- 1. to join two or more numbers (or quantities) to get one number (called the sum or total)
A) addition B) equation C) subtract
- 2. the amount of turning between two lines meeting at a common point
A) surfaces B) angle C) edge
- 3. point where surfaces meet (vertex)
A) surfaces B) edge C) corner
- 4. collection of information usually gathered by observation, questioning or measurement; often seen on graphs or charts
A) data B) solve C) identify
- 5. to break apart; a method of subtraction
A) compose B) decompose C) distance
- 6. a fraction with a numerator of one
A) edge B) unit fraction C) number sentence
- 7. to work out, or find, the answer to a problem
A) place value B) solve C) perimeter
- 8. where two surfaces join, or come together, on a three-dimensional object
A) angle B) edge C) corner
- 9. number sentence containing an equal sign; both sides are equal
A) addition B) equation C) subtract
- 10. flat surfaces of a three-dimensional object
A) face B) corner C) estimate
- 11. a side, in two or three-dimensions; can be curved or flat
A) perimeter B) identify C) surface
- 12. the value of a digit (number) depending on its place in a number
A) place value B) identify C) equation
- 13. one of two equal parts
A) equation B) subtract C) half
- 14. measurement of how cold or hot something is; using a thermometer
A) array B) estimate C) temperature
- 15. a continuous mark; can be straight or curved
A) describe B) face C) line
- 16. to work out, or solve, a problem in your mind; without using paper, pencil or calculator
A) addition B) equation C) mental math
- 17. a set of objects or numbers arranged in order; often in rows and columns
A) surface B) number sentence C) array
- 18. something used to buy goods and services; can be paper or coins
A) money B) angle C) face
- 19. line marked with numbers; may be used to help solve equations
A) number line B) represent C) edge
- 20. mathematical sentence written using numbers and symbols
A) difference B) data C) number sentence
- 21. distance around the outside of a shape
A) duration B) half C) perimeter
- 22. stands for something; may be sign, symbol or object
A) represent B) angle C) compose
- 23. number that remains after subtraction: distance between two numbers
A) estimate B) identify C) difference
- 24. put together, arrange or produce
A) distance B) compose C) temperature
- 25. to make a guess about the size or amount of something
A) edge B) face C) estimate
- 26. length between two points, or places
A) corner B) distance C) identify
- 27. length of time something lasts
A) addition B) array C) duration
- 28. label, classify, describe, determinate
A) difference B) identify C) line
- 29. to write, or tell, about something using details
A) describe B) distance C) corner
- 30. to take one number (or quantity) away from another; the answer is the difference between two numbers
A) addition B) subtract C) data