Journeys Spelling Lesson 8 2nd
  • 1. Choose the correctly spelled word.
A) chase
B) chaes
C) chais
D) chace
  • 2. Choose the correctly spelled word.
A) tahn
B) thann
C) than
D) thahn
  • 3. Choose the correctly spelled word.
A) puhs
B) push
C) pusch
D) puch
  • 4. Choose the correctly spelled word.
A) shin
B) shine
C) chine
D) schine
  • 5. Choose the correctly spelled word.
A) dishe
B) dich
C) dish
D) disch
  • 6. Choose the correctly spelled word.
A) chest
B) cheest
C) cheast
D) chehst
  • 7. Choose the correctly spelled word.
A) whick
B) whitch
C) which
D) wich
  • 8. Choose the correctly spelled word.
A) flach
B) flash
C) flasch
D) falash
  • 9. Choose the correctly spelled word.
A) whight
B) wight
C) wite
D) white
  • 10. Choose the correctly spelled word.
A) thin
B) thinn
C) thihn
D) thenn
  • 11. Choose the correctly spelled word.
A) thease
B) theze
C) thees
D) these
  • 12. Choose the correctly spelled word.
A) sutch
B) sush
C) sucsh
D) such
  • 13. Choose the correctly spelled word.
A) whyll
B) whyle
C) wile
D) while
  • 14. Choose the correctly spelled word.
A) then
B) thenn
C) thyn
D) thinn
  • 15. Choose the correctly spelled word.
A) cach
B) catche
C) catch
D) cetch
  • 16. Choose the correctly spelled word.
A) thumbe
B) thumm
C) thuhm
D) thumb
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