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Contributed by: Odion
  • 1. Identify the synonym of the word in capital letters: The man SHOUTED at the dog.
A) screamed
B) danced
C) played
D) watched
  • 2. Identify the synonym of the word in capital letters: I LOVE going to the cinema.
A) wait
B) cook
C) like
D) move
  • 3. Put "shall" or "will" to complete this sentence: We ________ come for dinner later.
A) will
B) shall
  • 4. Put "shall" or "will" to complete this sentence: Mom ________ make pancakes this morning.
A) shall
B) will
  • 5. The contraction of THEY HAVE is ________
A) Theyha've
B) They've
C) The'yve
D) Theyv'e
  • 6. The contraction of WILL is ________
A) 'll
B) I'll
C) w'ill
D) wil'l
  • 7. The past participle of MISTAKE is ________
A) mistook
B) mistakein
C) mistaken
D) mistaoken
  • 8. The past participle of GO is ________
A) gone
B) went
C) None of the above.
D) go
  • 9. The past tense of FIGHT is ________
A) Fighten
B) Fight
C) fought
D) fioght
  • 10. The past tense of DRAW is ________
A) Drawn
B) Drawer
C) Drew
D) Drawed
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