French capture Algeria from Turks
  • 1. Who was the French king during the capture of Algeria?
A) Napoleon Bonaparte
B) Louis XIV
C) Louis Philippe
D) Charles X
  • 2. What was the capital of Algeria at the time of the French capture?
A) Algiers
B) Oran
C) Constantine
D) Tlemcen
  • 3. What treaty officially recognized French authority in Algeria?
A) Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle
B) Treaty of Algiers
C) Treaty of Versailles
D) Treaty of Tafna
  • 4. Who was the Ottoman bey of Algiers at the time of the French occupation?
A) Ali Khodja
B) Ahmed Bey
C) Bachir Chihani
D) Hussein Dey
  • 5. Which battle resulted in the French capture of Algiers?
A) Battle of Tlemcen
B) Battle of Constantine
C) Battle of Algiers
D) Battle of Oran
  • 6. Which French president officially recognized Algerian independence in 1962?
A) François Mitterrand
B) Charles de Gaulle
C) Jacques Chirac
D) Georges Pompidou
  • 7. Which nationalist movement fought for Algerian independence from France?
A) FLN (National Liberation Front)
B) OAS (Secret Army Organization)
C) GPRA (Provisional Government of the Algerian Republic)
D) MNA (Algerian National Movement)
  • 8. Who was the first President of independent Algeria?
A) Mohamed Boudiaf
B) Chadli Bendjedid
C) Ahmed Ben Bella
D) Houari Boumediene
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