Mary Queen of Scots flees to France
  • 1. When did Mary Queen of Scots flee to France?
A) 1560
B) 1548
C) 1595
D) 1587
  • 2. Mary Queen of Scots fled to France at the age of ________.
A) 12
B) 18
C) 5
D) 25
  • 3. Who did Mary Queen of Scots marry in France?
A) Henry II
B) Francis II
C) Charles IX
D) Louis XIV
  • 4. In which year did Mary Queen of Scots return to Scotland?
A) 1590
B) 1580
C) 1570
D) 1561
  • 5. How did Mary Queen of Scots' first husband, Francis II, die?
A) Ear infection
B) Assassination
C) Smallpox
D) Accidental drowning
  • 6. Which Catholic monarch supported Mary Queen of Scots' claim to the English throne?
A) Sigismund II Augustus of Poland
B) Henry II of France
C) Philip II of Spain
D) Sébastien de Luxembourg
  • 7. What religion was Mary Queen of Scots raised in during her time in France?
A) Anglicanism
B) Catholicism
C) Protestantism
D) Orthodox Christianity
  • 8. Who became the King of France after the death of Francis II?
A) Charles IX
B) Louis XIII
C) Francis II
D) Henry III
  • 9. In which year did Mary Queen of Scots abdicate the throne of Scotland?
A) 1567
B) 1585
C) 1575
D) 1595
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