Mass communication
  • 1. Mass communication refers to the process of exchanging information to a large and diverse audience through various channels such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the internet. It plays a vital role in shaping public opinion, influencing behavior, and spreading awareness on important issues. Mass communication encompasses a wide range of fields including journalism, advertising, public relations, and broadcasting. As society becomes more interconnected, the importance of effective mass communication continues to grow, making it a fundamental element of modern life.

    Which theory suggests that media has a powerful influence on shaping public opinion?
A) Agenda-setting theory
B) Spiral of silence theory
C) Social learning theory
D) Two-step flow theory
  • 2. What is the primary goal of mass communication?
A) To create tailored messages
B) To maintain privacy
C) To persuade individuals
D) To reach a large audience
  • 3. Which of the following is NOT considered a traditional mass media platform?
A) Television
B) Social media
C) Radio
D) Newspapers
  • 4. Which communication theory suggests that individuals selectively expose themselves to media messages?
A) Cultivation theory
B) Uses and gratifications theory
C) Selective exposure theory
D) Social presence theory
  • 5. What is the term for the phenomenon where individuals seek information that aligns with their beliefs and values?
A) Third-person effect
B) Cognitive dissonance
C) Confirmation bias
D) Filter bubble
  • 6. The model that describes communication as a linear process involving a sender, message, channel, receiver, feedback, and noise is known as?
A) Hypodermic needle model
B) Magic bullet theory
C) Shannon-Weaver model
D) Transactional model
  • 7. Which of the following is a form of nonverbal communication?
A) Body language
B) Phone calls
C) Emails
D) Text messages
  • 8. Which term describes the process of sending a message through a medium to a large audience or market?
A) Feedback
B) Selective exposure
C) Broadcasting
D) Personal communication
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