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Late 19th century to the Great War
Contributed by: Ferguson
  • 1. "We shall make war together, make peace together," Zimmerman wrote in a note as Germany allegedly proposed an alliance with . . .
A) Mexico
B) Italy
C) Canada
D) Japan
  • 2. The members of the Triple Entente were
A) France, Great Britain and Russia
B) Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary
C) Germany, France and Serbia
D) Great Britian, Italy and Spain
  • 3. This nation saw itself as the protector of the Slavic peoples and opposed the Austro-Hungarian rulers in the Balkans
A) France
B) Ottoman Empire
C) Germany
D) Russia
  • 4. In 1914 what was the official U.S. position in regard to teh war in Europe?
A) Supported the Triple Entente
B) Supported the Triple Alliance
C) Wanted to move away from the idea of isolationism
D) Neutrality
  • 5. Some European leaders believed that war could be prevented by . . .
A) Unilateral disarmament
B) Empires relinquishing control of African colonies
C) the alliances of European countries creating a balance of power
D) negotiations facilitated through the neutral offices of the Red Cross
  • 6. What was an important political outcome of World War I?
A) The overthrow of monarchies across Europe
B) The overthrow of Bolsheviks in Russia
C) The resolution of tensions over colonialism in the Middle eAst and Southeast Asia
D) the settlement and of territorial disputes and the reinstatement of the pre-war map of Europe
  • 7. What was President Wilson's plan for a just and lasting peace?
A) the League of Peace
B) The Treaty of Versailles
C) the Fourteen points
D) the Big Four
  • 8. The event that triggered a U.S. declaration of war on Spain in 1898 was . . .
A) Dewey's attack on the Philippines
B) because of an explosion on the USS Maine
C) the de Lome letter
D) the death of Jose Marti
  • 9. What was the purpose of the Committe on Public Information?
A) to convince Americans to support World War I
B) to convince Europeans of America's military might
C) to convince Americans to stay away from places where they would be exposed to influenza
D) to convince Americans to join the League of Nations
  • 10. How did Americans view the Cuban revolt against Spain?
A) Americans sympathized with Spain
B) President McKinley was pressured to enter the conflict as soon as it began
C) Americans had little interest in the struggle and Spanish Empire
D) Americans sympathized with the Cubans, due in part to sensationalized American journalism of the harsh treatment of Cuban citizens
  • 11. The U.S. government borrowed more than 24 billion dollars from the American people through . . .
A) income taxes
B) the federal reserve banks
C) the War Industries Board
D) the sale of Liberty bonds
  • 12. Two popular ideologies contributed to imperialism: a sense of nationalism and . . .
A) a belief in democracy
B) a belief in transcendentalism
C) a spirit of cooperation
D) a feeling of cultural superiority
  • 13. Why did the United States support Panamanian Rebels bid for independance from Columbia?
A) The U.S. felt sympathy for Panama
B) The U.S. wanted to imperialize Panama
C) the U.S. wanted to give Panama its independance like they had Cuba
D) The U.S. wanted the control over building of teh Panama Canal
  • 14. President Theodore Roosevelt wanted to build the Panama Canal to shorten travel time between . .
A) Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean
B) Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico
C) Atlantic Ocean and West Indies
D) Panama and Columbia
  • 15. By the late 1800s industrialized Western nations such as Great Britain, France and Germany looked to Africa, Asia and Latin America for new customers, places to invest and . . .
A) capital
B) workers
C) raw materials
D) ideas
  • 16. The nation that emerged as the overriding economic world power at the end of World War I was . . .
A) Russia
B) France
C) The United States
D) Great Britain
  • 17. Between 1918 and 1919, 500,000 Americans lost thier lives because of . . .
A) submarine warfare
B) battlefield casualties
C) The Spanish influenza
D) poison gas
  • 18. Social Darwinism encouraged people in industrialized nations to believe that . . .
A) economic soundness resulted from cooperating with and showing respect for other nations
B) they were inferior to people who lived in less-developed countries
C) evolution impacted the culture of a nations's inhabitants as much as it did the adaptation of species
D) they were superior to people who lived in less-developed countries
  • 19. How did President Wilson's vision differ from that of the other world leaders at the Paris Peace Conference?
A) Premier Clemenceau thougth Germany should not pay war reparations, but President Wilson thought it should
B) President Wilson was opposed to ethnic groups having self-determination
C) President Wilson wanted a treaty that stressed openness, fair trade, and fewer weapons but other leaders wanted to punish Germany for starting the war
D) President Wilson wanted to punish Germany for its role in the war, but the leaders of other Allied nations did not agree
  • 20. Which nations comprised the Central Powers?
A) United States, France and Britian
B) Britain, France and Russia
C) German Empire, Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Empire
D) German Empire, France and Britain
  • 21. How did the Bolshevik's takover of Russia in 1917 directly impact the war effort?
A) Americans will declare war on Russia because they hate Communists
B) The Allies will reinforces troops on the Eastern Front
C) The Central Powers will be able to focus solely on the Western Front
D) It will lead Central Powers to surrender
  • 22. In the late 1800s American expansionists were interested in Hawaii as a potential . .
A) coaling station and naval base
B) tourist attraction
C) fiftieth state
D) fishing site
  • 23. How will yellow journalism impact America's perception of the Cuban bid for independance?
A) Newspapers convinced Americans it was none of our business
B) Newspapers presented exaggerated stories and only presented the Cuban perspective leading Americans to support the rebels
C) Newspapers presented only the Spanish perspective leading Americans to suuport Spain
  • 24. What was dollar diplomacy?
A) The diplomatic tool of making other countries our protectorate
B) The diplomatic tool of guarteeing American loans and investments in Central and South American countries to promote American policy goals
C) The diplomatic tool of using military force to keep European Powers of of the Western Hemisphere
D) The diplomatic tool of taking over other countries for their own good
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