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C. R. W. Nevinson
Contributed by: Law
  • 1. Which war heavily influenced Nevinson's art style?
A) American Civil War
B) World War II
C) World War I
D) Vietnam War
  • 2. What nationality was C. R. W. Nevinson?
A) Russian
B) German
C) French
D) British
  • 3. In what year was C. R. W. Nevinson born?
A) 1925
B) 1865
C) 1900
D) 1889
  • 4. Which Nevinson artwork is considered one of the most iconic images of World War I?
A) The Persistence of Memory
B) The Scream
C) Starry Night
D) La Mitrailleuse
  • 5. What was the title of Nevinson's autobiography published in 1946?
A) Sketches of Life
B) Paint and Prejudice
C) The Art of War
D) Artistic Journeys
  • 6. In which city was Nevinson initially rejected from military service due to his poor health?
A) Paris
B) Berlin
C) New York
D) London
  • 7. Which of the following was NOT a country where Nevinson exhibited his works?
A) France
B) Russia
C) Germany
D) United States
  • 8. Which contemporary of Nevinson was also known for his war art during World War I?
A) Pablo Picasso
B) Vincent van Gogh
C) Paul Nash
D) Salvador DalĂ­
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