- 1. Islam is a monotheistic religion originating in the 7th century in the Arabian Peninsula. The followers of Islam, known as Muslims, believe in one God, Allah, and follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad as revealed in the Quran. Islamic studies is an academic discipline that explores the history, beliefs, practices, and culture of Islam. It covers a wide range of topics including theology, law, philosophy, mysticism, art, and literature. Islamic studies seeks to understand the rich and diverse heritage of Islamic civilization and its impact on the world throughout history.
What is the month of fasting in Islam called?
A) Ramadan B) Eid C) Hajj D) Muharram
- 2. How many times a day do Muslims pray?
A) Seven B) Three C) Ten D) Five
- 3. What is the pilgrimage to Mecca called?
A) Hajj B) Sadaqah C) Zakat D) Umrah
- 4. Who is considered the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad?
A) Aisha B) Khadijah C) Hafsa D) Sawda
- 5. Which city is considered the first Islamic city?
A) Baghdad B) Mecca C) Jerusalem D) Medina
- 6. What is the declaration of faith in Islam called?
A) Zakat B) Shahada C) Salah D) Sawm
- 7. What is the Islamic term for the annual almsgiving and charity tax?
A) Khums B) Sadaqah C) Zakat D) Fitra
- 8. What are the angels called who record a person's deeds?
A) Malaikah B) Kiraman Katibin C) Jinn D) Ruh
- 9. Which Muslim holiday commemorates the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son?
A) Eid al-Fitr B) Eid al-Adha C) Isra and Mi'raj D) Eid-e-Milad
- 10. What language is the Quran originally written in?
A) Arabic B) Persian C) Urdu D) Turkish
- 11. What does the term 'Sunnah' refer to in Islam?
A) Holy war B) Traditions and practices of the Prophet C) Sacred text D) Judgment day
- 12. What city was the Prophet Muhammad born in?
A) Jerusalem B) Karbala C) Mecca D) Medina
- 13. What does 'Salah' refer to in Islam?
A) Pilgrimage B) Charity C) Prayer D) Fasting
- 14. What is the Angel Jibril known as in English?
A) Michael B) Gabriel C) Uriel D) Raphael
- 15. What is the night journey of the Prophet Muhammad called?
A) Ascension B) Lailat al Miraj C) Hijra D) Isra and Mi'raj
- 16. How many Surahs (chapters) are in the Quran?
A) 99 B) 135 C) 114 D) 123
- 17. In Islamic jurisprudence, what does 'Halal' refer to?
A) Optional B) Forbidden C) Lawful or permissible D) Obligatory
- 18. Who is considered the last prophet of Islam?
A) Jesus B) Muhammad C) Buddha D) Moses
- 19. What is the night of power in Islam?
A) Laylat al-Bara'ah B) Laylat al-Isra C) Laylat al-Miraj D) Laylat al-Qadr
- 20. Who was the first caliph after Prophet Muhammad?
A) Umar B) Abu Bakr C) Ali D) Uthman
- 21. Which angel is considered the messenger of God in Islam?
A) Michael B) Raphael C) Azrael D) Jibril
- 22. What is the name of the holy city for Muslims in Israel?
A) Medina B) Jerusalem C) Hebron D) Mecca
- 23. What is the Islamic month of the pilgrimage?
A) Dhu al-Hijjah B) Shawwal C) Rabi' al-Awwal D) Muharram
- 24. What is the general term for lawful and good actions in Islam?
A) Halal B) Sunnah C) Kufr D) Haram
- 25. Who is considered the father of the Prophets in Islam?
A) Moses B) Isaiah C) David D) Abraham
- 26. What is the Islamic term for ablution before prayer?
A) Masah B) Wudu C) Tayammum D) Ghusl
- 27. What is the term for the journey of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina?
A) Isra B) Miraj C) Laylat al-Qadr D) Hijrah
- 28. What is the holy book of Islam called?
A) Torah B) Bible C) Quran D) Hadith
- 29. Which direction do Muslims face when praying?
A) Madinah B) Iran C) Makkah D) Qibla
- 30. What is the second pillar of Islam?
A) Salah B) Hajj C) Shahada D) Sawm
- 31. What is the period of fasting between dawn and sunset during Ramadan called?
A) Sunnah B) Sawm C) Iftar D) Zakat
- 32. What is the special night prayer performed during Ramadan called?
A) Takbir B) Tahajjud C) Salah D) Taraweeh