  • 1. It goes beyond the transformation approach.
A) Contribution approach
B) Transformation approach
C) Additive approach
D) Social Action approach
  • 2. It is a kind of approach which the ethnic heroes and holidays are included in the curriculumn.
A) Social action
B) transformation Approach
C) Contribution approach
D) Additive Approach
  • 3. It is a kind of approach where the students taught to view events and issues from diverse ethnic and cultural perspectives.
A) Transformation approach
B) Contribution approach
C) Social action
D) Additive Approach
  • 4. It is a unit or course in incorporated, but no substanial change is made to curriculum as a whole.
A) Social Action
B) Contribution approach
C) Additive approach
D) Additive approach
E) Transformation approach
  • 5. In this dimension students learn how to build knowledge themselves.
A) prejudice reduction
B) Content reduction
C) equity pedagogy
D) Knowledge Construction
  • 6. In this dimensions teacher extent the used examples and content from a variety of cultures and group to illustration, and issues within their subject area.
A) Content integration
B) empowering school cultures
C) prejudice reduction
D) Equity pedagogy
  • 7. it is a narrow sense as any institution in a society that works to socialize the group.
A) society
B) social dimeension
C) social institution
D) family
  • 8. The __ encouraged to respect the dignity of all especially the weak and powerless.
A) human solidarity
B) development based on justice
C) democratization
D) human rights
E) human rights
  • 9. Learners need to understand the interdependent relationship between humans and natural environment.
A) human rights
B) Sustainable development
C) democratization
D) developmental based on justice
  • 10. The right to social security is located at ___.
A) Article 24
B) Article 16
C) Article 29
D) Article 22
  • 11. Right to Education
A) Article 28
B) Article 16
C) Article 12
D) Article 26
  • 12. Right to own property
A) Article 17
B) Article 1
C) Article 27
D) Article 7
  • 13. Right to Equality
A) Article 7
B) Article 1
C) Article 1
D) Article 17
E) Article 26
  • 14. It the negative attitudes held against the young or the elderly.
A) looksism
B) classism
C) sexism
D) ageism
  • 15. It is a natural part of life.
A) Conflict
B) anger
C) calming
D) hate
  • 16. It also cause adverse effect on our health.
A) hate
B) anger
C) conflict
D) Calming
  • 17. It is a teaching strategies used to provide the participants with the opportunity to feel the situations rather than merely intellectualize about it.
A) problem solving
B) Role playing
C) simulation games
D) encouraging action
  • 18. It is a strategies where the opinions of each participant is briefly solicited.
A) role playing
B) Go- Round
C) journal writing
D) Interview. research
  • 19. It concerned with the specific economic system and the relationship between these parts.
A) microeconomics
B) both micro and macro
C) macroeconomics
D) none of these
  • 20. It concerned with the economy as a whole or large segment of it.
A) none of these
B) macroeconomics
C) both macro and micro
D) microeconomics
  • 21. it is when the students feel safe and secure
A) experiential education
B) cooperative learning
C) peaceable classroom
D) holistic education
  • 22. It is a kind of approach to peace eduacation that the discussion technique where partner group are formed.
A) visualization
B) Pair share
C) none of these
D) discussion
  • 23. It promotes cognitive affective and behavioral goals of learning
A) participation education
B) Holistic education
C) experiential education
D) cooperative learning
  • 24. It is the smallest social Institution
A) society
B) culture
C) all of these
D) family
  • 25. It is when the father plays the dominant role
A) Patrilocal
B) Matriarchal
C) Equalitarian
D) Patriachal
  • 26. It is when voth father and mother share in making decisions.
A) Patriachal
B) Equalitarian
C) Matriachal
D) Patrilocal
E) Matrilocal
  • 27. It isthe place for the contemplation of reality and task as a teacher is simplest terms.
A) Mall
B) School
C) Home
D) Church
  • 28. The purpose of schollinh is to socialize children imto various roles, behavior and values of society.
A) Economic purposes
B) Social purposes
C) Intellectual purposes
D) Political purposes
  • 29. The purpose of schooling is to inculcate allegiance to the existing political order.
A) Economic purposes
B) Intellectual purposes
C) Pollitical purposes
D) Social purposes
  • 30. The purpose of schooling is to teach basic cognitibe skills.
A) Economic purposes
B) Intellectual purposes
C) Pollitical purposes
D) Social purposes
  • 31. The purpose of schooling is for their later occupational roles.
A) Intellectual purposes
B) Political purposes
C) Social purposes
D) Economic purposes
  • 32. Who taught us that weapons are instrument of evil and not a good rules.
A) Janism
B) All of these
C) Toism
D) Buddhism
  • 33. Who taught us thatdoes not kill, nor cause other to kill, nor consent to the killings by others.
A) All of these
B) Taoism
C) Buddhism
D) Janism
  • 34. Percept "not to kill" is the foundation of ____?
A) Buddhism
B) Janism
C) None of these
D) Toism
  • 35. It is when the mother is the head of the family
A) Patriachal
B) Matrilocal
C) Matriachal
D) Equalitarian
  • 36. Freedom from slavery can be found in what article.
A) Article 1
B) Article 2
C) Article 4
D) Article 3
  • 37. When the newly married couple lives with the family of the husband.
A) Matriachal
B) Neolocal
C) Patriachal
D) Patrilocal
E) Matrilocal
  • 38. When the newly married couple live by themselves.
A) Matriachal
B) Matrilocal
C) Neolocal
D) Patrilocal
  • 39. When the newly married couple live with the parents of wife.
A) Matriachal
B) Neolocal
C) Matrilocal
D) Patrilocal
  • 40. One woman is married to two or more men at the same time.
A) Polyandry
B) Polygamy
C) Economy
D) Cenogamy
  • 41. A man is married to two or more woman.
A) Polygamy
B) Polyandry
C) Cenogamy
  • 42. When two or more men mate with two or morewomen in a group marriage.
A) Polygamy
B) Nome of these
C) Cenogamy
D) Polyandry
  • 43. Thisset of moral teaching and values that all religious have in some form.
A) Doctrine of salvation
B) Religious Rituals
C) A code of conduct
D) Belief in a deity
  • 44. Aethesists believe that no deity exist.
A) Belief in a deity
B) Relegious Rituals
C) Doctrine of salvation
D) Code of conduct
  • 45. Education serves the latent function of promoting political and social integration.
A) Social placement
B) Agent of change
C) Transmitting culture
D) Promoting social and polical integration
  • 46. Schools are responsible for identifying the most qualified people to fill available positionin society.
A) Agent of change
B) Transmitting culture
C) Social placement
D) Social control
  • 47. Education can stimulate or bring about desire social change.
A) Transmitting culture
B) Social control
C) Social placement
D) Agent of change
  • 48. Schools are responsible for teching values such as dicipline, respect, obedience, punctuality etc.
A) Social control
B) Transmitting culture
C) Agent of change
D) Social placement
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