  • 1. Aristotelianism is a philosophical tradition that is based on the teachings and theories of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. It emphasizes the importance of logic, reason, and empirical observation in understanding the natural world and human behavior. Aristotelianism has had a profound influence on Western thought, particularly in the fields of ethics, metaphysics, politics, and science. Aristotle's works cover a wide range of topics, including logic, physics, biology, and ethics, and his ideas continue to be studied and debated by scholars to this day.

    Who is considered the founder of Aristotelianism?
A) Heraclitus
B) Aristotle
C) Socrates
D) Plato
  • 2. What is the concept in Aristotelianism that refers to achieving virtue through moderation?
A) Categorical Imperative
B) Dialectical Materialism
C) Golden Mean
D) Divine Spark
  • 3. Aristotle's theory of knowledge is known as:
A) Rationalism
B) Idealism
C) Pragmatism
D) Empiricism
  • 4. What is the term used in Aristotelian ethics to describe the state of proper functioning and well-being?
A) Eudaimonia
B) Absolutism
C) Epicureanism
D) Utilitarianism
  • 5. Aristotle's concept of 'phronesis' refers to:
A) Transcendental knowledge
B) Practical wisdom
C) Psyche
D) Cosmic harmony
  • 6. Which of the following is one of the key components of Aristotle's view of the universe?
A) Nihilism
B) Solipsism
C) Teleology
D) Determinism
  • 7. What is the term Aristotelianism uses to describe the final cause or ultimate purpose of an object or organism?
A) Analogia Entis
B) Eidos
C) Monad
D) Telos
  • 8. Which ancient philosopher was Aristotle's most famous student?
A) Hippocrates
B) Alcibiades
C) Alexander the Great
D) Alexander of Aphrodisias
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