• 1. On this year, the television camera tube was invented by Zvorkyn
A) 1923
B) 1837
C) 1455
D) 1755
  • 2. on what year does the Optical laser disc developed by Philips and MCA?
A) 1972
B) 1958
C) 1984
D) 1946
  • 3. This is a type of computer that is portable and integrates the essentials of a desktop computer in a battery-operated package.
A) wearable computer
B) mainframe
C) laptop
D) server
  • 4. the period that started in the last quarter of the 20th century is called ____.
A) generation gap
B) modern age
C) information age
D) generation x
  • 5. The invention of the telegraph in Great Britain and the United states happened on this year.
A) 1455
B) 1755
C) 1923
D) 1837
  • 6. on what year is ENIAC developed?
A) 1984
B) 1946
C) 1972
D) 1958
  • 7. these are computers that has been improved to provide network services to other computers
A) server
B) laptop
C) mainframe
D) wearable computer
  • 8. ____ is defined as knowledge communicated or obtained concerning a specific fact or circumstance.
A) idea
B) information
C) data
D) situation
  • 9. On this year, the papyrus roll was used.
A) 500 BC
B) 105 AD
C) 2900 BC
D) 1300 BC
  • 10. A world wide system of interconnected networks that facilitate data transmission among innumerable computers
A) Internet
B) networks
C) World wide Web
D) satellite systems
  • 11. on this year, woodblock printing and paper was invented by the Chinese
A) 105 AD
B) 500 BC
C) 1300 BC
D) 2900 BC
  • 12. printing press using movable metal type is invented on what year?
A) 1923
B) 1837
C) 1455
D) 1755
  • 13. this is an electronic device that stores and processes data.
A) differential engine
B) computer
C) Information message processor
D) Data Manipulation Device
  • 14. on what year is the Apple Macintosh computer was introduced?
A) 1984
B) 1972
C) 1946
D) 1958
  • 15. on what year is the beginning of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing?
A) 2900 BC
B) 1300 BC
C) 500 BC
D) 105 AD
  • 16. these computers are used by large firms that process millions of transactions every day.
A) laptop
B) wearable computer
C) laptop
D) mainframe
  • 17. The extinction of any animal from the ecosystem harms our ecosystem's ______.
A) cycle
B) stability
C) chain
D) quality
  • 18. The ocean is the ____ ecosystem in the world
A) shortest
B) longest
C) smallest
D) largest
  • 19. a threat to biodiversity which refers to the introduction of foreign and harmful substances in the natural habitat of animals
A) over-exploitation
B) habitat loss and destruction
C) pollution and contamination
D) habitat loss and destruction
  • 20. The variety among species and within species is classified as
A) deduction
B) informatics
C) diversity
D) reduction
  • 21. Considering the biodiversity, the animals can be classified as ____.
A) flora
B) pisum
C) sativum
D) fauna
  • 22. It is a form of tourism that supports the conservation and sustainable development of ecologically unique areas.
A) ecopark
B) all of the above
C) ecotourism
D) wildlife
  • 23. Some people believe that we should preserve biodiversity for ethical reasons.
A) true
B) false
  • 24. when a species is at risk of extinction soon, it is said to be _____
A) distinct
B) extinct
C) endangered
D) threatened
  • 25. Biodiversity is the variety of ________ in a given area
A) organisms
B) communities
C) species
D) genes
  • 26. The cutting down of trees is termed as
A) deforestation
B) plantation
C) forestation
D) biodiversity
  • 27. Considering the biodiversity, the plants can be classified as ____.
A) fauna
B) flora
C) pisum
D) sativum
  • 28. The causes of extinction include:
A) overhunting
B) habitat loss
C) all of the above
D) deforestation
  • 29. The term Biodiversity was first coined by ______
A) Lady Byron
B) Maam Yam
C) Walter Rosen
D) Sir Jam
  • 30. ____ is the taking of wild plants or animals
A) frying
B) harvesting
C) poaching
D) hunting
  • 31. environments always have both living and _____
A) ecosystem
B) nutrients
C) nonliving factors
D) bio-geochemical cycles
  • 32. a threat to biodiversity which refers to the overall change in temperature in the world.
A) over-exploitation
B) pollution and contamination
C) global c;imate change
D) habitat loss and destruction
  • 33. Are plants formed by protoplast fusion included in genetically modified organism?
A) false
B) true
  • 34. A method for GMO wherein blank cells are modified and then added to an embryo.
A) Retrovirus-mediated Gene transfer
B) none of these
C) DNA Microinjection
D) Embryonic Stem-cell Mediated gene transfer
  • 35. Genetic modification can only happen between organism of same species
A) false
B) true
  • 36. What organism is genetically modified in order to make medicine for humans?
A) bacteria
B) plants
C) animals
D) stem cells
  • 37. What is the most commonly used method for GMOs?
A) Retrovirus-mediated Gene transfer
B) DNA Microinjection
C) none of these
D) Embryonic Stem-cell Mediated gene transfer
  • 38. a method for GMO wherein a foreign gene is directly injected into a fertilized egg that is put into a female animal that acts as a surrogate mother for the egg.
A) Embryonic Stem-cell Mediated gene transfer
B) Retrovirus-mediated Gene transfer
C) DNA Microinjection
D) none of these
  • 39. Organisms formed by natural DNA transfer is not part of GMO
A) true
B) false
  • 40. These are organisms that the DNA naturally undergone mutation.
A) transgenic
B) mutants
C) microbes
  • 41. What organisms are the first to be genetically modified?
A) microbes
B) animals
C) planktons
D) plants
  • 42. What is the most commonly modified food?
A) monkeys
B) crops
C) livestock
D) lab rats
  • 43. _____ means that one or more DNA sequences from another species have been introduced by artificial means.
A) Mutant
C) Transgenic
D) Ninja Turtles
  • 44. a method for GMO wherein a virus is attached to an organism and it changes that organism's DNA to include a new characteristic
A) Embryonic Stem-cell Mediated gene transfer
B) Retrovirus-mediated Gene transfer
C) none of these
D) DNA Microinjection
  • 45. Selective breeding could only happen between plant/animals of the same species.
A) false
B) true
  • 46. what animal is commonly used to test drugs for human consumption?
A) monkey
B) snake
C) pig
D) rat
  • 47. What do we call organisms that have been altered through recombinant DNA technology?
A) Mojo jojo
B) ninja turtles
D) mutants
  • 48. This refers to the constructing and engineering of the functional systems at very micro level or atomic level
A) microtechnology
B) biotechnology
C) gene modification technology
D) nanotechnology
  • 49. The concept of nanotechnology was first presented when?
A) 1974
B) 1959
C) 1981
D) 1985
  • 50. What is the second generation of nanotechnology?
A) molecular nanosystems
B) active nanostructures
C) Passive nanostructures
D) systems of nanosystems
  • 51. this product of nanotechnology is used for drug delivery precisely to the right location in the body.
A) nanorods
B) nanobot
C) unano
D) nanotube
  • 52. This is an approach in nanotechnology wherein different materials and devices are constructed from molecular components of their own.
A) bottom up
B) top down
C) right left
D) left right
  • 53. What is the third generation of nanotechnology?
A) systems of nanosystems
B) active nanostructures
C) molecular nanosystems
D) Passive nanostructures
  • 54. this product of nanotechnology is used in display technologies because the reflectivity of the rods can be changed by changing their orientation in an applied electric field
A) nanorods
B) unano
C) nanotube
D) nanobot
  • 55. He is the doctor that has first ever presented the concept of nanotechnology.
A) Richard Blaise
B) Scott Fahlman
C) Gary Kasparov
D) Richard P. Feynman
  • 56. The term nanotechnology had been coined on ______.
A) 1974
B) 1959
C) 1981
D) 1985
  • 57. The scanning tunneling microscope was invented in _____
A) 1959
B) 1981
C) 1974
D) 1985
  • 58. The discovery of Fullerene was on ____
A) 1981
B) 1974
C) 1959
D) 1985
  • 59. What is the fourth generation of nanotechnology?
A) systems of nanosystems
B) Passive nanostructures
C) molecular nanosystems
D) active nanostructures
  • 60. What is the first generation of nanotechnology?
A) systems of nanosystems
B) active nanostructures
C) Passive nanostructures
D) molecular nanosystems
  • 61. The term "Nanotechnology" had been coined by ______
A) Norio Taniguchi
B) Shibata Mizuki
C) Saijou Leonhart
D) Yoshida Mikihiko
  • 62. In this approach in nanotechnology, nano objects and materials are created by larger entities without bouncing its atomic reactions.
A) bottom up
B) top down
C) left right
D) right left
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