Pronoun Test
  • 1. Choose the personal pronoun in the following sentence.

    The excited fans could not believe that they were seeing the team finally win.
A) fans
B) that
C) they
D) were
E) excited
  • 2. Choose the personal pronoun in the following sentence.

    Brian's dog ran out the door the minute it opened.
A) ran
B) door
C) dog
D) it
E) Brian's
  • 3. Choose the personal pronoun in the following sentence.

    Remind all customers to keep their receipts.
A) to
B) keep
C) their
D) all
E) customers
  • 4. Choose the personal pronoun in the following sentence.

    People sometimes wear glasses with sunglasses over them.
A) them
B) over
C) sometimes
D) with
E) wear
  • 5. Choose the personal pronoun in the following sentence.

    We searched for a good gift for Mom at an antique show.
A) We
B) for
C) at
D) Mom
E) searched
  • 6. Choose the correct pronoun and case for the following sentence.

    Hurricane Floyd ravaged the East Coast in 1999; the extent of the damage horrified my friends and (I, me).
A) I, object pronoun
B) I, subject pronoun
C) me, object pronoun
D) me, subject pronoun
  • 7. Gerald Keeth is a U.S. sailor; the hurricane gave (he, him) the scare of his life.
A) he, subject pronoun
B) him, object pronoun
C) he, object pronoun
D) him, subject pronoun
  • 8. My brother and (I, me) read that Floyd was 600 miles across and had winds of 155 miles an hour.
A) I, object pronoun
B) me, subject pronoun
C) I, subject pronoun
D) me, object pronoun
  • 9. (They, Them) had only life jackets and an emergency locator beacon.
A) They, object pronoun
B) Them, subject pronoun
C) Them, object pronoun
D) They, subject pronoun
  • 10. Choose the word that correctly completes each sentence.

    Be sure ______ shoes are comfortable before you begin a long hike.
A) your
B) your'e
C) you're
  • 11. Choose the word that correctly completes each sentence.

    Please turn down the radio; ____ too loud
A) its'
B) its
C) it's
  • 12. Choose the word that correctly completes each sentence.

    The explorers could not believe _____ good luck in finding the lost city
A) their
B) they're
C) there
  • 13. Choose the word that correctly completes each sentence.

    A friendly dog will usually wag ____ tail.
A) it's
B) its'
C) its
  • 14. Choose the correct form of the pronoun to complete the following sentence:

    Jim Lovell was the mission commander; it was (he, him) who radioed the message, "Houston, we've had a problem."
A) he
B) him
  • 15. Choose the correct form of the pronouns to complete the following sentence:

    Rescue swimmer Shad Hernandez put a harness on each of (we, us), and (we, us) were hauled into the helicopter.
A) we, us
B) us, we
C) us, us
D) we, we
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