PAS B.INGGRIS kls 1 SEM 2 (2020/2021)
  • 1. My mother cooks in the ...
A) bathroom
B) living room
C) kitchen
  • 2. I use a .... to clean my body.
A) tooth paste
B) towel
C) soap
  • 3. My family always watch TV in the ...
A) living room
B) bathroom
C) bedroom
  • 4. What is the shape of the clock?
A) triangle
B) rectangle
C) circle
  • 5. Dimas : Is it a blue square, Maya?
    Maya : No, it is not. It is a ....
A) red circle
B) blue rectangle
C) green triangle
  • 6. A ..... is in the cage.
A) rabbit
B) bird
C) cat
  • 7. Reza has a pet. His pet is a ...
A) dog
B) rabbit
C) cat
  • 8. My father keeps some ..... in the aquarium.
A) fish
B) rabbit
C) cat
  • 9. 17 + 3 = ...
A) thirty
B) twelve
C) twenty
  • 10. 20 - 6 = ...
A) thirteen
B) fourteen
C) sixteen
  • 11. That is a .... ball.
A) long
B) small
C) big
  • 12. Reva has .... hair.
A) short
B) long
C) big
  • 13. My father buys me a new ...
A) car
B) kite
C) bike
  • 14. May I play with your .... ?
A) yoyo
B) spin top
C) doll
  • 15. Robi : do you have a new toy, Reza?
    Reza : Yes. I have a new ....
A) yoyo
B) spin top
C) kite
  • 16. Bimo plays on the ....
A) bike
B) slide
C) see-saw
  • 17. They climbs a ....
A) table
B) jungle gym
C) bench
  • 18. Meilin and Salsa ride the ...
A) swing
B) slide
C) see-saw
  • 19. There are some birds on the ...
A) lamp
B) tree
C) bench
  • 20. Dea likes to play on ....
A) swing
B) slide
C) see-saw
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