Recognize Laws of Exponents 1
  • 1. Which exponent rule applies?
A) Quotient rule: keep the base and subtract the exponents
B) Product rule: keep the base and add the exponents
C) Zero exponent rule: any non-zero base to the zero power equals 1
D) Power to a power rule: keep the base and multiply the exponents
  • 2. Which exponent rule applies?
A) Quotient rule: keep the base and subtract the exponents
B) Power to a power rule: keep the base and multiply the exponents
C) Product rule: keep the base and add the exponents
D) Zero exponent rule: any non-zero base to the zero power equals 1
  • 3. Which exponent rule applies?
A) Product rule: keep the base and add the exponents
B) Negative exponent rule: take the reciprocal of the positive power
C) Quotient rule: keep the base and subtract the exponents
D) Power to a power rule: keep the base and multiply the exponents
  • 4. Which exponent rule applies?
A) Zero exponent rule: any non-zero base to the zero power equals 1
B) Negative exponent rule: take the reciprocal of the positive power
C) Product rule: keep the base and add the exponents
D) Power to a power rule: keep the base and multiply the exponents
  • 5. Which exponent rule applies?
A) Power to a power rule: keep the base and multiply the exponents
B) Product rule: keep the base and add the exponents
C) Zero exponent rule: any non-zero base to the zero power equals 1
D) Quotient rule: keep the base and subtract the exponents
  • 6. Which exponent rule applies?
A) Negative exponent rule: take the reciprocal of the positive power
B) Power to a power rule: keep the base and multiply the exponents
C) Quotient rule: keep the base and subtract the exponents
D) Zero exponent rule: any non-zero base to the zero power equals 1
  • 7. Which exponent rule applies?
A) Negative exponent rule: take the reciprocal of the positive power
B) Product rule: keep the base and add the exponents
C) Power to a power rule: keep the base and multiply the exponents
D) Zero exponent rule: any non-zero base to the zero power equals 1
  • 8. Which exponent rule applies?
A) Quotient rule: keep the base and subtract the exponents
B) Power to a power rule: keep the base and multiply the exponents
C) Product rule: keep the base and add the exponents
D) Negative exponent rule: take the reciprocal of the positive power
  • 9. Which exponent rule applies?
A) Negative exponent rule: take the reciprocal of the positive power
B) Product rule: keep the base and add the exponents
C) Zero exponent rule: any non-zero base to the zero power equals 1
D) Power to a power rule: keep the base and multiply the exponents
  • 10. Which exponent rule applies?
A) Negative exponent rule: take the reciprocal of the positive power
B) Power to a power rule: keep the base and multiply the exponents
C) Product rule: keep the base and add the exponents
D) Quotient rule: keep the base and subtract the exponents
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