Charles Babbage
B) Blaise Pascal
C) John Mauchly
D) Grace Hopper
  • 33. What is another method used by Cyber criminals to capture personal information?
A) Worms
B) Viruses
C) Wi-Fi Eavesdropping
D) Trojan Horses
  • 34. What is an emerging movement of products with integrated Wi-Fi and network connectivity abilities?
A) Internet of Things
B) Communication of things
C) Internet devices
D) Communication devices
  • 35. A new global wireless standard after 1G, 2G, 3G,and 4G networks is called_______?
B) 5G
C) Z1
D) ED1
  • 36. What is a common type of online fraud?
A) Pharming
B) Spamming
C) Malware
D) Phishing
  • 37. How does people allows to save time and combine their work and personal lives?
A) Work from outside of the Country
B) Teleworking (Work from Home)
C) All of the above
D) Work inside the Company
  • 38. What is a common characteristic of phishing attacks?
A) They are always detected and prevented by antivirus software
B) They attempt to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information
C) They are always detected and prevented by antivirus software
D) They involve physical break-ins
  • 39. What law in the Philippines approved on September 12,2012 which aims to address legal issues concerning online interactions and internet?
A) Republic Act No. 10173 Data Privacy Act of 2013
B) Republic Act No. 10173 Data Privacy Act of 2012
C) Republic Act No. 10175 Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012
D) Republic Act No. 10175 Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2013
  • 40. He is an English engineer and computer scientist best known as the inventor of the World Wide Web, who is he?
A) Jack Dorsey
B) Mark Zuckerberg
C) Timothy John Berners-Lee
D) Vinton Gray
  • 41. Which of the following is a type of malware that encrypts files and demands payment for their release?
A) Adware
B) Ransomware
C) Spyware
D) Trojan Horse
  • 42. What is an old internet that only allows people to read from the internet. First stage worldwide linking web pages and hyperlink?
A) Web 2.0
B) Web 3.0
C) Web 1.0
D) Web 1.1
  • 43. When humans first started communicating they would try to use language or simple picture drawings known as________?
A) Abacus
B) Phoenician Alphabet
C) Petroglyphs
D) Papyrus Plant
  • 44. What is collection of data that is stored in a computer system. Databases allow their users to enter, access, and analyze their data quickly and easily?
A) Database
B) Data transmission
C) Dataset
D) Data Communication
  • 45. What is a common privacy concern associated with the widespread use of IoT devices?
A) Unauthorized access to personal data
B) Excessive device durability
C) Limited data storage capabilities
D) Improved user control over device functionalities
  • 46. Which of the following is an example of an IoT device?
A) Basic mobile phone
B) Standard printer
C) Traditional desktop computer
D) Smart thermostat
  • 47. What is the environmental impact of technology usage?
A) No impact on the environment
B) Decreased use of natural resources
C) Positive contribution to environmental conservation
D) Increased pollution and waste
  • 48. What does the term "streaming" refer to in the context of the internet?
A) Fast downloading of files
B) Conducting online surveys
C) Real-time data transmission of audio or video content
D) Securing online transactions
  • 49. This is a more versatile and practical version of virtual Reality, as it does not fully immerse individuals in an experience, What it is?
A) Augmented Reality
B) Blockchain Data
C) Virtual Reality
D) Augmented Virtual
  • 50. Cryptocurrency Bitcoin is one of the example of_______?
A) Blockchain Data
B) Blockchain Communication
C) Blockchain Reality
D) Blockchain Message
  • 51. Amazon introduces the Echos speaker, along with the Alexa voice assistant - a new way in the year of_________?
A) 2023
B) 2020
C) 2014
D) 2008
  • 52. You are considering implementing ICT in education. What advantage can students gain?
A) Increased travel time to physical classrooms
B) Limited interaction with teachers
C) Decreased access to educational resources
D) Improved access to a variety of learning materials
  • 53. What is a network of resources a company can access, and this method of using a digital drive increases the efficiency of organizations?
A) Wi-Fi Eavesdropping
B) Automation
C) Cloud computing
D) Virtual Reality
  • 54. Why IoT is important?
A) Helps people live and work smarter, as well as gain complete control over their lives
B) One of the most important technologies of everyday life, and it will continue to pick up steam as more businesses realize the potential of connected devices to keep them competitive
C) All of the above
D) Enables companies to automate processes and reduce labor costs. It also cuts down on waste and improves service delivery, making it less expensive to manufacture and deliver goods
  • 55. Why does the number of Internet connected devices, by some estimates, exceeds 20 billion?
A) Because of many modern technologies
B) All of the above
C) Because of the COVID-19 pandemic many business faced significant challenges and turned into online businesses
D) Because of the new gadget that will be released
  • 56. What term describes a Cybercrime in which perpetrators gain unauthorized access to computer systems, networks, or data?
A) Hacking
B) Viruses
C) Malware
D) Identity theft
  • 57. In what way can IoT enhance decision-making in business?
A) Increased reliance on intuition
B) Improved data-driven decision-making through analytics
C) All of the above
D) Decreased need for strategic planning
  • 58. Which technology enables the decentralized and secure storage of digital transactions?
A) Mainframe computing
B) Blockchain
C) Analog computing
D) Cloud computing
  • 59. What is the purpose of Cybersecurity awareness training for individuals and organizations?
A) To teach hacking techniques
B) To increase vulnerability to cyber attacks
C) To promote ethical hacking practices
D) To raise awareness about potential internet threats and safe online practices
  • 60. Which type of server is an application that receives incoming e-mail from local users and remote senders and forward outgoing e-mail for delivery?
A) Application server
B) Policy server
C) Mailserver
D) File server
  • 61. When should you use proper capitalization and punctuation in online communication?
A) Only when communicating with close friends
B) Always, to ensure clarity and professionalism
C) Never, because it's not important in the Digital world
D) Only when writing formal emails
  • 62. What is a form of child sexual exploitation?
A) Child Pornography
B) Cyberbullying
C) Cyber Defamation
D) Cybersex
  • 63. Which of the following is a common internet security protocol used to encrypt data transmitted between a web browser and a web server?
B) IPsec
  • 64. What is a maximum penalty for Cybersex?
A) Penalty atleast Php 200,000 and or prison mayor
B) Penalty atleast Php 500,000 and or prison mayor
C) Prison mayor only
D) Penalty atleast Php 5,000
  • 65. What does "ISP" stand for in the context of the internet?
A) Internet Service Provider
B) Internet Support Program
C) Internet Security Protocol
D) Internet Search Provider
  • 66. What is the term "etiquette" a combination of?
A) Networking and Technology
B) None of the above
C) Internet and Etiquette
D) Network and Etiquette
  • 67. What is a penalty for Cyber Defamation?
A) Penalty at least Php 500, 000 and or prison mayor
B) Penalty of 1 year of imprisonment or prison mayor
C) Penalty of 20,000
D) Penalty of 6-12 years of imprisonment or prison mayor
  • 68. What is the violation, piracy or their of the copyright holders exclusive rights through the unauthorized use of a copyright material or work?
A) Computer Addiction
B) Plagiarism
C) Piracy
D) Copyright infringement
  • 69. What is "netiquette"?
A) A social media platform
B) A set of rules for polite and respectful behavior on the Internet
C) A type of computer virus
D) A social media platform
  • 70. Six years up to twelve years of imprisonment also known as?
A) Reclusion temporary
B) Reclusion temporal
C) Prison major
D) Prison mayor
  • 71. If you receive an email with a subject line in ALL CAPS, it is generally interpreted as:
A) The email is spam and should be deleted
B) The email contains confidential information
C) The sender is emphasizing the importance of the email
D) The sender is shouting or being rude
  • 72. What does the term "ransomware" refer to in the context of Cybercrime?
A) A software that provides free services
B) A legitimate form of remote work
C) A software that provides free services
D) Malicious software that encrypts a victims data and demands a ransom for its release
  • 73. Which of the following is an example of popular social networking platform?
A) YouTube
B) Amazon
C) Facebook
D) eBay
  • 74. What is a single digit in the binary numbering system (base 2). For example: 1 is a bit or 0 is a bit?
A) Byte
B) Bait
C) Byt
D) Bit
  • 75. What types websites have the primary goal of either providing educational materials to visitors or providing information on an educational institution to them?
A) Educational Website
B) Personal Website
C) Nonprofit Website
D) Media Website
  • 76. Which often refer is a computer program that provides service to another computer program and it's user?
A) IP address
B) Browser
D) Server
  • 77. What is Cybersecurity?
A) The study of the stock market
B) The practice of securing computer systems and networks from cyber threats
C) The science of artificial intelligence
D) A type of computer game
  • 78. Which of the following is not one of the "Ten Commandments of Etiquette" ?
A) Thou shall avoid eye contact
B) Thou shall be prompt
C) Thou shall be prompt
D) Thou shall respect personal space
  • 79. Which of the following is not example of Blogs?
A) Tumbler
B) Pinterest
C) Wordpress
D) Blogger
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