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Contributed by: Newman
  • 1. What type of animal is a Jerboa?
A) Bird
B) Rodent
C) Amphibian
D) Reptile
  • 2. Where are Jerboas typically found?
A) Deserts
B) Rainforests
C) Mountains
D) Swamps
  • 3. What is the typical color of a Jerboa's fur?
A) White
B) Black
C) Sandy Brown
D) Gray
  • 4. Which sense is highly developed in Jerboas to detect predators?
A) Smell
B) Hearing
C) Taste
D) Sight
  • 5. What is the main social structure of Jerboas?
A) Solitary
B) Colony
C) Pack
D) Herd
  • 6. What makes Jerboas efficient at conserving energy while moving?
A) Long Hind Legs
B) Short Tail
C) Tiny Ears
D) Small Lungs
  • 7. How do Jerboas communicate with each other?
A) Dancing
B) Vocalizations
C) Texting
D) Sign Language
  • 8. Which desert region is known for its diverse Jerboa population?
A) Australian Desert
B) Arabian Desert
C) Sahara Desert
D) Gobi Desert
  • 9. What is the major cause of mortality among Jerboas?
A) Predation
B) Old Age
C) Disease
D) Starvation
  • 10. What is the main purpose of a Jerboa's tail?
A) Heat Regulation
B) Defense
C) Balance
D) Attracting Mates
  • 11. Jerboas are known for their exceptional:
A) Burrowing speed
B) Jumping ability
C) Climbing proficiency
D) Swimming skills
  • 12. How do jerboas avoid predators?
A) Mimicking other animals
B) By jumping quickly
C) Hiding in trees
D) Spraying venom
  • 13. Which order do jerboas belong to?
A) Artiodactyla
B) Primates
C) Carnivora
D) Rodentia
  • 14. What is the main threat to jerboa populations?
A) Disease
B) Habitat loss
C) Climate change
D) Pollution
  • 15. Which family do jerboas belong to?
A) Ursidae
B) Felidae
C) Dipodidae
D) Canidae
  • 16. What time of day are jerboas most active?
A) Afternoon
B) Night
C) Evening
D) Morning
  • 17. In what continent are jerboas primarily found?
A) Africa
B) Australia
C) South America
D) Asia
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