Journeys Spelling Lesson 1 2nd
  • 1. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) sad
B) sahd
C) sadd
D) saad
  • 2. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) dihg
B) diig
C) dig
D) digg
  • 3. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) jamm
B) jahm
C) jam
D) jaam
  • 4. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) glad
B) glaad
C) glahd
D) gladd
  • 5. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) lisst
B) listt
C) lihst
D) list
  • 6. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) win
B) wihn
C) winn
D) wihnn
  • 7. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) flaat
B) flaht
C) flatt
D) flat
  • 8. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) iif
B) if
C) ihf
D) iff
  • 9. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) fix
B) fiks
C) fixx
D) fiix
  • 10. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) rip
B) riihp
C) ripp
D) rihp
  • 11. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) kit
B) kitt
C) kiht
D) kihtt
  • 12. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) masc
B) mask
C) mahsk
D) masck
  • 13. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) ahz
B) ase
C) as
D) ahs
  • 14. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) hiis
B) his
C) hiz
D) hisz
  • 15. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) sandewich
B) sandwhich
C) sanndwhich
D) sandwich
  • 16. Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
A) piknik
B) picnic
C) picknick
D) picknic
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