A) Cast coin B) Case coins C) Struck coins D) Casted coins
- 2. A solid material that is typically hard, shiny ,malleable,fusible ,and ductile, with good electrical and thermal conductivity.
A) Metal B) Plastic C) Wood D) Alloy
- 3. Impression is a strong mark produced by pressure that goes below the surface. The statement is.
A) False B) Maybe C) None of this D) True
- 4. A series of number that is punched or pressed into a particular object/material to distinguish that object from one another
A) Tampered serial number B) Original serial number C) Application serial number D) Serial number
- 5. It is a mark made when there is an applied force that causes a blessed to stretch first before it will totally break.
A) Stretch marks B) Microscopic Stretch mark C) Stress marks D) Microscopic stress mark
- 6. It is a seed in automobile windows and plate glass windows in stores
A) Tinted glass B) Tempered glass C) Float glass D) Borosilicate glass
- 7. Plastic is somewhat flexible and it tends to bend up an application of force. the statement is
A) None of this B) True C) All of this D) False
- 8. It is also known as acid-etching method.
A) Micro-Etcheng B) Macro-Etcheng C) Macro-Etching D) Micro-Etching
- 9. It is used to make windows and other flat objects
A) Tempered glass B) Borosilicate glass C) Flat glass D) Float glass
- 10. According to the position of shooter, this exhibit an even distribution of chipping on the exit side of the glass
A) To the right B) Angle to left C) Perpendicular shot D) Angle to Right
- 11. Glass is composed of: silicon sand (SiO2), sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and limestone (CaCO3)
A) False B) True C) None of these D) All of these
- 12. These are serious of scratches or station produce by saying at all across the surface such as those produced by scatters and axe.
A) Friction marks B) Negative impression C) Stretch marks D) Positive impression
- 13. It is also known as primary fracture
A) Radial fractures B) Concentric match C) Radial fractured match D) Radial stress mark
- 14. The following are the steps in preliminary examination in number restoration, except;
A) Remove grease and oil using alcohol or gasoline B) Cleaning using dishwashing liquid C) Polish the area using sandpaper D) Which of the normal location of the serial number
- 15. Glass is an organic hard substance, usually translucent which from a liquid condition at high temperature, has passed to a solid condition with sufficient our ability to prevent the formation of crystals .the statement is.
A) all of these B) False C) None of these D) True
- 16. It refers to any materials which can be change from a plastic or liquid state to solid condition.
A) Molding materials B) Casting materials C) Printing materials D) Plaster materials
- 17. It is a cause of fracture that exhibits a plane of wavy lines
A) Due to natural means B) Due to thermal means C) Due to mechanical means
- 18. It is the most widely applicable particularly in outdoor scene. It is simple to prepare, provide a durable cast and is capable or reproducing dine details.
A) Plaster of paris B) Casting materials C) Cement D) Moulage
- 19. It is an organic hard substance usually translucent which from a liquid condition at a high temperature has passed to solid condition with sufficient rapid a t to prevent the formation of crystals.
A) Metals B) Crystals C) Glass D) Fiber glass
- 20. It is the study of firearms and bullets
A) Metallurgy B) Ballistics C) Poroscopy D) Dactyloscopy
- 21. What is the last step in preliminary examination in number restoration?
A) Photograph B) Search for the normal location of the serial number C) Remove grease and oil using alcohol gasoline D) Polish the area using sandpaper
- 22. It is an area or vicinity of occurrence of crime where physical evidence are gathered
A) Scene of the crime B) Google map C) Crime scene D) Location
- 23. Casting materials refers to any materials which can be change from a plastic or liquid state to the solid condition.
A) True B) None of these C) False D) Maybe
- 24. Midway natal cuts into or slides across a surface
A) Aberration or friction marks B) Casting C) Moulage D) Imprint
- 25. Numbers that is pressed or punch into a meter surface
A) Serial numbers B) Embossed numbers C) Engraved numbers D) Stamped numbers
- 26. A week mark made by pressure that stays on the surface.
A) Collage B) Imprint C) Moulage D) Impression
- 27. Those are coins made to imitate the real thing and is used to made gain.
A) Counter-strike coins B) Counterfeit coins C) Counterfeit money
- 28. Almost structureless ,microscopically
A) Abaca fibers B) Hemp fibers C) Silk fibers D) Jute fibers
- 29. For commercial use silica is the most important oxide
A) All of these B) False C) True D) None of these
- 30. The following are the significance in determining the types of glass fractures except;
A) Causes of fracture B) Direction of impact C) Point of impact D) Shape of fracture
- 31. It is also called as pyrex glass which is made by doping molten with boron
A) Tinted glass B) Tempered glass C) Float glass D) Borosilicate glass
- 32. It is made when a tall is pressed against or into a receiving surface
A) Moulage B) Imprint C) Abrasion or friction marks D) Negative impression
- 33. It is the third steps in preliminary examination in number are restoration
A) Polish the area using sand paper B) Photograph C) Remove grease and oil using alcohol or gasoline D) Search for the normal location of the serial numbers
- 34. It is when another glass is large enough to be manipulated and fitted together like a jigsaw puzzle.
A) Fracturing match B) Fracture match C) Any of the above D) Fractured match
- 35. The art of extracting and working on metals by the application of chemical and physical knowledge.
A) Meteorogy B) Metallography C) Metallorgy D) Metallurgy
- 36. The following are the application of metallurgy in criminal investigation except;
A) Hit-and-run B) Theft C) Robbery D) Homicide
- 37. Based on the six golden rules in the practice of forensic chemistry it is where you refer from the open opinions and views of other people and experts.
A) Consult others B) Ask for opinions C) Use imagination D) Be thorough.
- 38. This helps game yellowish color to salmon and cause it to fluoresce under UV lights.
A) Sperms B) Phlegm C) Flavins D) Toxins
- 39. A number that is pressed intendedly using electrical or mechanical gadgets
A) Embossed numbers B) Serial numbers C) Engraved number D) Stamped numbers
- 40. After hardening the cash should be removed and permitted to further dried for several hours it can be washed and lightly brush it to remove the ad hiring debris.
A) Cleaning B) Pouring C) Identification D) Setting
- 41. It occurs everywhere on human body except on palms of hands and soles of feet.
A) Hair B) Fringe hair C) Public hair D) Limb hair
- 42. A number that is raised from the surface
A) Stamped number B) Serial number C) Embossed number D) Engrave number
- 43. It is a thin trade of natural or artificial substance especially one that is used to make cloth or rope.
A) Fiber B) Thread C) Silk D) Rope
- 44. Tool marks are important in crime scene investigation because you can tell what kind of tool was used can buy that you can see if they're so speaks to all much that will mark the statement is.
A) None of this B) False C) True D) Maybe
- 45. It involves the study of microstructures of metals and alloys.
A) Metallic science B) Metaloscopy C) Metallurgy D) Metallography
- 46. It is a disorder produced by male organ which produces semen with a very few sperm cell.
A) Hernia B) Uligospermia C) Aspermia D) Oligospermia
- 47. Fluid produced by male sex organ only
A) Blood B) Flavins C) Sperm D) Semen
- 48. Faithful reproduction of an impression with the use of casting materials.
A) Impression B) Moulage C) Hastening D) Imprint
- 49. A series of number that is punch or pressed into a particular object/material to distinguish that object from another.
A) Imbossed numbers B) Engraved numbers C) Serial numbers D) Stamped numbers
- 50. Before the plaster has been completely sit it should b-mirk by the investigator for identification. the date, case number and initials of the investigation can be scratch on the upper surface.
A) Pouring B) Setting C) Labeling D) Identification
- 51. Those are the erased,scratch or altered series number
A) Tampered serial numbers B) Temperature real numbers C) Altered serial numbers D) Serial numbers
- 52. If blood is present it fluoresces with a bluish-violet color
A) Precipitin test B) Takayama C) Wagenhaar test D) Luminol test
- 53. The cash should be permitted to set for approximately 30 minutes. In hardening a plaster becomes warm and subsequently cold on setting
A) Setting B) Identification C) Pouring D) Mixing
- 54. Whenever possible, submit the wall object containing tool marks to the laboratory instead of just the area containing the mark if this is not possible carefully photograph and sketch the area containing the mark. the statement is
A) False B) None of these C) All of these D) True
- 55. Blaster materials refers to any materials which can be changed from a plastic or liquid state to solid condition.
A) False B) Maybe C) None of these D) True
- 56. The following are the characteristics of glass except
A) It is salty B) A super cooled liquid C) Has high melting point in excess 20,000 c D) An amorphous solid
- 57. Chords with by striking or stamping method
A) Strack coins B) Strucked coins C) Struck coins D) Cast cpins
- 58. It is a fracture made by a small dense objects such as bullet, pebbles or still ball that my impact upon a pane of glass which such a little force or at such high speed
A) Fractures caused by a projectile B) Fracture caused by blunt instrument object C) Fracture caused by force D) Angle to the left
- 59. Paris is the most widely applicable particularly in the outdoor scenes. It is a simple to prepare provide a durable cast and is capable of reproducing fine details
A) False B) True C) None of these D) All of this
- 60. Print is a week mark made by pressure that stays on the surface
A) True B) None of these C) False D) Maybe
- 61. It refers to the size, shape, dimension is thickness color and a reflective index of glass
A) Physical characteristic B) Physical attributes C) Chemical characteristic D) All of this
- 62. It is an organic or inorganic compounds which are the added to the powder to stabilize sides reaction and the corresponding decomposition of other ingredients in the father
A) Nebulizer B) Neutralizer C) Stabilizer D) Gun powder
- 63. Dispensed under direction where the first is applied causing the opposite side to stretch
A) Fiberglass B) Crystals C) Plastics D) Glass
- 64. It is a produced by a single application of tool in one area of contact
A) Imprint B) Abrasion marks C) Compression marks D) Friction marks
- 65. It is used to restore tampered serial number
A) Itching fluid B) Etcheng flued C) Ignition fluid D) Etching fluid
- 66. Glass is usually composed of oxide like SiO(silica), boric oxide (BO2), phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5).
A) None of these B) False C) True D) All of these
- 67. Glass can withstand more bending rather than stretching causing the opposite side to start breaking.
A) None of these B) True C) All of these D) False
- 68. It is the action of causing bomb or explosive device to explode
A) Detonation B) Bombing C) Explosion D) Takayama
- 69. The following art types of numbers except;
A) Embossed numbers B) Engraved numbers C) Serial numbers D) Stamped numbers
- 70. It is the magnitude of the decrease in the velocity of light as it passes through a transparent mediu
A) Refraction index B) Collective index C) Refractive index D) Reflective index
- 71. Tinted glass is used in automobile windows 10 plate glass windows and stores. It is four times stronger than regular glass. When it break it forms small spheres. The statement is.
A) All of this B) None of these C) True D) False
- 72. High strong mark produced by pressure that goes below the surface
A) Expression. B) Collage C) Print D) Impression
- 73. It is a branch of chemistry which deals with the application of chemical principle in the solution of problems that arise in connection with the administration of justice.
A) Forensic toxicology B) Forensic science C) Chemical toxicology D) Forensic chemistry
- 74. It is also known as secondary fracture
A) Glass fracture B) Epicentral fracture C) Concentric fracture D) Radial fracture
- 75. It is the last step in preliminary examination number restoration
A) Polish the area using sandpaper B) Search for the normal location of the serial number C) Photograph D) Remove grease and oil using alcohol or gasoline