• 1. ______ are chemicals that affect a person in such a way as to bring about physiological, emotional, or behavioral change.
A) Drug Dependency
B) Drugs
C) Drug Abuse
D) Addiction
  • 2. ______ are those that have high tendency for abuse and dependency, these substance may be organic or synthetic and pose harm to those who use them.
A) Dangerous Drugs
B) Drugs
C) Addiction
D) Drug Abuse
  • 3. It is the continuous misuse of any substance, illicit which result to changes in an individuals physical, mental or behavioral condition.
A) Drugs
B) Drug dependency
C) Drug abuse
D) Addiction
  • 4. This is the state of physical and psychological dependence, or both, on a dangerous drug, or drugs, experienced by a person following the use of that substance on a periodic or continuous basus.
A) Addiction
B) Drug Dependency
C) Drugs
D) Drug abuse
  • 5. Drug ____ is a complex, and often chronic, brain disease. It is characterized by excessive drug craving, seeking and use. ________ is caused by brain changes caused by constant drug use.
A) Abuse
B) Dependency
C) Addiction
D) Drugs
  • 6. Addiction can start when an individual feels lonely or is isolated from their friends and family. They turn to drugs and alcohol thinking that it will fill a void that they have been living with. What reason do you think is the best option for this?
A) Loneliness
B) Experimenting
C) Peer Pressure
D) Family History/ Genetics
  • 7. This usually applies to adolescents ot young adults. The need to fit in, on some level, is built into each and every one of us. Some people may feel that the need to participate in potentially harmful activities to do so. What was the reason for this?
A) Peer Pressure
B) Drugs and Alcohol can make you fell good
C) Loneliness
D) Experimenting
  • 8. Depression, anxiety and PTSD can put individuals at higher risk of developing an addiction. Using substance to cope with difficult feelings may seem like an easier path for some.
A) Recreation
B) Loneliness
C) Peer pressure
D) Mental health disorder
  • 9. People struggling with any of a multitude of ailments may turn to drugs or alcohol to ease their pain. However, people should look for manageable, long term solutions under medical supervision to combat these issues.
A) Recreation
B) Alcohol isn't enough
C) Self heal
D) Self Medicating
  • 10. _____ abuse is a pattern of problem drinking that results in health consequences, social, problems or both. However, alcohol dependence or alcoholism, refers to a disease that is characterized by abnormal alcohol seeking behavior that leads to impaired control over drinking.
A) Alcohol drinking
B) Alcohol
C) Alcoholism
D) Drugs
  • 11. It is a stimulant drug chemically related to amphetamine but with stronger effects on the central nervous system.
A) Hyporthermia
B) Drugs
C) Methamphetamine
D) Alcohol
  • 12. It is a white powder that comes from leaves of the South American coca plant.
A) Cocaine
B) Marijuana
C) Shabu
D) Drugs
  • 13. These are substances that distort the perception of objective reality.
A) Convulsions
B) Lack of sleep
C) Cocaine
D) Hallucinogens
  • 14. Its the most widely used illicit drug in United States and tends to be the first illegal drug teen use. It can be either smoked ot swallowed.
A) Shabu
B) Cocaine
C) Cannabis Sativa (Marijuana)
D) Drugs
  • 15. Physiological/Physical Effects are the following except one
A) Renal (Kidney) Disease
B) Hepatic (Liver) Problems
C) Infections
D) Cardiac (Heart) Pathology
  • 16. The individual needs more drugs to achieve the same effects they did previously with a smaller amount
A) Withdrawal
B) Tolerance
C) Dependence
D) Overdose
  • 17. The substance becomes the central point to the individual's life and they can't function properly without it.
A) Dependence
B) Withdrawal
C) Overdose
D) Tolerance
  • 18. This happens when the individual reduced or stopped the substance use.
A) Tolerance
B) Overdose
C) Dependence
D) Withdrawal
  • 19. The level of intoxication reaches a point where it begins to produce physical and/or psychological harm. This can lead to death.
A) Tolerance
B) Overdose
C) Withdrawal
D) Dependence
  • 20. People who abuse the drugs for experimental basis.
A) Occasional Users
B) Experimenters
C) Drug dependents
D) Regular Users
  • 21. Abuse the drug occasionally whenever there are special occasions. They abuse the drug once every 2 weeks to 2 times a week.
A) Experimemters
B) Regular Users
C) Occasional Users
D) Drug Dependents
  • 22. Abuse the drug on a regular basis approximately three to four time a week or every day.
A) Occasional Users
B) Drug Dependents
C) Regular Users
D) Experimenters
  • 23. People who ten to abuse drugs everyday. Mentally ill Chemical abuser.
A) Drug Dependents
B) Occasional Users
C) Experimenters
D) Regular Users
  • 24. Experimenters, Occasional Users and Regular Users needs the counter measure to prevent drug addiction. What kind of management?
A) Counseling
B) Psychiatric Treatment
C) Preventive Education
D) Drug Rehab
  • 25. What are the counter measures for substance abuse abstainer?
A) Drug Rehab
B) Psychiatric Treatment
C) Preventive Education
D) Counseling
  • 26. Mentally ill chemical abuser need this treatment. What kind of this?
A) Psychiatric Treatment
B) Preventive Education
C) Counseling
D) Drug Rehab
  • 27. This us what distinguishes a person from all other creatures in the world. A person is free to think and has the capacity to reason. He can distinguish what is right and wring because he has intellect.
A) Free
B) Rational
C) Unique
D) Sexual
  • 28. A person has the freedom to do ot not to do a specific action. However, every person must be responsible for his own action.
A) Unique
B) Free
C) Social Being
D) Rational
  • 29. Every person has his own identity such that no two persons are the same. Human beings have the same characteristics and physical feature but no two person are the same because every person has its own perception.
A) Social Being
B) Rational
C) Free
D) Unique
  • 30. He cannot detach hid being from others and all other creatures in the universe.
A) Free
B) Social being
C) Rational
D) Unique
  • 31. The expression of a persons emotions, attitudes, feelings, actions and thoughts in sexual activity best exemplifies his uniqueness from animals.
A) Rational
B) Social being
C) Free
D) Sexual
  • 32. These are biological needs such as food, water, and clothing.
A) Self Actualization
B) Safety
C) Esteem
D) Physiological Level
  • 33. When physiological needs ate met, the person transcends in finding security and protection from physical and emotional harm
A) Physiological level
B) Esteem
C) Safety
D) Self Actualization
  • 34. These include recognition, respect, attention etc. When these needs are satisfied, the person feels confident and valuable as a person in the world.
A) Physiological Level
B) Safety
C) Self Actualization
D) Esteem
  • 35. It is the highest form of motivation. Maslow describes this need as reaching the persons peak potential.
A) Safety
B) Self Actualization
C) Physiological Level
D) Esteem
  • 36. What is the virtue and stage of basic trust vs mistrust?
A) Infancy (Birth) and Hope
B) Young Adulthood (ages 20-35) Love
C) Early Childhood( ages 1-3) Will
D) Pre school age(ages 4-5) Purpose
  • 37. It is defined as any number of persons who share a consciousness of membership and interaction
A) Secondary Group
B) Group
C) Team
D) Roles
  • 38. It is described by Charles Cooley as those characterized by intimate ftf association and cooperation
A) Crowd
B) Group
C) Secondary Group
D) Primary Group
  • 39. Those which do not necessarily involve face to face association or intimate and personal relations.
A) Teamwork
B) Primary Group
C) Group
D) Secondary Group
  • 40. Patterns of mutual influence (physical, verbal, non verbal, emotional)
A) Goals
B) Structure
C) Interaction
D) Roles
  • 41. Stable patterns or relationship
A) Interaction
B) Goals
C) Structure
D) Roles
  • 42. Behavior expected of members in a given position
A) Roles
B) Norms
C) Structure
D) Interaction
  • 43. Reasons for existence
A) Roles
B) Structure
C) Interaction
D) Goals
  • 44. A senders manipulation of information so that it will be seen more favorably by the receiver.
A) Information Overload
B) Emotions
C) Filtering
D) Selective Perception
  • 45. People selectively interpret what they see on the basis of their interests, background, experience, and attitudes.
A) Filtering
B) Emotions
C) Selective Perception
D) Information Overload
  • 46. A condition in which information inflow exceeds an individuals processing capacity.
A) Information Overload
B) Language
C) Emotion
D) Selective Perception
  • 47. How a receiver feels at the time a message is received will influence how the message is interpreted.
A) Emotions
B) Selective Perception
C) Information Overload
D) Language
  • 48. Words have different meaning to different people
A) Filtering
B) Language
C) Information overload
D) Selective perception
  • 49. Under tension and anxiety about oral communication, written communication or both.
A) Communication Apprehension
B) Language
C) Emotions
D) Presence of others
  • 50. Task roles enable the work group to define, clarify and pursue a common purpose.
A) Emotions
B) Task Vs Maintenance Roles
C) Language
D) Communication Apprehension
  • 51. Shen someone performs differently, either more effectively or less effectively, in the presence of other than when alone, they are experiencing social facilitation.
A) Presence of others
B) Language
C) Communication Apprehension
D) Emotion
  • 52. "Free Riding" when working with others
A) Social Life
B) Social Climber
C) Social riding
D) Social Loafing
  • 53. It is defined as two or more people working together to achieve a shared goal.
A) Team
B) Crowd
C) Group
D) Teamwork
  • 54. Is a process of bringing individuals together and joining their efforts and talents collaboratively, to achieve a goal or a mission.
A) Team
B) Roles
C) Group
D) Teamwork
  • 55. In this stage, grouo members are very much occupied with their own emotions and doubts like uncertainly about whether they will find their place in the group, what will other members be like.
A) Storming
B) Performing
C) Norming
D) Forming
  • 56. Members try to find their place in the group. There are many discussions, subgroups, are made to represent ones interest, and there us lot of competition.
A) Forming
B) Performing
C) Storming
D) Norming
  • 57. Members have established principles and procedure for achieving results and creating a positive atmosphere.
A) Performing
B) Storming
C) Forming
D) Norming
  • 58. This is the highest point a group can accomplish.
A) Performing
B) Norming
C) Forming
D) Storming
  • 59. A group is established in order to accomplish certain objectives.
A) Adjourning/reframing
B) Norming
C) Performing
D) Storming
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