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Chuang WH Spring End of Term
Contributed by: Chuang
  • 1. All of the following were goods from China that the British wanted except
A) Porcelain
B) Tea
C) Silk
D) Opium
  • 2. Where was the opium grown that the British shipped into China?
A) Columbia
B) Japan
C) India
D) Korea
  • 3. What island became British property because of the Opium War?
A) Hong Kong
B) Japan
C) Formosa
D) Catalina
  • 4. What was the name of the secret organization whose popular name was "Boxer?"
A) the Group of United Fighter
B) the Society of United Fighters
C) the group of Harmonious Hands
D) the Society of Harmonious Fists
  • 5. The Boxers
A) engaged in a program that strengthened the Imperial government.
B) were invincible to bullets.
C) wanted foreigners to leave China.
D) favored Chinese Christian converts.
  • 6. The Open Door Policy was proposed by John Hay of
A) the United States
B) Great Britain
C) Russia
D) China
  • 7. Who commanded the American fleet that sailed into Edo Bay in the Summer of 1853?
A) Millard Fillmore
B) Matthew Perry
C) Chandler Bing
D) Theodore Roosevelt
  • 8. Japan began the war with Russia in 1904 by a sneak attack on
A) Tokyo
B) Pearl Harbor
C) Port Arthur
D) Moscow
  • 9. What award did President Theodore Roosevelt win for his role in ending the Russo-Japanese War?
A) Congressional Medal of Freedom
B) Academy Award
C) Nobel Peace Prize
D) Croix de Guerre
  • 10. Threatening to go to war in order to achieve one's goals is known as
A) Conscription
B) Brinksmanship
C) Mobilization
D) Utilization
  • 11. Mandatory military service, where everyone has to join the army is called
A) conscription
B) mobilization
C) utilization
D) brinksmanship
  • 12. The assembling and making troops and supplies ready for war is called
A) brinksmanship
B) conscription
C) utilization
D) mobilization
  • 13. Germany, Austrio-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire were known as the
A) Central Powers
B) League of Nations
C) The Big Three
D) Allied Powers
  • 14. Great Britain, France, and Russia were called
A) League of Nations
B) Allied Powers
C) Central Powers
D) The Big Three
  • 15. The assassination of what archduke precipitated the war?
A) William II
B) Franz Ferdinand
C) Bismarck
D) Schlieffen
  • 16. The United States entered World War I for all of the following reasons except
A) Germany's use of poison gas
B) Germany's efforts to make Mexico an ally against the US.
C) Germany's submarine blockade of Britain
D) the sinking of American ships by German U-Boats
  • 17. Allies are bound to
A) go to war to support each other
B) pay for the cheeseburgers
C) buy and sell goods amongst each other.
D) negotiate peace settlements
  • 18. All of the following were major part of the fighting World War I except
A) poison gas
B) trenches
C) machine gun
D) cavalry charge
  • 19. Britain declared war on Germany when
A) Germany declared war on Russia
B) the Germany Army invaded France
C) Turkey and Bulgaria joined the Central Powers.
D) the Germans invaded neutral Belgium
  • 20. The area between enemy lines is called
A) No Man's Land
C) trenches
D) Ghetto
  • 21. Which of the following was NOT one of the Big Three powers during the writing of the Treaty of Versailles?
A) Germany
B) France
C) Great Britain
D) United States
  • 22. The nation the Treaty of Versailles blamed for starting the war was
A) Germany
B) Austria
C) Mexico
D) Serbia
  • 23. The main purpose of the League of Nations was
A) to plan for world disarmament
B) to enforce the Treaty of Versaillles
C) to support peace by solving conflict through negotiations
D) to aid postwar reconstruction
  • 24. The League failed to keep the peace because
A) Japan was not a member
B) The US was not a member
C) Russia was a member
D) Germany was not a member
  • 25. The leader of the Russian Provisional Government was
A) Boris Badenov
B) Lenin
C) Alexander Kerensky
D) Josef Stalin
  • 26. The name of the Russian Communists was
A) Menshaviks
B) Stolichnaya
C) Bolsheviks
D) White Russians
  • 27. Which Russian leader promised "Peace, Land and Bread"?
A) Alexander Kerensky
B) Karl Marx
C) Alexander II
D) V. Lenin
  • 28. The political philosopher who created modern communism was
A) V. Lenin
B) Che Guevera
C) John Maynerd Keynes
D) Karl Marx
  • 29. The "haves" are the
A) Bourgeois
B) Pupil
C) Proletariet
D) Labor
  • 30. Under the communist system, who controlled industry in Russia?
A) government
B) workers
C) Duma
D) president of Russia
  • 31. What country controlled Colonial India?
A) Great Britain
B) Holland
C) France
D) United States
  • 32. The main leader of Indian independence movement was
A) Mohandas Gandhi
B) Jawaharlal Nehru
C) Muhammed Jinnah
D) Apu Nahimapasphet
  • 33. Which of the following was NOT one of Gandhi's principles?
A) Battle injustice in all forms, using force if necessary.
B) Spend life in the service of others.
C) Be tolerant of all religious beliefs.
D) Live simply, never seeking material rewards
  • 34. How would Gandhi complete this sentence? "For that cause (Indian civil rights) I am willing to die, however there is no cause for which I am willing to _____"
A) starve
B) fight
C) tuck my shirt in
D) kill
  • 35. Who was the Russian Czar during the Russian Revolution?
A) Peter the First
B) Ivan the Terrible
C) Nicholas II
D) Alexander II
  • 36. Leader in the Chinese Communist Revolution?
A) Mao Zedong
B) V. Lenin
C) Old Major
D) Tojo
  • 37. Which leader founded the Republic of China?
A) Chiang Kai-Shek
B) Benito Mussolini
C) Mao Zedong
D) Sun Yat-Sen
  • 38. Who was the leader of the Italian Fascist Party?
A) Benito Mussolini
B) Victor Emmanuel
C) Alberto Tomba
D) Al Capone
  • 39. What book did Hitler write?
A) Mein Kampf
B) Fast Food Nation
C) Naziraum
D) Mein Hausen
  • 40. France and Britain _________ against the aggressive moves of Hitler and Mussolini in Munich.
A) complained to the League of Nations.
B) took no effective action
C) took strong action
D) fought
  • 41. Hitler violated the Versailles Treaty when he sent troops into
A) Austria
B) Denmark
C) Czechoslovakia
D) the Rhineland
  • 42. Britain and France declared war on Germany after Hitler took over
A) El Monte
B) Czechoslovakia
C) Poland
D) Austria
  • 43. What two countries pledged not to attack each other in 1939, a pledge that shocked the world?
A) Britain and Germany
B) Germany and the Soviet Union
C) Japan and Mexico
D) Germany and Japan
  • 44. In June 1940, who surrendered to Germany?
A) Britain
B) Italy
C) the Soviet Union
D) France
  • 45. The Battle of Britain was fought primarily
A) on the sea
B) in the air
C) on the ground
D) underwater
  • 46. What helped the Soviet Army fight the Germany?
A) the US Air Force
B) harsh winter weather
C) a system of trenches
  • 47. The immediate cause for the US to enter World War II was
A) Germany's attack on Poland
B) Japan's bombing of Pearl Harbor
C) Japan's invasion of the Philippines
D) Russia's attack on China
  • 48. World War II began in 1939 and ended in
A) 1944
B) 1942
C) 1945
D) 2013
E) 1948
  • 49. The Holocaust is the name given to
A) the fire bombing of Europe's cities
B) the death of prisoners of war in Japanese Death Marches
C) Nazi destruction of Jews
D) Hitler's Blitzkrieg
  • 50. On December 7, 1941 Japan attacked the American fleet at
A) Pearl Harbor
B) the Coral Sea
C) San Diego
D) the Philippines
  • 51. What did the Nazis use to kill for "the Final Solution"?
A) Raid
B) Zyclon B Gas
C) machine guns
D) cyanide
  • 52. Where did the US drop the first atomic bomb in 1945?
A) Berlin
B) Nagasaki
C) Rome
D) Hiroshima
  • 53. Which of the following does NOT describe Hitler's Germany, Mussolini's Italy and Stalin's Russia?
A) They were all totalitarian governments
B) All three nations wanted to expand their borders.
C) They had communist governments
D) Political opponents were killed in each state.
  • 54. The largest of the German Concentration Camps was
A) Dachau
B) Bataan
C) Ghetto
D) Aushwitz
  • 55. The two superpowers in the world after 1945 were
A) The United States and the Soviet Union
B) France and the United States
C) The Soviet Union and China
D) The United States and Great Britain
  • 56. Which of these was a subject on which the leaders of the Allied nations disagreed?
A) the kinds of government in Eastern Europe
B) to hold a meeting at Yalta in 1945
C) the creation of a United Nations
  • 57. The General Assembly of the United Nations:
A) is made up of every country in the UN
B) is made up of mostly European members
C) controls the world
D) has only 15 members
  • 58. The Marshall Plan did not:
A) supply military aid to Greece and Turkey.
B) provide money to build up the economies of Western Europe
C) try to prevent the spread of communism
  • 59. A plan for massive economic aid after World War II was called
A) Social Security
B) The Marshall Plan
C) the Truman Show
D) the doomsday machine
  • 60. Who set up a Soviet sponsored Communist country in Cuba?
A) Fulgencio Bautista
B) Fidel Castro
C) Imre Nagy
D) Juan Peron
  • 61. What organization was formed to militarily defend Western Europe from Communism?
B) League of Nations
C) G.I. Joe
D) Missile Command
  • 62. The discovery of ________ in Cuba brought the world close to Nuclear War.
A) tanks
B) russian spies
C) oil
D) missiles
  • 63. The American policy of trying to prevent the spread of communism by military and economic aid was called
A) militarism
B) isolationism
C) brinksmanship
D) containment
  • 64. The _______ symbolized the division between the Comnmunist East and the Democratic West.
A) Brandenburg Gate
B) Border Fence
C) Rio Grande
D) Berlin Wall
  • 65. The struggle between the US and the Soviet Union was called the __________ because there was no formal war.
A) World War III
B) Blank Struggle
C) Cold War
D) Phony War
  • 66. Fighting between the US and the Soviet Union was limited to using smaller countries called
A) straw men
B) proxies
C) shadow cabinets
D) tin men
  • 67. The idea that neither side will attack because both have weapons is called
A) utilization
B) chicken
C) brinksmanship
D) deterrance
  • 68. The arms race between the US and the Soviet Union was justified on the basis of Mutual Assured Destruction which means
A) You attack me, you die
B) No one is strong enough to attack
C) Destroy all weapons
D) If attacked, everyone dies
  • 69. After years of spending money on arms and weapons
A) The Soviet Union was near bankruptcy
B) The US was winning
C) The Soviet Union was winning
D) The United States couldn't build any more.
  • 70. Who was the American president who challenged Russia to "tear down this wall!"
A) Bill Clinton
B) John F. Kennedy
C) Franklin D. Roosevelt
D) Ronald Reagan
  • 71. The Russian leader who promoted glasnost and perestroika was
A) Ronald Reagan
B) Joe Stalin
C) Mikhail Gorbachev
D) Boris Yeltsin
  • 72. The mayor of Moscow who confronted hard-liners in 1991 and ended communism was
A) Boris Yeltsin
B) Yuri Andropov
C) Josef Stalin
D) V. Lenin
  • 73. Palestine was the ancestral home of the
A) Serbians
B) Jews
C) Arabs
D) Chinese
  • 74. The ancestor of the Jews was which of Abraham's sons?
A) Abraham Jr.
B) Isaac
C) Moishe
D) Ismael
  • 75. Under the partition plan of Palestine, which country belonged to the Arabs?
A) Israel
B) Jerusalem
C) Jordan
D) Belize
  • 76. What city in Palestine is holy to both sides?
A) Jerusalem
B) Istanbul
C) Tel Aviv
D) Huntington Park
  • 77. What Arab organization turned to terrorism to fight for Arab rights?
A) Al Qaida
C) Black Hand
  • 78. The world experienced terrorism first hand when the PLO attacked Israelis at the
A) Super Bowl
B) World Chess Championship
C) Summer Olympic games
D) World Cup
  • 79. Which Arab country was the first to make peace with Israel?
A) Morocco
B) Jordan
C) Egypt
D) Syria
  • 80. Which US President brought Arab and Israeli leaders together in 1976?
A) Jimmy Carter
B) Barack Obama
C) Ronald Reagan
D) Theodore Roosevelt
  • 81. Who was the first President of the Palestinian state?
A) Yasser Arafat
B) Mahmoud Abbas
C) Barack Obama
D) Mr. Zaidi
  • 82. In 2007, the Palestinians divided into tow parts. Which party took control of Gaza?
A) Tea Party
B) Fatah
C) Hamas
D) Zionists
  • 83. In 2007, which party took control of the West Bank?
A) Hamas
B) Republicans
C) Fatah
D) Baath
  • 84. Who wrote the book "Civil Disobedience" which inspired Gandhi?
A) Martin Luther King Jr.
B) Cesar Chavez
C) Henry David Thoreau
D) Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 85. Gandhi believed in a "moral force" he called
A) Karma
B) Civil Disobedience
C) Satyahgraha
D) Passive Resistance
  • 86. In India, civil disobedience involved all of the following except
A) Sit-ins
B) Strikes
C) terrorism
D) boycotts
  • 87. In India and Pakistan, feelings of nationalism arer intertwined with religious conflict between
A) Christians and Muslims
B) Muslims and Hindus
C) Buddhists and Hindus
D) Taoist and Buddhists
  • 88. The Arab Oil Embargo against the United States in 1973 was initiated because of US support for
A) Iraq in its conflict with Iran
B) Israel in the Yom Kippur War
C) Greece in its conflict with Turkey
D) Egypt in the Suez Crisis
  • 89. The Soviet Union dealt with uprisings in Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia during the 1950s and 1960s by
A) privatizing industrial enterprises.
B) permitting greater democratic reforms in governments
C) taking over direct rule of these countries.
D) crushing the uprisings with military force.
  • 90. What resource makes the Middle East important to the rest of the world?
A) Diamonds
B) Dates
C) Petroleum
D) Saffron
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