Physical activity
  • 1. Physical activity refers to any movement that uses energy and involves muscle contractions, leading to increased expenditure of calories. Engaging in physical activity is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being. It can help prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. Additionally, regular physical activity can improve mood, reduce stress, and enhance quality of life. Activities like walking, running, swimming, and strength training all contribute to increasing physical fitness and promoting better health outcomes. It is recommended to aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week to experience the benefits of an active lifestyle.

    What is the recommended amount of physical activity per week for adults?
A) No specific recommendation
B) 30 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise
C) 240 minutes of light-intensity exercise
D) 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise
  • 2. What does BMI stand for in relation to physical activity?
A) Blood Muscle Increase
B) Body Movement Indicator
C) Brain Memory Intensity
D) Body Mass Index
  • 3. What type of activity can help improve flexibility?
A) Stretching
B) Cycling
C) Weightlifting
D) Swimming
  • 4. Which activity is an example of aerobic exercise?
A) Weightlifting
B) Yoga
C) Golf
D) Running
  • 5. What is the purpose of a cool-down after physical activity?
A) Causes dehydration
B) Helps to gradually decrease heart rate and blood pressure
C) Promotes fatigue
D) Increases muscle soreness
  • 6. What is a good way to stay motivated to be physically active?
A) Set realistic goals and track progress
B) Force yourself to exercise even when tired
C) Constantly compare yourself to others
D) Avoid variety in activities
  • 7. What is the term used to describe the number of times your heart beats per minute when at rest?
A) Resting heart rate
B) Exercise heart rate
C) Maximal heart rate
D) Recovery heart rate
  • 8. Which activity is an example of a moderate-intensity exercise?
A) Jumping jacks
B) Lifting heavy weights
C) Brisk walking
D) Sprinting
  • 9. What is the main role of physical activity in preventing chronic conditions?
A) Has no impact on chronic conditions
B) Promotes faster disease progression
C) Reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases
D) Increases susceptibility to illnesses
  • 10. Which of the following is a recommendation for incorporating physical activity into a daily routine?
A) Drive everywhere even for short distances
B) Spend long periods sitting without breaks
C) Avoid any movement whenever possible
D) Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • 11. What are the psychological benefits of physical activity?
A) Elevates anxiety levels
B) Increases feelings of isolation
C) Reduces stress and improves mood
D) Worsens cognitive function
  • 12. What is a common reason why some individuals avoid physical activity?
A) Lack of time
B) Too much energy
C) High fitness level
D) Boredom
  • 13. What type of exercise focuses on improving flexibility and balance?
A) Yoga
B) Running
C) Weightlifting
D) Cycling
  • 14. Which form of exercise is known for its low impact on joints and is often recommended for rehabilitation purposes?
A) Jumping rope
B) Basketball
C) Sprint running
D) Swimming
  • 15. What is the term for the process of gradually increasing the intensity of a workout over time?
A) Static stretching
B) Progressive overload
C) High-intensity interval training
D) Cooldown
  • 16. Which of the following can help prevent muscle cramps during physical activity?
A) Eating a heavy meal before exercise
B) Skipping warm-up
C) Proper hydration
D) Wearing extra layers of clothing
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