Schingler’s List by Thomas Keneally (1982)
  • 1. Who is the main protagonist in Schindler's List?
A) Oskar Schindler
B) Itzhak Stern
C) Amon Goeth
D) Helen Hirsch
  • 2. In what country does Schindler's List take place?
A) France
B) Russia
C) Poland
D) Germany
  • 3. What is the profession of Oskar Schindler?
A) Doctor
B) Lawyer
C) Artist
D) Businessman
  • 4. Who wrote the novel 'Schindler's List' on which the film is based?
A) Anne Frank
B) Elie Wiesel
C) Thomas Keneally
D) Steven Spielberg
  • 5. Which actor played Oskar Schindler in the film adaptation of Schindler's List?
A) Daniel Day-Lewis
B) Tom Hanks
C) Liam Neeson
D) Robert De Niro
  • 6. Who directed the film Schindler's List?
A) Steven Spielberg
B) Stanley Kubrick
C) Quentin Tarantino
D) Martin Scorsese
  • 7. What color is the little girl's coat in the film, symbolizing hope?
A) Green
B) Red
C) Yellow
D) Blue
  • 8. In what year was the film adaptation of Schindler's List released?
A) 1988
B) 1990
C) 1993
D) 1995
  • 9. What is the classification of Schindler's List as a film?
A) Comedy
B) Science Fiction
C) Horror
D) Historical Drama
  • 10. What was the nationality of Oskar Schindler?
A) Polish
B) Russian
C) Austrian
D) German
  • 11. Where is the final resting place of Oskar Schindler?
A) Munich
B) New York
C) Berlin
D) Jerusalem
  • 12. Who was the commandant of the Plaszow concentration camp in the film?
A) Itzhak Stern
B) Amon Goeth
C) Emilie Schindler
D) Oskar Schindler
  • 13. What is Amon Goeth's rank in the film?
A) SS-Oberscharführer
B) SS-Scharführer
C) SS-Hauptsturmführer
D) SS-Obergruppenführer
  • 14. In which year was 'Schindler's List' by Thomas Keneally originally published?
A) 1972
B) 1982
C) 1962
D) 1992
  • 15. What is the nationality of Thomas Keneally, the author of 'Schindler's List'?
A) German
B) Australian
C) British
D) American
  • 16. What was the name of Schindler's enamelware factory in Krakow?
A) Krakow Kitchens
B) Schindler's Steelworks
C) Deutsche Emaillewarenfabrik
D) Oskar's Porcelain Emporium
  • 17. What was the nationality of the Jewish people on Schindler's list?
A) Russian
B) Polish
C) French
D) German
  • 18. Who was Schindler's primary contact with the Jewish community in Krakow?
A) Helen Hirsch
B) Emilie Schindler
C) Amon Goeth
D) Itzhak Stern
  • 19. Which of the following countries did Oskar Schindler originate from?
A) Poland
B) Austria
C) Czechoslovakia
D) Germany
  • 20. What religious background did Oskar Schindler come from?
A) Jewish
B) Muslim
C) Protestant
D) Catholic
  • 21. What was the original title of 'Schindler’s List' before it was published?
A) The Krakow Chronicles
B) Schindler's Ark
C) Oskar's Legacy
D) Saving Private Ryan
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