82910-33792 -M PACHO ,JACKY B :YALA -PROCESS (M)
  • 1. This is the ability to go on despite the obstacles
A) Fortitude
B) Perseverance
C) Patience
D) Endurance
  • 2. Those actions which stand neutral in relation to the norm of morality
A) Moral
B) None of these
C) Amoral
D) Immoral
  • 3. Digestion, heartbeat, sensation is an example of what act
A) Elicited acts
B) Acts
C) Human Act
D) Acts of man
  • 4. All external acts are mixed in as much as the outdoor activity which perfectly is but the expression and fulfillment of the interior acts of the will.
A) False
B) True
C) Yes
D) Maybe
  • 5. All human acts are internal in as much as they originate and the will which elicits or commands them.
A) Yes
B) True
C) False
D) Maybe
  • 6. Necessary to efficiently manage call loads and to mediate minor incidents.
A) Power
B) Duty
C) Service
D) Discretion
  • 7. One of the classification of voluntariness which person doing an act willfully regardless of whether he likes it or not.
A) Simple
B) Imperfect
C) Perfect
D) Conditional
  • 8. The following are the exemption to right to life ; except one:
A) Murder
B) Death under exceptional circumstances
C) Self-defense
D) Death penalty
  • 9. It is simply ignorance that cannot be overcome by ordinary diligence and effort or without being aware of having it
A) Invincible ignorance
B) Ignorance of the law
C) Ignorance
D) Vincible ignorance
  • 10. It guides the professional where the law is silent or inadequate.
A) Professional ethics
B) Professional job
C) Professionalism
D) Professional acts
  • 11. What is the most supreme corbel use of the philippine national police?
A) Any of these
B) Love of god
C) Love of country
D) Love of duty
  • 12. What is the first step of human acts?
A) Consent
B) Wish
C) Election
D) Intention
  • 13. It is the protection of individual against abuses of the states
A) Right
B) Bill of rights
C) Basic rights
D) Human rights
  • 14. This refers to the ignorance that can be overcome with due diligence and equal on part of the agent
A) Invincible ignorance
B) Vincible ignorance
C) Visible ignorance
D) Invisible ignorance
  • 15. This acts are deliberately , free and voluntary
A) Human acts
B) External acts
C) Acts of man
D) Internal act
  • 16. It is the virtue that attracts the intellect to choose the most effective means for accomplishing what is morally good and avoiding what is evil.
A) Justice
B) Integrity
C) Temperance
D) Prudence
  • 17. It refers to a calmness and composure in enduring situations
A) Patience
B) Courage
C) Endurance
D) Perseverance
  • 18. It implies that society has a duty to individual censorious needs and all individuals have duties to others in need.
A) Legal justice
B) Commutative justice
C) Destructive justice
D) Justice
  • 19. These are rights inherent to man by virtue of being a human being
A) Human rights
B) Human dignity
C) Human value
D) Humanity
  • 20. Refers to any physical force exerted on a person by another free agent for the purpose of compelling said person to act against his will. Bodily torture maltreatment isolation and mutilation are example of violence against person
A) Thrill
B) Fear
C) Violence
D) Action
  • 21. Those acts performed by will and are not bodily externalized
A) Human acts
B) Elicited acts
C) Commanded acts
D) Acts of man
  • 22. Voluntariness derived from latin words "voluntas" which refers to?
A) Action
B) Will
C) Just
D) Act
  • 23. Refers to any physical force exerted on a person by another free agent for the purpose of compelling said person to act against his will
A) Violence
B) Passion
C) Fear
D) Habit
  • 24. This is a list of individual liberties, freedom and rights which are guaranteed and protected under article 3 of 1987 philippine constitution.
A) Human rights
B) right
C) Rights
D) Bill of rights
  • 25. It guides the professional where the law is silent or inadequate.
A) Professional job
B) Professionalism
C) Professional act
D) Professional ethics
  • 26. Public official and public shall always uphold the public interest over and above personal interest the statement is
A) Falls
B) No
C) True
D) Yes
  • 27. What rights that cannot be transferred cannot be borrowed and cannot be taken away?
A) Inalienable rights
B) Natural right
C) Inherent right
D) Supreme rights
  • 28. The person who act without fully realizing what he means to do or intending the act.
A) Perfect
B) Imperfect
C) Simple
D) Conditional
  • 29. It demands respect for the equal human dignity of all person in economic transaction contract or promises.
A) Legal justice
B) Distributive justice
C) Commutative justice
  • 30. This is the ability to go on despite the obstacles.
A) Endurance
B) Fortitude
C) Patience
D) Perseverance
  • 31. In order to choose the correct answer during the board exam cardo's will commands is brain to recall pass creatures it refers to?
A) None of these
B) Internal act
C) Mixed act
D) External act
  • 32. It refers to the ability to last
A) Prudence
B) Calmness
C) Patience
D) Endurance
  • 33. It is a moral obligation because it depends upon freewill. As such it resides on person, beauty is defined by law, any willful neglect of duty makes the person accountable for such acts.
A) Responsiveness
B) Duty
C) Work
D) Habits
  • 34. The government grants officers these---- so they can enforce laws and maintain peace
A) Duty
B) Power
C) Discretion
D) Job
  • 35. This kind of values is necessary to the sensual need and fulfilment.
A) Irrational values
B) Biological values
C) Social values
D) Rational values
  • 36. It serves as guides of persons judgment concerning the morality of human act.
A) Moral
B) Immoral
C) Immoral
D) Ethics
  • 37. Implies that no one should not act as in the state of ignorance and that no one who has done wrong my not claim ignorance as defense.this is statement refers to
A) Ignorance of the law excuses no one
B) Ignorance of the law excuses every one
C) Ignorance of the law may excuses anyone
D) Ignorance of the law is a must
  • 38. It refers to highest form of rights
A) Inherent rights
B) Natural rights
C) Inalienable rights
D) Supreme rights
  • 39. The person is forced by circumstances beyond its control
A) Imperfect
B) Conditional
C) Perfect
D) Simple
  • 40. It is the study of the general principle of morality
A) Ethics
B) Specific ethics
C) Professional ethics
D) General ethics
  • 41. Cardo uses his eyes to read use to listen to review discussions and mouth to ask questions and clarifications and brain to a clarification. this scenario refers to?
A) Consent
B) Election
C) Use
D) Fruitation
  • 42. A police officer on witness is not called upon to express his view about the case nor to make a speech of the following the most accurate statement of the situation is that-
A) To tel the investigation process
B) Any of these
C) To tell the truth and nothing but the truth
D) To tell the truth and suggestions
  • 43. Those actions which stand neutral in relation to the norm of morality.
A) Immoral
B) Moral
C) Amoral
D) None of these
  • 44. The person fully knows and fully intends an act
A) Simple
B) Conditional
C) Perfect
D) Imperfect
  • 45. Aside from self studying carlo decide to enroll in a review center to gather more tips on how to top the criminology board exam,. scenario refers to?
A) Wish
B) Fruitation
C) Consent
D) Election
  • 46. Cardo felt so happy after seeing his name me the topnotchers of the criminology licensure examination . this scenario refers to?
A) Election
B) Fruitation
C) Wish
D) Consent
  • 47. This emotion refers to love, desires, delight ,hope and bravery
A) Less emotion
B) Negative emotion
C) Positive emotion
D) Pure emotion
  • 48. What is the opposite of virtue
A) Vice
B) Values
C) Passion
D) Habit
  • 49. This emotion refers to hatred , horror, sadness , despair , fear and anger
A) Pure emotion
B) Less emotion
C) Negative emotion
D) Positive emotion
  • 50. An example of police immorality is?
A) Always late
B) Not in uniform while driving police car
C) Living with another person at his wife
D) Smoking
  • 51. Where is out of choosing from among the different means necessary in realizing the intention. Thisreferring to what kind of elicited act
A) Use
B) Election
C) Consent
D) Fruitation
  • 52. Talking, walking, dancing, eating are example of
A) Acts of man
B) Human act
C) External act
D) Internal act
  • 53. Those actions which are and confirmed with the norm of morality and also refers to good,right , in line with norms of society.
A) Moral
B) Immoral
C) Amorall
D) Immoral
  • 54. Refers to a habit of doing good
A) Immoral
B) Vice
C) Ethics
D) Virtue
E) M
  • 55. It is the study of application of the general principle of morality; included in this division is the category of professional ethics.
A) Natural ethics
B) Ethical
C) Special ethics
D) general ethics
  • 56. Those acts are done either by man's mental or bodily powers under the command of the will.
A) Commanded acts
B) Elicited acts
C) Human acts
D) Acts of man
  • 57. It is a lasting readiness and facility, born of frequently repeated acts, for acting in a certain manner
A) Violation
B) Passion
C) Fear
D) Habits
  • 58. Those actions which stand neutral in relation to the norm of morality
A) Moral
B) Immoral
C) None of these
D) Amoral
  • 59. Those actions which stand neutral in relation to the norm of morality
A) Immoral
B) Amoral
C) Moral
D) None of these
  • 60. Those actions which stand neutral in relation to the norm of morality
A) Moral
B) None of these
C) Immoral
D) Amoral
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