Module 5 test
  • 1. Which has the same sum as 41+15?
A) 15+41
B) 15+20
C) 42+12
D) 14+15
  • 2. Which addition sentence does the model show?
A) 5+7=12
B) 6+12=18
C) 25+47=72
D) 20+30=50
  • 3. What is the difference of 13-8?
A) 5
B) 8
C) 13
D) 10
  • 4. Lisa adds 37+9. She adds the ones first. Which shows how she added the ones?
A) 7 ones +3 ones= 10 ones
B) 7 ones+9 ones= 16 ones or 1 ten and 6 ones
C) 3 ones and 9 ones= 12 ones or 1 ten
  • 5. Dave finds the difference of 80-20. Which related addition sentence can Dan use to check his answer?
A) 40+40=80
B) 20+40=60
C) 50+30=80
D) 60+20=80
  • 6. What is the sum of 30+50?
A) 90
B) 70
C) 80
D) 60
  • 7. Jim has 70 shirts in his store. He sells 20 of them. How many shirts does he have left?
A) 40 shirts
B) 20 shirts
C) 50 shirts
D) 30 shirts
  • 8. Which shows the related subtraction sentence for 66+30?
A) 95-10
B) 96-40
C) 96-30
D) 66-10
  • 9. Count the change.
A) $33
B) .04
C) $.31
  • 10. 65-20=
A) 85
B) 45
C) 63
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