  • 1. What is the form of government of the United States?
A) Republic Constitution-based federal republic Representative democracy
B) Hierarchy
C) none of the above
D) Anarchy
E) Dictatorship
  • 2. What is the supreme law of the land? *
A) white house
B) The articles of confederation
C) The Constitution
D) bill of rights
E) no one is above the law
  • 3. Name one thing the U.S. Constitution does
A) plans foreign affairs
B) Elects the President
C) Forms the government
D) Takes rights away
  • 4. The U.S. Constitution starts with the words "We the People." What does "We the People" mean?
A) "We" stands for the White House
B) "We" means only people born in the U.S.
C) The people are not part of the government
D) People should govern themselves
  • 5. How are changes made to the U.S. Constitution?
A) The amendment process
B) The Cabinet
C) changes are made by the legislative branch
D) The President
  • 6. What does the Bill of Rights protect?
A) The rights of states
B) (The basic) rights of Americans
C) personal choices
D) The Congress
  • 7. How many amendments does the U.S. Constitution have?
A) 26
B) 25
C) 27
D) 38
E) 20
  • 8. Why is the Declaration of Independence important?
A) It says all people are created equal.
B) It gives people the right of fire works
C) It says that America is superior
D) It represents total freedom
  • 9. What founding document said the American colonies were free from Britain?
A) The articles of Confideration
B) The Constitution
C) Declaration of Independence
D) the bill of rights
  • 10. Name two important ideas from the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.
A) Equality Liberty
B) Freedom of choice and ownership
C) Freedom of discrimination and bigotry
D) Loyalty and Royalty
  • 11. The words "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness" are in what founding document?
A) The Boston Port Act (1774)
B) The Constitution
C) Declaration of Independence
D) The Mayflower Compact
  • 12. What is the economic system of the United States?
A) Capitalism
B) socialism
C) Communism
D) restricted market
  • 13. What is the rule of law?
A) No one is above the law
B) Only the 3 branches are above the law
C) The President is above the laww
D) The Supreme court is the highest court and therefore it is above the law
  • 14. Many documents influenced the U.S. Constitution. Name one.
A) Constitutional presidential republic
B) Articles of Confederation
C) First Folio
D) Image result for French documents The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
  • 15. There are three branches of government. Why?
A) So one part does not become too powerful
B) so that the President does not act like a king
C) Because the British branches did not work well
D) So that their can be multiple leaders
  • 16. Name the three branches of government.
A) Senate,House and the courts
B) none of the above
C) Legislative, executive, and judicial
D) The white house cabinet and congress
  • 17. The President of the United States is in charge of which branch of government?
A) Judicial
B) Legislative
C) Executive
D) Congress
  • 18. What part of the federal government writes laws?
A) The courts or Judicial Branch
B) The Executive branch
C) Legislative branch or congress
D) The Speaker of the House
  • 19. What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress?
A) The President and the Cabinet
B) Senate and House
C) The Justice leaders and the States
D) The Courts
  • 20. Name one power of the U.S. Congress.
A) Makes Coins
B) rules the states
C) Writes laws
D) Elects the president
  • 21. How many U.S. senators are there?
A) 100
B) 250
C) 200
D) 150
  • 22. How long is a term for a U.S. senator?
A) 5 years
B) 7 years
C) 10 years
D) 6 years
  • 23. Who is one of your state's U.S. senators now?
A) Jackson Carter
B) Alex Padilla
C) Kamala Harris
D) Gavin Newsom
  • 24. How many voting members are in the House of Representatives?
A) 400
B) 450
C) 430
D) 435
  • 25. How long is a term for a member of the House of Representatives?
A) 6 years
B) 3 years
C) 4 years
D) 2 years
  • 26. Why do U.S. representatives serve shorter terms than U.S. senators?
A) Representatives are only elected for voting
B) Senators have more responsibilities
C) To more closely follow public opinion
D) Because there are more Representatives then senators
  • 27. How many senators does each state have?
A) 1
B) 3
C) depends on the population
D) 2
  • 28. Why does each state have two senators?
A) To have two different opinions
B) For summarizing public opinions
C) Because if one is removed the other stays for safety
D) Equal representation for small states
  • 29. Name your U.S. representative.
A) Alex Padilla
B) John Raymond Garamendi
C) Nancy Pelosi
D) Elizabeth Feinstein
  • 30. Who does a U.S. senator represent?
A) themselves in congress
B) The president of the united states
C) People of their state
D) Their state and the united states
  • 31. Who elects U.S. senators?
A) Congress
B) Everyone from their states
C) The electoral college
D) Citizens form their states
  • 32. What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now?
A) Nancy Pelosi
B) Donald Trump
C) Kamala Harris
D) Joe Biden
  • 33. Who does a member of the House of Representatives represent?
A) Citizens in their district
B) Citizens From their Country
C) Citizens from their states
D) Citizens in their City or town
  • 34. Who elects members of the House of Representatives?
A) The House
B) Citizens from their states
C) Citizens from their (congressional) district
D) Congress
  • 35. Some states have more representatives than other states. Why?
A) Because of the size of the states
B) Because of the population
C) Because of the diversity of people
  • 36. The President of the United States is elected for how many years?
A) 10 years
B) 8 years
C) 4 years
  • 37. The President of the United States can serve only two terms. Why?
A) so that the president differs from a monarch
B) the 22 Amendment To keep the president from becoming too powerful
C) If Citizens like the president then they have the chance to vote again
D) For balance
  • 38. What is the name of the President of the United States now?
A) Ronald Reagan
B) Donald trump
C) Hillary Clinton
D) Joe Biden
  • 39. What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now?
A) Mike Pence
B) Kamala Harris
C) Barack Obama
D) Joe Biden
  • 40. If the president can no longer serve, who becomes president?
A) One of the Supreme court members
B) The Vice President
C) Speaker of the House
  • 41. Name one power of the president.
A) Has the power to take away positions
B) Makes laws
C) Controls the budget
D) Signs bills into law Vetoes bills
  • 42. Who is Commander in Chief of the U.S. military
A) The Leader of the supreme Court
B) Speaker of the house
C) President of the United States
D) The Vice president
  • 43. Who signs bills to become laws?
A) The Vice President
B) The Representatives of the House
C) The president
  • 44. Who vetoes bills?
A) The Vice President
B) The Speaker of the House
C) The President
D) The U.S Representative
  • 45. Who appoints federal judges?
A) The Supreme Court
B) President of the United States
C) The Executive Branch
D) Congress
  • 46. The executive branch has many parts. Name one.
A) Senators
B) President of U.S.
C) The Speaker
D) The U.S Representative
  • 47. What does the President's Cabinet do?
A) Buys Property for the first lady
B) Makes sure the President is under control
C) Advises the President
D) Signs or Vetoes Bills
  • 48. What are two Cabinet-level positions?Secretary of Agriculture - Secretary of Commerce Secretary of Defense . Secretary of Education
A) Secretary of litter control
B) Secretary of Agriculture - Secretary of Commerce Secretary of Defense . Secretary of Education
C) Secretary of local Communication
D) Sectetary of Paper products and environment
  • 49. Why is the Electoral College important?
A) It decides who is elected president.
B) It makes sure the President is of their choice
C) The Electoral college is a very important historical part of the U.S Government
  • 50. What is one part of the judicial branch?
A) The U.S Representative
B) The Senator of New York
C) Supreme Court - Federal Courts
D) The governor of Florida
  • 51. What does the judicial branch do?
A) It makes sure The constitution does not effect congress
B) It makes sure that George washingtons Opinions apply
C) It makes sure people vote less to prevent harms to the constitution
D) Decides if a law goes against the (U.S.) Constitution
  • 52. What is the highest court in the United States? *
A) the traditional court
B) The supreme court
C) the executive branch
  • 53. How many seats are on the Supreme Court?
A) 5
B) 3
C) 9
D) 8
E) 10
  • 54. How many Supreme Court justices are usually needed to decide a case?
A) 7
B) 4
C) 3
D) 5
E) all 9
  • 55. How long do Supreme Court justices serve?
A) For 15 years
B) For 20 years
C) Lifetime appointment - (Until) retirement
D) never
  • 56. Supreme Court justices serve for life. Why?
A) To limit outside (political influence
B) To start at a young age
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