Charles I executed
  • 1. When was Charles I executed?
A) 1700
B) 1750
C) 1649
D) 1600
  • 2. Charles I was the king of which country?
A) Spain
B) England
C) Italy
D) France
  • 3. Charles I's reign saw prolonged conflicts with which group?
A) Commoners
B) Clergy
C) Parliament
D) Nobility
  • 4. What title was Charles I known by after he was executed?
A) The Conqueror
B) The Martyr
C) The Great
D) The Wise
  • 5. Charles I's reign is often associated with what form of government?
A) Constitutional monarchy
B) Dictatorship
C) Democracy
D) Absolute monarchy
  • 6. What was the date of Charles I's execution?
A) 22 September 1632
B) 7 November 1654
C) 19 May 1660
D) 30 January 1649
  • 7. What royal title did Charles I hold before his execution?
A) Duke
B) King
C) Emperor
D) Prince
  • 8. Which of the following phrases is associated with Charles I's reign?
A) Freedom of Speech
B) Divine Right of Kings
C) Separation of Powers
D) Equality for All
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