Computer program
  • 1. A computer program, often referred to as software, is a collection of instructions that enable a computer to perform specific tasks or functions. These instructions are written in a programming language and are executed by the computer's processor to carry out computations, data manipulation, and interaction with hardware components. Computer programs can range from simple scripts that automate routine tasks to complex applications that power operating systems, games, and other software tools. Developing a computer program involves identifying requirements, designing algorithms, coding the program, testing for bugs and errors, and deploying the final product. The field of computer programming is vast and constantly evolving, with new technologies and programming languages emerging to meet the demands of an increasingly digital world.

    Which programming language is commonly used for web development?
A) Java
B) C++
C) JavaScript
D) Python
  • 2. What does 'IDE' stand for in the context of programming?
A) Information Display Exchange
B) Internet Development Engine
C) Interactive Debugging Environment
D) Integrated Development Environment
  • 3. What is a variable in programming?
A) A type of loop statement.
B) A named storage location for data.
C) A hardware component of a computer.
D) A type of computer virus.
  • 4. What is the purpose of a 'loop' in programming?
A) To display an error message.
B) To repeat a block of code multiple times.
C) To define a new function.
D) To declare a variable.
  • 5. What does 'API' stand for in programming?
A) Artificial Performance Indicator
B) Automated Program Interaction
C) All Programming Instances
D) Application Programming Interface
  • 6. What is debugging in programming?
A) Removing all comments from the code.
B) Optimizing code for performance.
C) The process of finding and fixing errors in a program.
D) Creating a new feature in a program.
  • 7. Which symbol is commonly used to denote comments in many programming languages?
A) /*
B) --
C) //
D) #
  • 8. What does 'GUI' stand for in programming context?
A) Graphical User Interface
B) Graphical Update Indicator
C) General Use Instructions
D) Global User Input
  • 9. Which of the following is an example of a high-level programming language?
A) Assembly
B) Python
C) Binary
D) Machine code
  • 10. What does 'HTTP' stand for in web-related programming?
A) Web Communication Standard
B) Data Transfer Syntax
C) Hyperlink Text Protocol
D) Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  • 11. What is an 'array' in programming?
A) A function that receives input and produces output.
B) A type of error in a program.
C) A data structure that stores a collection of elements.
D) A way to organize files on a computer.
  • 12. What does 'OOP' stand for in programming?
A) Order of Precedence
B) Organic Object Protocols
C) Optimal Output Processing
D) Object-Oriented Programming
  • 13. Which of the following is NOT a control structure in programming?
A) Variable
B) Sequence
C) Selection
D) Iteration
  • 14. What is the main function of a 'compiler' in programming?
A) Translates high-level code into machine code.
B) Interprets user input
C) Generates random numbers
D) Analyzes data structures
  • 15. What does 'SQL' stand for in database-related programming?
A) System Query Logic
B) Structured Query Language
C) Structured Quiz Locator
D) Sequential Query Listing
  • 16. Which data structure uses the principle of 'last in, first out'?
A) Heap
B) Stack
C) Linked List
D) Queue
  • 17. What does CSS stand for?
A) Cascading Style Sheets
B) Code Style Syntax
C) Creative Scripting Solutions
D) Computer Software Security
  • 18. Which of the following is a commonly used version control system in software development?
A) Bugzilla
C) Python
D) Git
  • 19. Which of the following is NOT a primitive data type in programming?
A) Boolean
B) Array
C) Integer
D) Character
  • 20. What is the process of finding and fixing errors in a program called?
A) Styling
B) Running
C) Debugging
D) Compiling
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