• 1. Verb Tense

    Select the past tense of the following word.

A) throwing
B) will throw
C) threw
D) Correct answer not given
E) will throwed
  • 2. Verb Tense

    Select the past tense of the following word.

A) Correct answer not given
B) ran
C) will run
D) have ranned
E) ranned
  • 3. Combining Sentences

    Select the sentence that BEST combines the two sentences below.

    He wants Julie to keep talking. She is talking about her ski trip.
A) She is talking about her ski trip, and her wants her to keep talking.
B) He wants Julie to keep talking about her ski trip.
C) He wants Julie to keep talking she is talking about her ski trip.
D) Correct answer not given
E) He wants Julie to keep talking, she is talking about her ski trip.
  • 4. Fiction or Non-Fiction?

    The dog barked loudly at the raccoon.
A) fiction
B) non-fiction
C) Correct answer not given
  • 5. Fiction or Non-Fiction?

    The gray goose leaped high into outer space and landed on the moon.
A) fiction
B) Correct answer not given
C) non-fiction
  • 6. Contractions

    Which two words make up the following contraction?

A) they will
B) they did
C) they won't
D) Correct answer not given
E) they would
  • 7. Contractions

    Which two words make up the following contraction?

A) he would
B) Correct answer not given
C) he tried
D) he said
E) he will
  • 8. Nouns-Common/Proper

    Is the following word a common or proper noun?

A) Correct answer not given
B) proper
C) common
  • 9. Nouns-Common/Proper

    Is the following word a common or proper noun?

A) proper
B) Correct answer not given
C) common
  • 10. Nouns-Common/Proper

    Is the following word a common or proper noun?

A) common
B) proper
C) Correct answer not given
  • 11. Adjectives

    Choose the adjective in the following sentence.

    George washed the dirty car yesterday.
A) yesterday
B) dirty
C) washed
D) Correct answer not given
E) car
  • 12. Adjectives

    Choose the adjective in the following sentence.

    He took a difficult test on Wednesday.
A) Correct answer not given
B) took
C) Wednesday
D) test
E) difficult
  • 13. Analogies

    Complete the analogy below.


A) division
B) measurement
C) fractions
D) length
E) Correct answer not given
  • 14. Analogies

    Complete the analogy below.

    cold: chilly

A) up
B) warm
C) freezing
D) down
E) Correct answer not given
  • 15. Grammar

    Select the part of the sentence that contains an error.

    Billy, said "I don't
    think there will be
    any problems out in the
    woods tonight."
A) Correct answer not given
B) think there will be
C) woods tonight."
D) Billy, said "I don't
E) any problems out in the
  • 16. Grammar

    Select the part of the sentence that contains an error.

    Mr. Ringtail was a
    tough old raccoon, but Billy
    finally caught him after
    several weeks
A) finally caught him after
B) tough old raccoon, but Billy
C) Mr. Ringtail was a
D) several weeks
E) Correct answer not given
  • 17. Grammar

    Select the part of the sentence that contains an error.

    Good work you two!" yelled
    Billy, when Old Dan
    and Little Ann finally found
    the trail of the raccoon.
A) and Little Ann finally found
B) Billy, when Old Dan
C) Good work you two!" yelled
D) the trail of the raccoon.
E) Correct answer not given
  • 18. Grammar

    Select the part of the sentence that contains an error.

    I thought you
    went with they
    to the park
    last weekend.
A) last weekend.
B) Correct answer not given
C) went with they
D) I thought you
E) to the park
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