Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (philosopher)
  • 1. When did Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel pass away?
A) 1790
B) 1831
C) 1912
D) 1867
  • 2. Which philosophical movement is Hegel associated with?
A) Empiricism
B) German idealism
C) Existentialism
D) Logical positivism
  • 3. What was Hegel's most famous work?
A) Critique of Pure Reason
B) Thus Spoke Zarathustra
C) The Phenomenology of Spirit
D) Being and Time
  • 4. In which year was Hegel appointed professor at the University of Berlin?
A) 1799
B) 1818
C) 1888
D) 1845
  • 5. Who was Hegel's most famous student?
A) Friedrich Nietzsche
B) Rene Descartes
C) Immanuel Kant
D) Karl Marx
  • 6. Which university did Hegel attend as a student?
A) University of Vienna
B) University of Paris
C) University of Tübingen
D) University of Oxford
  • 7. What nationality was Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel?
A) Italian
B) Dutch
C) Russian
D) German
  • 8. What is the title of Hegel's major work in political science?
A) The Social Contract
B) The Communist Manifesto
C) The Leviathan
D) Elements of the Philosophy of Right
  • 9. What area of philosophy did Hegel make significant contributions to?
A) Metaphysics
B) Epistemology
C) Aesthetics
D) Ethics
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