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Sociology of aging
Contributed by: Haigh
  • 1. The sociology of aging is a subfield within sociology that focuses on the social aspects of aging and the elderly population. It examines how individuals experience and navigate the aging process within societal contexts, including issues such as ageism, intergenerational relationships, healthcare access, retirement, and social support systems. Researchers in this field study the impact of social institutions, cultural norms, and economic factors on aging individuals and identify ways to promote healthy and fulfilling aging experiences for older adults.

    What is the study of aging and older adults called?
A) Anthropology
B) Gerontology
C) Sociology
D) Psychology
  • 2. What is the term for a prejudiced view of aging and the elderly?
A) Elderism
B) Stereotyping
C) Ageism
D) Discrimination
  • 3. What is the term for the phenomenon where older adults move south to warmer climates?
A) Aging in place
B) Gerotranscendence
C) Silver tsunami
D) Snowbirding
  • 4. Which government-funded program provides health insurance to Americans aged 65 and older?
A) VA benefits
B) Medicaid
D) Medicare
  • 5. Which social theory posits that as individuals age, they withdraw from society and relationships?
A) Continuity theory
B) Life course perspective
C) Disengagement theory
D) Activity theory
  • 6. What is the most prevalent type of dementia among older adults?
A) Parkinson's disease
B) Alzheimer's disease
C) Vascular dementia
D) Frontotemporal dementia
  • 7. Which type of family caregiver provides care to an elderly relative in their own home?
A) Respite caregiver
B) Professional caregiver
C) Informal caregiver
D) Formal caregiver
  • 8. Which government program provides financial assistance to low-income older adults for living expenses?
A) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
B) Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
C) Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
D) Social Security benefits
  • 9. Which theory of aging posits that older adults who remain active and engaged will have a higher quality of life?
A) Disengagement theory
B) Age stratification theory
C) Activity theory
D) Continuity theory
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